Martin Christoph Hierholzer authored
- extended the trigger tests - removed some debug output
Martin Christoph Hierholzer authored- extended the trigger tests - removed some debug output
ScalarAccessor.h 4.93 KiB
* ScalarAccessor.h
* Created on: Jun 07, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <string>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include "Accessor.h"
/** Macros to declare a scalar variable/accessor more easily. The call to this macro must be placed inside the
* class definiton of an ApplicationModule.
* UserType is the data type of the variable.
* name will be the C++ symbol name of the variable accessor. It will be of the type ChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor<UserType>
* unit is the engineering unit as a character constant.
* mode can be either ChimeraTK::UpdateMode::push or ChimeraTK::UpdateMode::poll, deciding whether a call to read()
* will block until new data is available (push) or just return the latest value (poll, might not be fully realtime
* capable). */
#define SCALAR_INPUT(UserType, name, unit, mode) \
ChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor<UserType> name{this, #name, ChimeraTK::VariableDirection::consuming, unit, mode}
#define SCALAR_OUTPUT(UserType, name, unit) \
ChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor<UserType> name{this, #name, ChimeraTK::VariableDirection::feeding, unit, \
namespace ChimeraTK {
/** Accessor for scalar variables (i.e. single values). */
template< typename UserType >
class ScalarAccessor : public Accessor<UserType> {
ScalarAccessor(ApplicationModule *owner, const std::string &name, VariableDirection direction, std::string unit,
UpdateMode mode)
: Accessor<UserType>(owner, name, direction, unit, mode)
/** Read an input variable. In case of an output variable, an exception will be thrown. This function will block
* the calling thread until the variable has been read. If the UpdateMode::push flag has been set when creating
* the accessor, this function will wait until a new value has been provided to the variable. If a new value is
* already available before calling this function, the function will be non-blocking and lock-free. */
void read() {
if(Accessor<UserType>::_mode == UpdateMode::push) {
while(impl->receive() == false) { /// @todo TODO proper blocking implementation
else {
/// @todo TODO empty the queue to always receive the latest value
/** Check if an input variable has new data. In case of an output variable, an exception will be thrown. If the
* wait_for_new_data access mode flag was not provided when creating the accessor, this function will return
* always false. */
//bool hasNewData(); /// @todo TODO right now impossible to implement...
/** Write an output variable. In case of an input variable, an exception will be thrown. This function never
* blocks and is always implemented in a lock-free manner. */
void write() {
/** Implicit type conversion to user type T to access the first element (often the only element).
* This covers already a lot of operations like arithmetics and comparison */
operator UserType() {
return impl->get();
/** Assignment operator */
ScalarAccessor<UserType>& operator=(UserType rightHandSide) {
return *this;
/** Pre-increment operator */
ScalarAccessor<UserType>& operator++() {
return *this;
/** Pre-decrement operator */
ScalarAccessor<UserType>& operator--() {
return *this;
/** Post-increment operator */
UserType operator++(int) {
UserType temp = impl->get();
return temp;
/** Post-decrement operator */
UserType operator--(int) {
UserType temp = impl->get();
return temp;
bool isInitialised() const {
return impl != nullptr;
void useProcessVariable(const boost::shared_ptr<ProcessVariable> &var) {
impl = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< ProcessScalar<UserType> >(var);
if(!impl) {
throw std::string("ProcessVariable of the wrong type provided, cannot be used as the implementation!"); // @todo TODO throw proper exception
boost::shared_ptr< ProcessScalar<UserType> > impl;
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */