"git@gitlab.desy.de:detectorsoftware/libagipdctrl.git" did not exist on "bc3054cb7fb2bc22c371d4266e942a32d665499e"
Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredMartin Christoph Hierholzer authored
testExceptionHandling.cc 42.94 KiB
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testExceptionHandling
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstring>
#include <future>
#include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/NDRegisterAccessor.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/ExceptionDummyBackend.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/DummyRegisterAccessor.h>
#include "Application.h"
#include "ApplicationModule.h"
#include "ControlSystemModule.h"
#include "DeviceModule.h"
#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
#include "TestFacility.h"
#include "check_timeout.h"
#include "fixtures.h"
using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
using Fixture = fixture_with_poll_and_push_input<false>;
* This test suite checks behavior on a device related runtime error.
* Verify the framework creates fault indicator process variables for a device.
* These are mapped on the control system as:
* - /Devices/<device_alias or cdd>/status
* - /Devices/<device_alias or cdd>/message
* A runtime errror on <device_alias> changes status to 1, with a non empty message
* string.
* \anchor testExceptionHandling_b_2_1 \ref exceptionHandling_b_2_1 "B.2.1"
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(runtimeErrorHandling_testFaultReporting, Fixture) {
std::cout << "runtimeErrorHandling_testFaultReporting" << std::endl;
// These are instantiated in the fixture:
// status -> /Devices/(ExceptionDummy:1?map=test.map)/status
// message -> /Devices/(ExceptionDummy:1?map=test.map)/message
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<std::string>(message), "");
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = true;
application.pollModule.pollInput.read(); // causes device exception
CHECK_TIMEOUT(status.readNonBlocking() == true, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(message.readNonBlocking() == true, 10000);
BOOST_CHECK(static_cast<std::string>(message) != "");
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = false;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(status.readNonBlocking() == true, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(message.readNonBlocking() == true, 10000);
BOOST_CHECK(static_cast<std::string>(message) == "");
* Read from a device in error, using pollType Process Variable.
* Expected behavior:
* - Calls to read are skipped till the device recovers.
* - The first skipped read request:
* - Sets the process variable data validity flag to faulty
* - Generates a new version number.
* \anchor testExceptionHandling_b_2_2_3 \ref exceptionHandling_b_2_2_3 "B.2.2.3"
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(runtimeErrorHandling_testPolledRead, Fixture) {
std::cout << "runtimeErrorHandling_testPolledRead" << std::endl;
// initialize to known value in deviceBackend register
write(exceptionDummyRegister, 100);
// verify normal operation
auto versionNumberBeforeRuntimeError = pollVariable.getVersionNumber();
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pollVariable, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(pollVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok);
// Behavior on Runtime error on device:
write(exceptionDummyRegister, 10);
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = true;
// Proceed only after device is gone down.
CHECK_TIMEOUT(isDeviceInError() == true, 10000);
auto versionNumberOnRuntimeError = pollVariable.getVersionNumber();
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pollVariable, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(pollVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::faulty);
BOOST_CHECK(versionNumberOnRuntimeError > versionNumberBeforeRuntimeError);
// Behavior on device recovery
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = false;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(isDeviceInError() == false, 10000);
auto versionNumberAfterRecovery = pollVariable.getVersionNumber();
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(pollVariable, 10);
BOOST_CHECK(pollVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok);
BOOST_CHECK(versionNumberAfterRecovery > versionNumberOnRuntimeError);
* Read from a device in error using a pushType Process Variable (PV)
* Expected Behavior:
* - First call on pushType PV read is skipped. This:
* - Generates a new version number
* - Sets PV data validity flag to faulty.
* - The subsequent call on read blocks till device recovery.
* \anchor testExceptionHandling_b_2_2_4_a \ref exceptionHandling_b_2_2_4 "B.2.2.4"
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(runtimeErrorHandling_testPushTypeRead, Fixture) {
std::cout << "runtimeErrorHandling_testPushTypeRead" << std::endl;
write(exceptionDummyRegister, 100);
ctk::VersionNumber versionBeforeRuntimeError = {};
deviceBackend->triggerPush(ctk::RegisterPath("REG1/PUSH_READ"), versionBeforeRuntimeError);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.getVersionNumber() == versionBeforeRuntimeError);
// Behavior on Runtime error on device:
// - push input read is skipped.
write(exceptionDummyRegister, 10);
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = true;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::faulty);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.getVersionNumber() > versionBeforeRuntimeError);
// - subsequent push input reads should be frozen
auto f = std::async(std::launch::async, [&]() { pushVariable.read(); });
// FIXME: is there a better way to confirm read is frozen?
auto future_status = f.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
BOOST_CHECK(future_status == std::future_status::timeout);
// - Remove Runtime Error
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = false;
BOOST_CHECK(f.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(10)) == std::future_status::ready);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable, 10);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok);
* Test reaNonblocking from a device in error using a push type Process
* Variable
* Expected Behavior:
* - First call to readNonBlocking after device error:
* - Returns true.
* - Generates a new version number.
* - Sets Process Variable data validity to faulty
* - Subsequent calls till recovery are skipped and return false.
* \anchor testExceptionHandling_b_2_2_4_b \ref exceptionHandling_b_2_2_4 "B.2.2.4"
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(runtimeErrorHandling_testPushTypeReadNonBlocking, Fixture) {
std::cout << "runtimeErrorHandling_testPushTypeReadNonBlocking" << std::endl;
// precondition: no pending data to be read on the push type variable
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable.readNonBlocking(), false);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok);
// On runtime error
// - return true.
// - generates a new version number.
write(exceptionDummyRegister, 100);
ctk::VersionNumber version = {};
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = true;
deviceBackend->triggerPush(ctk::RegisterPath("REG1/PUSH_READ"), version);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(pushVariable.readNonBlocking() == true, 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_NE(pushVariable, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::faulty);
auto versionNumberOnRuntimeError = pushVariable.getVersionNumber();
BOOST_CHECK(versionNumberOnRuntimeError > version);
// subsequent calls to readNonBlocking on runtime error are skipped.
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable.readNonBlocking(), false);
BOOST_CHECK(versionNumberOnRuntimeError == pushVariable.getVersionNumber());
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::faulty);
// On recovery
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = false;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(pushVariable.readNonBlocking() == true, 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.getVersionNumber() > versionNumberOnRuntimeError);
* Test readLatest from a device in error using a push type Process
* Variable
* Expected Behavior:
* - First call to readLatest after device error:
* - Returns true.
* - Generates a new version number.
* - Sets Process Variable data validity to faulty
* - Subsequent calls till recovery are skipped and return false.
* \anchor testExceptionHandling_b_2_2_4_c \ref exceptionHandling_b_2_2_4 "B.2.2.4"
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(runtimeErrorHandling_testPushTypeReadLatest, Fixture) {
std::cout << "runtimeErrorHandling_testPushTypeReadLatest" << std::endl;
// precondition: no pending data to be read on the push type
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable.readLatest(), false);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable, 0);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok);
// On runtime error
// - return true.
// - generates a new version number.
write(exceptionDummyRegister, 100);
ctk::VersionNumber version = {};
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = true;
deviceBackend->triggerPush(ctk::RegisterPath("REG1/PUSH_READ"), version);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(pushVariable.readLatest() == true, 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_NE(pushVariable, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::faulty);
auto versionNumberOnRuntimeError = pushVariable.getVersionNumber();
BOOST_CHECK(versionNumberOnRuntimeError > version);
// subsequent calls to readLatest on runtime error are skipped.
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable.readLatest(), false);
BOOST_CHECK(versionNumberOnRuntimeError == pushVariable.getVersionNumber());
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::faulty);
// On recovery
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = false;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(pushVariable.readLatest() == true, 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushVariable, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok);
BOOST_CHECK(pushVariable.getVersionNumber() > versionNumberOnRuntimeError);
* Verify write operations are written asynchronously on device recovery.
* \anchor testExceptionHandling_b_2_3_1 \ref exceptionHandling_b_2_3_1 "B.2.3.1"
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(runtimeErrorHandling_testWrite, Fixture) {
std::cout << "runtimeErrorHandling_testWrite" << std::endl;
// trigger runtime error
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = true;
// write when device is faulty
outputVariable = 100;
100000); // some time for the data to propagate. Not very long, but we are testing for nothing to happen, so what else can we do?
BOOST_CHECK_NE(read<int>(exceptionDummyRegister), 100);
// Recover
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = false;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(isDeviceInError() == false, 10000);
// see value reflected on recovery
CHECK_EQUAL_TIMEOUT(read<int>(exceptionDummyRegister), 100, 10000);
* Test multiple calls to Process Variable write, when device is in error.
* Expected Behavior:
* - First call to write returns false, indicating no data loss
* - Subsequent calls replaces the last written value with the new one; this write returns true (
* the old value is lost).
* - On recovery, the latest value written, is restored to the device.
* \anchor testExceptionHandling_b_2_3_3 \ref exceptionHandling_b_2_3_3 "B.2.3.3"
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(runtimeErrorHandling_testMultipleWrites, Fixture) {
std::cout << "runtimeErrorHandling_testMultipleWrites" << std::endl;
// trigger runtime error
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = true;
// multiple writes on faulty device.
outputVariable = 100;
auto testval = outputVariable.write();
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(testval, false);
outputVariable = 101;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(outputVariable.write(), true); // data lost
// Recover
deviceBackend->throwExceptionRead = false;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(isDeviceInError() == false, 10000);
// see value reflected on recovery
CHECK_EQUAL_TIMEOUT(read<int>(exceptionDummyRegister), 101, 10000);
constexpr char ExceptionDummyCDD1[] = "(ExceptionDummy:1?map=test3.map)";
constexpr char ExceptionDummyCDD2[] = "(ExceptionDummy:2?map=test3.map)";
constexpr char ExceptionDummyCDD3[] = "(ExceptionDummy:3?map=test4.map)";
/* dummy application */
struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
void defineConnections() {} // the setup is done in the tests
ctk::DeviceModule dev1{this, ExceptionDummyCDD1};
ctk::DeviceModule dev2{this, ExceptionDummyCDD2};
ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
struct OutputModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
OutputModule(EntityOwner* owner, const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
ctk::HierarchyModifier hierarchyModifier = ctk::HierarchyModifier::none,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, hierarchyModifier, tags), mainLoopStarted(2) {}
ctk::ScalarPushInput<int32_t> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "I wait for this to start."};
ctk::ScalarOutput<int32_t> actuator{this, "actuator", "", "This is where I write to."};
void mainLoop() override {
actuator = int32_t(trigger);
// We do not use testable mode for this test, so we need this barrier to synchronise to the beginning of the
// mainLoop(). This is required to make sure the initial value propagation is done.
// execute this right after the Application::run():
// app.testModule.mainLoopStarted.wait(); // make sure the module's mainLoop() is entered
boost::barrier mainLoopStarted;
struct InputModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
InputModule(EntityOwner* owner, const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
ctk::HierarchyModifier hierarchyModifier = ctk::HierarchyModifier::none,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, hierarchyModifier, tags), mainLoopStarted(2) {}
ctk::ScalarPushInput<int32_t> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "I wait for this to start."};
ctk::ScalarPollInput<int32_t> readback{this, "readback", "", "Just going to read something."};
void mainLoop() override {
// I am not doing anything with the read values, but still a useful test (we do not get here anyway)
// We do not use testable mode for this test, so we need this barrier to synchronise to the beginning of the
// mainLoop(). This is required to make sure the initial value propagation is done.
// execute this right after the Application::run():
// app.testModule.mainLoopStarted.wait(); // make sure the module's mainLoop() is entered
boost::barrier mainLoopStarted;
struct RealisticModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
RealisticModule(EntityOwner* owner, const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
ctk::HierarchyModifier hierarchyModifier = ctk::HierarchyModifier::none,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, hierarchyModifier, tags), mainLoopStarted(2) {}
ctk::ScalarPushInput<int32_t> reg1{this, "REG1", "", "misused as input"};
ctk::ScalarPollInput<int32_t> reg2{this, "REG2", "", "also no input..."};
ctk::ScalarOutput<int32_t> reg3{this, "REG3", "", "my output"};
void mainLoop() override {
reg3 = reg1 * reg2;
// We do not use testable mode for this test, so we need this barrier to synchronise to the beginning of the
// mainLoop(). This is required to make sure the initial value propagation is done.
// execute this right after the Application::run():
// app.testModule.mainLoopStarted.wait(); // make sure the module's mainLoop() is entered
boost::barrier mainLoopStarted;
// A more compicated scenario with module that have blocking reads and writes, fans that connect to the device and the CS, and direct connection device/CS only without fans.
struct TestApplication2 : public ctk::Application {
TestApplication2() : Application("testSuite") {}
~TestApplication2() { shutdown(); }
void defineConnections() {
// let's do some manual cabling here....
// A module that is only writin to a device such that no fan is involved
cs("triggerActuator") >> outputModule("trigger");
outputModule("actuator") >> dev1["MyModule"]("actuator");
cs("triggerReadback") >> inputModule("trigger");
dev1["MyModule"]("readBack") >> inputModule("readback");
dev2.connectTo(cs["Device2"], cs("trigger2", typeid(int), 1));
// the most realistic part: everything cabled everywhere with fans
// first cable the module to the device. This determines the direction of the variables
// FIXME: This does not work, don't know why.
//dev3["MODULE"]("REG1")[ cs("triggerRealistic",typeid(int), 1) ] >> realisticModule("REG1");
// This is not what I wanted. I wanted a triggered network for Reg1 and Reg2
realisticModule("REG3") >> dev3["MODULE"]("REG3"); // for the direction
dev3.connectTo(cs["Device3"], cs("triggerRealistic", typeid(int), 1));
OutputModule outputModule{this, "outputModule", "The output module"};
InputModule inputModule{this, "inputModule", "The input module"};
RealisticModule realisticModule{this, "realisticModule", "The most realistic module"};
ctk::DeviceModule dev1{this, ExceptionDummyCDD1};
ctk::DeviceModule dev2{this, ExceptionDummyCDD2};
ctk::DeviceModule dev3{this, ExceptionDummyCDD3};
ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testExceptionHandlingRead) {
std::cout << "testExceptionHandlingRead" << std::endl;
TestApplication app;
boost::shared_ptr<ctk::ExceptionDummy> dummyBackend1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
boost::shared_ptr<ctk::ExceptionDummy> dummyBackend2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
ctk::Device dev1(ExceptionDummyCDD1);
ctk::Device dev2(ExceptionDummyCDD2);
// Connect the whole devices into the control system, and use the control system variable /trigger as trigger for
// both devices. The variable becomes a control system to application variable and writing to it through the test
// facility is generating the triggers.
app.dev1.connectTo(app.cs["Device1"], app.cs("trigger", typeid(int), 1));
app.dev2.connectTo(app.cs["Device2"], app.cs("trigger"));
// Do not enable testable mode. The testable mode would block in the wrong place, as the trigger for reading variables
// of a device in the error state is not being processed until the error state is cleared. We want to test that the
// second device still works while the first device is in error state, which would be impossible with testable mode
// enabled. As a consequence, our test logic has to work with timeouts (CHECK_TIMEOUT) etc. instead of the
// deterministic stepApplication().
ctk::TestFacility test(false);
auto message1 = test.getScalar<std::string>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD1 + "/message");
auto status1 = test.getScalar<int>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD1 + "/status");
auto readback1 = test.getScalar<int>("/Device1/MyModule/readBack");
auto message2 = test.getScalar<std::string>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD2 + "/message");
auto status2 = test.getScalar<int>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD2 + "/status");
auto readback2 = test.getScalar<int>("/Device2/MyModule/readBack");
auto trigger = test.getScalar<int>("trigger");
// we do not use testable mode, so we need to read the initial values at CS ourself where present
dev1.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 42);
dev2.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 52);
int readback1_expected = 42;
// initially, devices are not opened but errors should be cleared once they are opened
do {
} while(status1 != 0 || std::string(message1) != "");
do {
} while(status2 != 0 || std::string(message2) != "");
CHECK_TIMEOUT(readback1.readLatest(), 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(readback2.readLatest(), 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback1, readback1_expected);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback2, 52);
// repeat test a couple of times to make sure it works not only once
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// enable exception throwing in test device 1
dev1.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 10 + i);
dev2.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 20 + i);
dummyBackend1->throwExceptionRead = true;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(message1.readLatest(), 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(status1.readLatest(), 10000);
BOOST_CHECK(static_cast<std::string>(message1) != "");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(status1, 1);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(readback1.readNonBlocking(), 10000); // we have been signalized new data
BOOST_CHECK(readback1.dataValidity() == ChimeraTK::DataValidity::faulty); // But the fault flag should be set
// the second device must still be functional
CHECK_TIMEOUT(readback2.readNonBlocking(), 10000); // device 2 still works
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback2, 20 + i);
// even with device 1 failing the trigger produces "new" data: The time stamp changes, but the data content does not, and it is flagged as invalid
// device 2 is working normaly
dev2.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 120 + i);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback1, readback1_expected); // The value has not changed
BOOST_CHECK(readback1.dataValidity() == ChimeraTK::DataValidity::faulty); // But the fault flag should still be set
CHECK_TIMEOUT(readback2.readNonBlocking(), 10000); // device 2 still works
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback2, 120 + i);
// Now "cure" the device problem
dummyBackend1->throwExceptionRead = false;
// we have to wait until the device has recovered. Otherwise the writing will throw.
CHECK_TIMEOUT(status1.readLatest(), 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(status1, 0);
dev1.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 30 + i);
dev2.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 40 + i);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<std::string>(message1), "");
30 + i); // the "20+i" is never seen because there was a new vaulue before the next trigger after the recovery
readback1_expected = 30 + i; // remember the last good value for the next iteration
BOOST_CHECK(readback1.dataValidity() == ChimeraTK::DataValidity::ok); // The fault flag should have been cleared
// device2
CHECK_TIMEOUT(readback2.readNonBlocking(), 10000); // device 2 still works
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback2, 40 + i);
// FIXME: This test only works for poll-type variables. We also have to test with push type.
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testExceptionHandlingWrite) {
std::cout << "testExceptionHandlingWrite" << std::endl;
TestApplication app;
boost::shared_ptr<ctk::ExceptionDummy> dummyBackend1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
boost::shared_ptr<ctk::ExceptionDummy> dummyBackend2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
ctk::Device dev1(ExceptionDummyCDD1);
ctk::Device dev2(ExceptionDummyCDD2);
// Connect the whole devices into the control system, and use the control system variable /trigger as trigger for
// both devices. The variable becomes a control system to application variable and writing to it through the test
// facility is generating the triggers.
app.dev1.connectTo(app.cs["Device1"], app.cs("trigger", typeid(int), 1));
app.dev2.connectTo(app.cs["Device2"], app.cs("trigger"));
// Do not enable testable mode. The testable mode would block in the wrong place, as the trigger for reading variables
// of a device in the error state is not being processed until the error state is cleared. We want to test that the
// second device still works while the first device is in error state, which would be impossible with testable mode
// enabled. As a consequence, our test logic has to work with timeouts (CHECK_TIMEOUT) etc. instead of the
// deterministic stepApplication().
ctk::TestFacility test(false);
auto message1 = test.getScalar<std::string>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD1 + "/message");
auto status1 = test.getScalar<int>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD1 + "/status");
auto actuator1 = test.getScalar<int>("/Device1/MyModule/actuator");
auto message2 = test.getScalar<std::string>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD2 + "/message");
auto status2 = test.getScalar<int>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD2 + "/status");
auto actuator2 = test.getScalar<int>("/Device2/MyModule/actuator");
auto trigger = test.getScalar<int>("trigger");
// initially, devices are not opened but errors should be cleared once they are opened
do {
} while(status1 != 0 || std::string(message1) != "");
do {
} while(status2 != 0 || std::string(message2) != "");
actuator1 = 29;
actuator2 = 39;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev1.read<int>("MyModule/actuator") == 29, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int>("MyModule/actuator") == 39, 10000);
BOOST_CHECK(static_cast<std::string>(message1) == "");
BOOST_CHECK(status1 == 0);
// repeat test a couple of times to make sure it works not only once
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// enable exception throwing in test device 1
dummyBackend1->throwExceptionWrite = true;
actuator1 = 30 + i;
actuator2 = 40 + i;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(message1.readLatest(), 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(status1.readLatest(), 10000);
BOOST_CHECK(static_cast<std::string>(message1) != "");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(status1, 1);
usleep(10000); // 10ms wait time so potential wrong values could have propagated
// while the device is broken none of its accessors work. We have to use the dummy backend directly to look into its data buffer.
auto actuatorDummyRaw = dummyBackend1->getRawAccessor("MyModule", "actuator");
auto bufferLock = actuatorDummyRaw.getBufferLock();
BOOST_CHECK(actuatorDummyRaw == int(30 + i - 1)); // write not done for broken device
// the second device must still be functional
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int>("MyModule/actuator") == int(40 + i), 10000); // device 2 still works
// even with device 1 failing the second one must process the data, so send a new data before fixing dev1
actuator2 = 120 + i;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int>("MyModule/actuator") == int(120 + i), 10000); // device 2 still works
auto bufferLock = actuatorDummyRaw.getBufferLock();
BOOST_CHECK(actuatorDummyRaw == int(30 + i - 1)); // device 1 is still broken and has not seen the new value yet
// Now "cure" the device problem
dummyBackend1->throwExceptionWrite = false;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(message1.readLatest(), 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(status1.readLatest(), 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev1.read<int>("MyModule/actuator") == int(30 + i), 10000); // write is now complete
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<std::string>(message1), "");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(status1, 0);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testExceptionHandlingOpen) {
std::cout << "testExceptionHandlingOpen" << std::endl;
TestApplication app;
boost::shared_ptr<ctk::ExceptionDummy> dummyBackend1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
boost::shared_ptr<ctk::ExceptionDummy> dummyBackend2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
ctk::Device dev1(ExceptionDummyCDD1);
ctk::Device dev2(ExceptionDummyCDD2);
dev1.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 100);
dev2.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 110);
// Connect the whole devices into the control system, and use the control system variable /trigger as trigger for
// both devices. The variable becomes a control system to application variable and writing to it through the test
// facility is generating the triggers.
app.dev1.connectTo(app.cs["Device1"], app.cs("trigger", typeid(int), 1));
app.dev2.connectTo(app.cs["Device2"], app.cs("trigger"));
// Do not enable testable mode. The testable mode would block in the wrong place, as the trigger for reading variables
// of a device in the error state is not being processed until the error state is cleared. We want to test that the
// second device still works while the first device is in error state, which would be impossible with testable mode
// enabled. As a consequence, our test logic has to work with timeouts (CHECK_TIMEOUT) etc. instead of the
// deterministic stepApplication().
ctk::TestFacility test(false);
dummyBackend1->throwExceptionOpen = true;
app.run(); // don't use TestFacility::runApplication() here as it blocks until all devices are open...
auto message1 = test.getScalar<std::string>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD1 + "/message");
auto status1 = test.getScalar<int>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD1 + "/status");
auto readback1 = test.getScalar<int>("/Device1/MyModule/readBack");
auto message2 = test.getScalar<std::string>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD2 + "/message");
auto status2 = test.getScalar<int>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD2 + "/status");
auto readback2 = test.getScalar<int>("/Device2/MyModule/readBack");
auto trigger = test.getScalar<int>("trigger");
//device 1 is in Error state
CHECK_TIMEOUT(message1.readLatest(), 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(status1.readLatest(), 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(status1, 1);
BOOST_CHECK(!readback1.readNonBlocking()); // error state at the beginning is not yet propagated
// Device 2 might/will also come up in error state until the device is opened (which happends asynchronously in a
// separate thread).
/// So we have to read until we get a DataValidity::ok
CHECK_TIMEOUT((readback2.readNonBlocking(), readback2.dataValidity() == ctk::DataValidity::ok), 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback2, 110);
// even with device 1 failing the second one must process the data, so send a new trigger
// before fixing dev1
dev2.write<int>("MyModule/readBack.DUMMY_WRITEABLE", 120);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(readback2.readNonBlocking(), 10000); // device 2 still works
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback2, 120);
//Device is not in error state.
CHECK_TIMEOUT(!message2.readLatest(), 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(!status2.readLatest(), 10000);
//fix device 1
dummyBackend1->throwExceptionOpen = false;
//device 1 is fixed
CHECK_TIMEOUT(message1.readLatest(), 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(status1.readLatest(), 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(status1, 0);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(readback1.readNonBlocking(), 10000);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(readback1, 100);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testConstants) {
std::cout << "testConstants" << std::endl;
// Constants are registered to the device to be written when opening/recovering
// Attention: This test does not test that errors when writing to constants are displayed correctly. It only checks that witing when opeing and recovering works.
TestApplication app;
ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<int32_t>(true, 18) >> app.dev1("/MyModule/actuator");
app.cs("PleaseWriteToMe", typeid(int), 1) >> app.dev1("/Integers/signed32", typeid(int), 1);
ctk::TestFacility test;
ChimeraTK::Device dev;
// after opening a device the runApplication() might return, but the initialisation might not have happened in the other thread yet. So check with timeout.
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev.read<int32_t>("/MyModule/actuator") == 18, 10000);
// So far this is also tested by testDeviceAccessors. Now cause errors.
// Take back the value of the constant which was written to the device before making the device fail for further writes.
dev.write<int32_t>("/MyModule/actuator", 0);
auto dummyBackend = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
dummyBackend->throwExceptionWrite = true;
auto pleaseWriteToMe = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/PleaseWriteToMe");
pleaseWriteToMe = 42;
// Check that the error has been seen
auto deviceStatus = test.getScalar<int32_t>(std::string("/Devices/") + ExceptionDummyCDD1 + "/status");
BOOST_CHECK(deviceStatus == 1);
// now cure the error
dummyBackend->throwExceptionWrite = false;
// Write something so we can call stepApplication to wake up the app.
pleaseWriteToMe = 43;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev.read<int32_t>("/MyModule/actuator") == 18, 10000);
/// @todo FIXME: Write test that errors during constant writing are handled correctly, incl. correct error messages to the control system
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testConstantWitingErrors) {}
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testShutdown) {
std::cout << "testShutdown" << std::endl;
static const uint32_t DEFAULT = 55;
auto dummyBackend1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
auto dummyBackend2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
auto dummyBackend3 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::ExceptionDummy>(
// Test that the application does shut down with a broken device and blocking accessors
TestApplication2 app;
ctk::TestFacility test(false); // test facility without testable mode
ctk::Device dev2(ExceptionDummyCDD2);
ctk::Device dev3(ExceptionDummyCDD3);
// Non zero defaults set here to avoid race conditions documented in
// https://github.com/ChimeraTK/ApplicationCore/issues/103
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/MyModule/actuator", static_cast<int32_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/Integers/signed32", static_cast<int32_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/Integers/unsigned32", static_cast<uint32_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/Integers/signed16", static_cast<int16_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/Integers/unsigned16", static_cast<uint16_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/Integers/signed8", static_cast<int8_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/Integers/unsigned8", static_cast<uint8_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/FixedPoint/value", static_cast<double>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Tests/As/well", static_cast<int32_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device2/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Another/test", static_cast<int32_t>(DEFAULT));
test.setScalarDefault("/Device3/MODULE/REG4", static_cast<int32_t>(DEFAULT));
// verify defaults have been written to the device
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int32_t>("MyModule/actuator") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int32_t>("Integers/signed32") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<uint32_t>("Integers/unsigned32") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int16_t>("Integers/signed16") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<uint16_t>("Integers/unsigned16") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int8_t>("Integers/signed8") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<uint8_t>("Integers/unsigned8") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int32_t>("Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Tests/As/well") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev2.read<int32_t>("Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Another/test") == DEFAULT, 10000);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(dev3.read<int32_t>("MODULE/REG4") == DEFAULT, 10000);
// Wait for the devices to come up.
test.readScalar<int32_t>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD1 / "status"), 0, 10000);
test.readScalar<int32_t>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD2 / "status"), 0, 10000);
test.readScalar<int32_t>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD3 / "status"), 0, 10000);
// make all devices fail, and wait until they report the error state, one after another
dummyBackend2->throwExceptionWrite = true;
dummyBackend2->throwExceptionRead = true;
// two blocking accessors on dev3: one for reading, one for writing
auto trigger2 = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/trigger2");
trigger2.write(); // triggers the read of readBack
// wait for the error to be reported in the control system
test.readScalar<int32_t>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD2 / "status"), 1, 10000);
CHECK_EQUAL_TIMEOUT(test.readScalar<std::string>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD2 / "message"),
"DummyException: read throws by request", 10000);
auto theInt = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/Device2/Integers/signed32");
// the read is the first error we see. The second one is not reported any more for this device.
CHECK_EQUAL_TIMEOUT(test.readScalar<std::string>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD2 / "message"),
"DummyException: read throws by request", 10000);
// device 2 successfully broken!
// block the output accessor of "outputModule
dummyBackend1->throwExceptionWrite = true;
dummyBackend1->throwExceptionRead = true;
auto triggerActuator = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/triggerActuator");
// wait for the error to be reported in the control system
test.readScalar<int32_t>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD1 / "status"), 1, 10000);
// the write message does not have a \n, it is not going though a feeding fanout
CHECK_EQUAL_TIMEOUT(test.readScalar<std::string>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD1 / "message"),
"DummyException: write throws by request", 10000);
auto triggerReadback = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/triggerReadback");
// device 1 successfully broken!
dummyBackend3->throwExceptionWrite =
false; // do not set to true, otherwise there is a race condition whether the read or the write in RealisticModule::mainLoop() triggers the exception
dummyBackend3->throwExceptionRead = true;
auto triggerRealistic = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/triggerRealistic");
test.readScalar<int32_t>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD3 / "status"), 1, 10000);
CHECK_EQUAL_TIMEOUT(test.readScalar<std::string>(ctk::RegisterPath("/Devices") / ExceptionDummyCDD3 / "message"),
"DummyException: read throws by request", 10000);
auto reg4 = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/Device3/MODULE/REG4");
// device 3 successfully broken!
// I now blocked everything that comes to my mind.
// And now the real test: does the test end or does it block when shuttig down?