Martin Killenberg authored
- Also removed race conditions in the test.
Martin Killenberg authored- Also removed race conditions in the test.
ExceptionHandlingDecorator.h 2.67 KiB
* ExceptionHandlingDecorator.h
* Created on: Mar 18, 2019
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <ChimeraTK/NDRegisterAccessorDecorator.h>
#include "RecoveryHelper.h"
#include "Application.h"
namespace ChimeraTK {
/** Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the
* application */
template<typename UserType>
class ExceptionHandlingDecorator : public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType> {
* Decorate the accessors which is handed in the constuctor.
* All information to get the DeviceModule and to create a recovery accessor are
* taken from the VariableNetworkNode.
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> accessor, VariableNetworkNode networkNode);
void doPreWrite(TransferType type, VersionNumber versionNumber) override;
void doPostWrite(TransferType type, VersionNumber versionNumber) override;
void doPostRead(TransferType type, bool hasNewData) override;
void doPreRead(TransferType type) override;
bool doWriteTransfer(VersionNumber versionNumber) override;
bool doWriteTransferDestructively(VersionNumber versionNumber) override;
using ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D;
using ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::_target;
using ChimeraTK::TransferElement::_versionNumber;
using ChimeraTK::TransferElement::_dataValidity;
using ChimeraTK::TransferElement::_activeException;
DeviceModule* _deviceModule;
bool previousReadFailed{true};
boost::shared_ptr<RecoveryHelper> _recoveryHelper{nullptr};
// store the recoveryAccessor separately. The RecoveryHelper only contains a pointer to TransferElement and can't be used to fill in data.
boost::shared_ptr<NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> _recoveryAccessor{nullptr};
VariableDirection _direction;
// We have to throw in read transfers because the outermost TransferElement has to see the exception
bool _hasThrownToInhibitTransfer{false};
// For writing we must not throw. The overridden doWriteTransfer() must return the correct data loss flag.
bool _inhibitWriteTransfer{false};
bool _hasThrownLogicError{false};
bool _dataLostInPreviousWrite{false};
bool _hasReportedException{false}; // valid only with wait_forNewData
template<typename Callable>
bool genericWriteWrapper(Callable writeFunction);
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */