10.51 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, MSK, ChimeraTK Project <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
#include "StatusAggregator.h"
#include <list>
#include <regex>
namespace ChimeraTK {
StatusAggregator::StatusAggregator(ModuleGroup* owner, const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
PriorityMode mode, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tagsToAggregate,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& outputTags)
: ApplicationModule(owner, ".", description, outputTags), _output(this, name), _mode(mode),
_tagsToAggregate(tagsToAggregate) {
// check maximum size of tagsToAggregate
if(_tagsToAggregate.size() > 1) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("StatusAggregator: List of tagsToAggregate must contain at most one tag.");
// add reserved tag tagAggregatedStatus to the status output, so it can be detected by other StatusAggregators
// search the variable tree for StatusOutputs and create the matching inputs
void StatusAggregator::populateStatusInput() {
auto model = dynamic_cast<ModuleGroup*>(_owner)->getModel();
// set of potential inputs for this StatusAggregator instance
std::set<std::string> inputPathsSet;
// set of inputs for other, already created, StatusAggregator instances
std::set<std::string> anotherStatusAgregatorInputSet;
// map which assigns fully qualified path of StatusAggregator output to the ully qualified path StatusAggregator output message
std::map<std::string, std::string> statusToMessagePathsMap;
auto scanModel = [&](auto proxy) {
if constexpr(ChimeraTK::Model::isApplicationModule(proxy)) {
StatusAggregator* staAggPtr = dynamic_cast<StatusAggregator*>(&proxy.getApplicationModule());
if(staAggPtr != nullptr) {
if(staAggPtr == this) return;
if(_tagsToAggregate == staAggPtr->_tagsToAggregate) {
statusToMessagePathsMap[staAggPtr->_output._status.getModel().getFullyQualifiedPath()] =
for(auto& anotherStatusAgregatorInput : staAggPtr->_inputs) {
if constexpr(ChimeraTK::Model::isVariable(proxy)) {
// check whether its not output of this (current) StatusAggregator. 'Current' StatusAggregator output is also
// visible in the scanned model and should be ignored
if(proxy.getFullyQualifiedPath().compare(_output._status.getModel().getFullyQualifiedPath()) == 0) {
auto tags = proxy.getTags();
// find another aggregator output - this is already covered by checking if given module is a StatusAggregator
if(tags.find(StatusAggregator::tagAggregatedStatus) != tags.end()) {
// find status output - this is potential candidate to be aggregated
if(tags.find(StatusOutput::tagStatusOutput) != tags.end()) {
for(const auto& tagToAgregate : _tagsToAggregate) {
// Each tag attached to this StatusAggregator must be present at all StatusOutputs to be aggregated
if(tags.find(tagToAgregate) == tags.end()) {
model.visit(scanModel, ChimeraTK::Model::keepApplicationModules || ChimeraTK::Model::keepProcessVariables,
ChimeraTK::Model::breadthFirstSearch, ChimeraTK::Model::keepOwnership);
for(auto& pathToBeRemoved : anotherStatusAgregatorInputSet) {
for(auto& pathToBeAggregated : inputPathsSet) {
this, pathToBeAggregated, pathToBeAggregated, std::unordered_set<std::string>{tagInternalVars});
int StatusAggregator::getPriority(StatusOutput::Status status) const {
using Status = StatusOutput::Status;
// static helps against initializing over and over again
static const std::map<PriorityMode, std::map<Status, int32_t>> map_priorities{
{PriorityMode::fwko, {{Status::OK, 1}, {Status::FAULT, 3}, {Status::OFF, 0}, {Status::WARNING, 2}}},
{PriorityMode::fwok, {{Status::OK, 0}, {Status::FAULT, 3}, {Status::OFF, 1}, {Status::WARNING, 2}}},
{PriorityMode::ofwk, {{Status::OK, 0}, {Status::FAULT, 2}, {Status::OFF, 3}, {Status::WARNING, 1}}},
{PriorityMode::fw_warn_mixed, {{Status::OK, -1}, {Status::FAULT, 3}, {Status::OFF, -1}, {Status::WARNING, 2}}}};
void StatusAggregator::mainLoop() {
// set up inputsMap which gives StatusWithMessageInput for transferelementId of members
std::map<TransferElementID, StatusWithMessageInput*> inputsMap;
for(auto& x : _inputs) {
inputsMap[x._status.getId()] = &x;
if(x.hasMessageSource) inputsMap[x._message.getId()] = &x;
auto rag = readAnyGroup();
DataValidity lastStatusValidity = DataValidity::ok;
while(true) {
// find highest priority status of all inputs
StatusOutput::Status status;
StatusWithMessageInput* statusOrigin = nullptr;
// flag whether status has been set from an input already
bool statusSet = false;
// this stores getPriority(status) if statusSet=true
// Intent is to reduce evaluation frequency of getPriority
// the initial value provided here is only to prevent compiler warnings
int statusPrio = 0;
for(auto& inputPair : _inputs) {
StatusPushInput& input = inputPair._status;
auto prio = getPriority(input);
if(!statusSet || prio > statusPrio) {
status = input;
statusOrigin = &inputPair;
statusPrio = prio;
statusSet = true;
else if(prio == -1) { // -1 means, we need to warn about mixed values
if(statusPrio == -1 && input != status) {
status = StatusOutput::Status::WARNING;
statusOrigin = nullptr;
statusPrio = getPriority(status);
// write status only if changed, but always write initial value out
if(status != _output._status || _output._status.getVersionNumber() == VersionNumber{nullptr} ||
getDataValidity() != lastStatusValidity) {
if(!statusOrigin) {
// this can only happen if warning about mixed values
assert(status == StatusOutput::Status::WARNING);
_output.write(status, "warning - StatusAggregator inputs have mixed values");
else {
if(status != StatusOutput::Status::OK) {
// this either copies the message from corresponding string variable, or sets a generic message
auto msg = statusOrigin->getMessage();
_output.write(status, msg);
else {
lastStatusValidity = getDataValidity();
// wait for changed inputs
auto change = rag.readAny();
auto f = inputsMap.find(change);
if(f != inputsMap.end()) {
auto varPair = f->second;
if(!varPair->update(change)) goto waitForChange; // inputs not in consistent state yet
// handle request for debug info
if(change == debug.getId()) {
static std::mutex debugMutex; // all aggregators trigger at the same time => lock for clean output
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(debugMutex);
std::cout << "StatusAggregtor " << getQualifiedName() << " debug info:" << std::endl;
for(auto& inputPair : _inputs) {
StatusPushInput& input = inputPair._status;
std::cout << input.getName() << " = " << input;
if(inputPair.hasMessageSource) {
std::cout << inputPair._message.getName() << " = " << (std::string)inputPair._message;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "debug info finished." << std::endl;
goto waitForChange;
void StatusAggregator::findTagAndAppendToModule(VirtualModule& virtualParent, const std::string& tag,
bool eliminateAllHierarchies, bool eliminateFirstHierarchy, bool negate, VirtualModule& root) const {
// Change behaviour to exclude the auto-generated inputs which are connected to the data sources. Otherwise those
// variables might get published twice to the control system, if findTag(".*") is used to connect the entire
// application to the control system.
// This is a temporary solution. In future, instead the inputs should be generated at the same place in the
// hierarchy as the source variable, and the connetion should not be made by the module itself. This currently would
// be complicated to implement, since it is difficult to find the correct virtual name for the variables.
struct MyVirtualModule : VirtualModule {
using VirtualModule::VirtualModule;
using VirtualModule::findTagAndAppendToModule;
MyVirtualModule tempParent("tempRoot", "", ModuleType::ApplicationModule);
MyVirtualModule tempRoot("tempRoot", "", ModuleType::ApplicationModule);
tempParent, tagInternalVars, eliminateAllHierarchies, eliminateFirstHierarchy, true, tempRoot);
tempParent.findTagAndAppendToModule(virtualParent, tag, false, true, negate, root);
tempRoot.findTagAndAppendToModule(root, tag, false, true, negate, root);
} // namespace ChimeraTK