StatusAggregator.h 6.08 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, MSK, ChimeraTK Project <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include "ApplicationModule.h"
#include "HierarchyModifyingGroup.h"
#include "ModuleGroup.h"
#include "StatusAccessor.h"
#include "StatusWithMessage.h"
#include "VoidAccessor.h"
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace ChimeraTK {
* The StatusAggregator collects results of multiple StatusMonitor instances and aggregates them into a single status,
* which can take the same values as the result of the individual monitors.
* It will search for all StatusOutputs from its point in hierarchy downwards, matching the tagsToAggregate passed to
* the constructor. If a StatusOutputs beloging to another StatusAggregator is found (also matching the
* tagsToAggregate) the search is not recursing further down at that branch, since the StatusAggregator already
* represents the complete status of the branch below it. StatusAggregators created on the same hierarchy level (i.e.
* sharing the owner) never aggregate each other.
* Note: The aggregated instances are collected on construction. Hence, the StatusAggregator has to be declared after
* all instances that shall to be included in the scope (ModuleGroup, Application, ...) of interest.
struct StatusAggregator : ApplicationModule {
* Possible status priority modes used during aggregation of unequal Status values. The output Status value of the
* StatusAggregator will be equal to the current input Status value with the highest priority.
* The priorities are listed with the possible values, highest priority first.
* Hint for remembering the value names: f = fault, w = warning, o = off, k = ok
enum class PriorityMode {
fwok, ///< fault - warning - off - ok
fwko, ///< fault - warning - ok - off
fw_warn_mixed, ///< fault - warning - ok or off, mixed state of ok or off results in warning
ofwk ///< off - fault - warning - ok
* Construct StatusAggregator object.
* The StatusAggregator is a module with a single output, the aggregated status. For convenience, the module itself
* is always hidden, and the outputName is interpreted as a qualified variable name, which can be relative or
* absolute. See the class description of the HierarchyModifyingGroup for more details.
* The mode governs how multiple unequal input status values are aggregated into a single status. See the
* PriorityMode class description for details.
* The tagsToAggregate are the tags which are required to be present at the aggregated StatusOutputs. StatusOutputs
* which do not have the specified tags are ignored. If no tag is specified, all StatusOutputs are aggregated. At
* the moment, at maximum only one tag may be specified.
* outputTags is the list of tags which is attached to the aggregated output. This tag has no influence on the
* aggregation. Other StatusAggregators will aggregate the output based on the tagsToAggregate, not based on the
* outputTags. Any number of tags can be specified here. Typically no tag is specified (even if tagsToAggregate
* contains a tag), unless the output needs special treatment somewhere else (e.g. if it is included in the
* MicroDAQ system searching for a particular tag).
* Note: The constructor will search for StatusOutputs to be aggregated. It can only find what has been constructed
* already. Make sure all StatusOutputs to be aggregated are constructed before this aggregator.
StatusAggregator(ModuleGroup* owner, const std::string& outputName, const std::string& description,
PriorityMode mode = PriorityMode::fwok, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tagsToAggregate = {},
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& outputTags = {});
StatusAggregator(StatusAggregator&& other) = default;
StatusAggregator() = default;
StatusAggregator& operator=(StatusAggregator&& other) = default;
void mainLoop() override;
void findTagAndAppendToModule(VirtualModule& virtualParent, const std::string& tag, bool
eliminateAllHierarchies, bool eliminateFirstHierarchy, bool negate, VirtualModule& root) const override;
/// Recursivly search for StatusMonitors and other StatusAggregators
void populateStatusInput();
/// Helper for populateStatusInput
// void scanAndPopulateFromHierarchyLevel(EntityOwner& module, const std::string& namePrefix);
/** Reserved tag which is used to mark aggregated status outputs (need to stop searching further down the
* hierarchy) */
constexpr static auto tagAggregatedStatus = "_ChimeraTK_StatusAggregator_aggregatedStatus";
/** Reserved tag which is used to mark internal variables which should not be visible in the virtual hierachy. */
constexpr static auto tagInternalVars = "_ChimeraTK_StatusAggregator_internalVars";
/// The aggregated status output
StatusWithMessage _output;
/// All status inputs to be aggregated
std::vector<StatusWithMessageInput> _inputs;
/// Priority mode used in aggregation
PriorityMode _mode;
/// List of tags to aggregate
std::unordered_set<std::string> _tagsToAggregate;
/// Convert Status value into a priority (high integer value = high priority), depending on chosen PriorityMode
/// Return value of -1 has the special meaning that the input Status's must be all equal, otherwise it must result
/// in a warning Status.
int getPriority(StatusOutput::Status status) const;
/// Allow runtime debugging
VoidInput debug{this, "/Debug/statusAggregators", "", "Print debug info for all status aggregators once."};
} // namespace ChimeraTK