Christoph Kampmeyer authoredChristoph Kampmeyer authored
Server.h 775 B
* piezoctrlserver.h
* Created on: Mar 12, 2018
* Author: Christoph Kampmeyer
#include <ChimeraTK/ApplicationCore/ApplicationCore.h>
// TODO Note to optionally use to trigger
//#include <ChimeraTK/ApplicationCore/PeriodicTrigger.h>
namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
struct Server : public ctk::Application {
Server() : Application("ApplicationCore-TemplateServer") {}
~Server() override { shutdown(); }
//ctk::PeriodicTrigger timer{this, "Timer", "Periodic timer for device readout", 1000};
ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
ctk::DeviceModule dev{this, "Device"};
// ctk::DeviceModule externalTrigger{this, "ExtTrigger"};
void defineConnections() override;
#endif /* INCLUDE_SERVER_H_ */