Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredMartin Christoph Hierholzer authored
Application.cc 22.08 KiB
* Application.cc
* Created on: Jun 10, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/fusion/container/map.hpp>
#include <libxml++/libxml++.h>
#include <mtca4u/BackendFactory.h>
#include "Application.h"
#include "ApplicationModule.h"
#include "Accessor.h"
#include "DeviceAccessor.h"
#include "FanOut.h"
using namespace ChimeraTK;
Application *Application::instance = nullptr;
std::mutex Application::instance_mutex;
Application::Application(const std::string& name)
: applicationName(name)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(instance_mutex);
if(instance != nullptr) {
throw std::string("Multiple instances of ChimeraTK::Application cannot be created."); // @todo TODO throw proper exception
instance = this;
Application::~Application() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(instance_mutex);
instance = nullptr;
void Application::run() {
// call the user-defined initialise() function which describes the structure of the application
// realise the connections between variable accessors as described in the initialise() function
// start the necessary threads for the FanOuts etc.
for(auto &adapter : adapterList) {
// start the threads for the modules
for(auto module : moduleList) {
void Application::generateXML() {
// create XML document with root node
xmlpp::Document doc;
xmlpp::Element *rootElement = doc.create_root_node("application", "https://github.com/ChimeraTK/ApplicationCore");
for(auto &network : networkList) {
// perform checks
// create xml code for the feeder (if it is a control system node)
auto feeder = network.getFeedingNode();
// create xml code for the consumers
for(auto &consumer : network.getConsumingNodes()) {
/// @todo TODO don't write to stdout but to a file...
void Application::connectAccessors(AccessorBase &a, AccessorBase &b) {
VariableNetwork &network = findOrCreateNetwork(&a,&b);
template<typename UserType>
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::ProcessVariable> Application::createDeviceAccessor(const std::string &deviceAlias,
const std::string ®isterName, VariableDirection direction, UpdateMode mode) {
// open device if needed
if(deviceMap.count(deviceAlias) == 0) {
deviceMap[deviceAlias] = mtca4u::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend(deviceAlias);
// use wait_for_new_data mode if push update mode was requested
mtca4u::AccessModeFlags flags{};
if(mode == UpdateMode::push && direction == VariableDirection::consuming) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
// create DeviceAccessor for the proper UserType
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::ProcessVariable> impl;
auto regacc = deviceMap[deviceAlias]->getRegisterAccessor<UserType>(registerName, 1, 0, flags);
impl.reset(new DeviceAccessor<UserType>(regacc, direction, mode));
return impl;
template<typename UserType>
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::ProcessVariable> Application::createProcessScalar(VariableDirection direction,
const std::string &name) {
// determine the SynchronizationDirection
SynchronizationDirection dir;
if(direction == VariableDirection::consuming) {
dir = SynchronizationDirection::controlSystemToDevice;
else {
dir = SynchronizationDirection::deviceToControlSystem;
// create the ProcessScalar for the proper UserType
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::ProcessVariable> impl;
impl = _processVariableManager->createProcessScalar<UserType>(dir, name);
return impl;
template<typename UserType>
std::pair< boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::ProcessVariable>, boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::ProcessVariable> >
Application::createProcessScalar() {
// create the ProcessScalar for the proper UserType
return createSynchronizedProcessScalar<UserType>();
void Application::makeConnections() {
// make the connections for all networks
for(auto &network : networkList) {
void Application::dumpConnections() {
for(auto &network : networkList) {
void Application::makeConnectionsForNetwork(VariableNetwork &network) {
// if the network has been created already, do nothing
if(network.isCreated()) return;
// check if the network is legal
// if the trigger type is external, create the trigger first
if(network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::external) {
VariableNetwork &dependency = network.getExternalTrigger();
if(!dependency.isCreated()) makeConnectionsForNetwork(dependency);
// defer actual network creation to templated function
// @todo TODO replace with boost::mpl::for_each loop!
if(network.getValueType() == typeid(int8_t)) {
else if(network.getValueType() == typeid(uint8_t)) {
else if(network.getValueType() == typeid(int16_t)) {
else if(network.getValueType() == typeid(uint16_t)) {
else if(network.getValueType() == typeid(int32_t)) {
else if(network.getValueType() == typeid(uint32_t)) {
else if(network.getValueType() == typeid(float)) {
else if(network.getValueType() == typeid(double)) {
// mark the network as created
template<typename UserType>
void Application::typedMakeConnection(VariableNetwork &network) {
bool connectionMade = false; // to check the logic...
size_t nNodes = network.countConsumingNodes()+1;
auto &feeder = network.getFeedingNode();
auto &consumers = network.getConsumingNodes();
bool useExternalTrigger = network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::external;
bool useFeederTrigger = network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::feeder;
boost::shared_ptr<FanOut<UserType>> fanOut;
// 1st case: the feeder requires a fixed implementation
if(feeder.hasImplementation()) {
// Create feeding implementation. Note: though the implementation is derived from the feeder, it will be used as
// the implementation of the (or one of the) consumer. Logically, implementations are always pairs of
// implementations (sender and receiver), but in this case the feeder already has a fixed implementation pair.
// So our feedingImpl will contain the consumer-end of the implementation pair. This is the reason why the
// functions createProcessScalar() and createDeviceAccessor() get the VariableDirection::consuming.
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::ProcessVariable> feedingImpl;
if(feeder.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
feedingImpl = createDeviceAccessor<UserType>(feeder.getDeviceAlias(), feeder.getRegisterName(),
VariableDirection::consuming, feeder.getMode());
else if(feeder.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
feedingImpl = createProcessScalar<UserType>(VariableDirection::consuming, feeder.getPublicName());
// if we just have two nodes, directly connect them
if(nNodes == 2 && !useExternalTrigger) {
auto consumer = consumers.front();
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto consumingImpl = createDeviceAccessor<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
VariableDirection::feeding, consumer.getMode());
// connect the Device with e.g. a ControlSystem node via an ImplementationAdapter
new ImplementationAdapter<UserType>(consumingImpl,feedingImpl)));
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto consumingImpl = createProcessScalar<UserType>(VariableDirection::feeding, consumer.getPublicName());
// connect the ControlSystem with e.g. a Device node via an ImplementationAdapter
new ImplementationAdapter<UserType>(consumingImpl,feedingImpl)));
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
connectionMade = true;
else {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>("Unexpected node type!");
else { /* !(nNodes == 2 && !useExternalTrigger) */
// create FanOut
fanOut.reset(new FanOut<UserType>(feedingImpl));
// use FanOut as implementation for the first application consumer node, add all others as slaves
// @todo TODO need a more sophisticated logic to take care of the UpdateMode
bool isFirst = true;
// if external trigger is enabled, add it to FanOut
if(useExternalTrigger) {
isFirst = false; // don't use the FanOut as an implementation if we have an external trigger
// if the trigger is provided by the pushing feeder, use the treaded version of the FanOut to distribute
// new values immediately to all consumers.
else if(useFeederTrigger) {
isFirst = false;
for(auto &consumer : consumers) {
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
else {
auto impls = createProcessScalar<UserType>();
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto impl = createProcessScalar<UserType>(VariableDirection::feeding, consumer.getPublicName());
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto impl = createDeviceAccessor<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
VariableDirection::feeding, consumer.getMode());
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
auto impls = createProcessScalar<UserType>();
else {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>("Unexpected node type!");
if(isFirst || useExternalTrigger || useFeederTrigger) { // FanOut wasn't used as implementation: store to list to keep it alive
connectionMade = true;
// 2nd case: the feeder does not require a fixed implementation
else { /* !feeder.hasImplementation() */
// we should be left with an application feeder node
if(feeder.getType() != NodeType::Application) {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>("Unexpected node type!");
// if we just have two nodes, directly connect them
if(nNodes == 2) {
auto consumer = consumers.front();
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
auto impls = createProcessScalar<UserType>();
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto impl = createProcessScalar<UserType>(VariableDirection::feeding, consumer.getPublicName());
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto impl = createDeviceAccessor<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
VariableDirection::feeding, consumer.getMode());
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
auto impls = createProcessScalar<UserType>();
connectionMade = true;
else {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>("Unexpected node type!");
else {
// create FanOut and use it as the feeder implementation
fanOut.reset(new FanOut<UserType>());
for(auto &consumer : consumers) {
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
auto impls = createProcessScalar<UserType>();
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto impl = createProcessScalar<UserType>(VariableDirection::feeding, consumer.getPublicName());
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto impl = createDeviceAccessor<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
VariableDirection::feeding, consumer.getMode());
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
auto impls = createProcessScalar<UserType>();
else {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>("Unexpected node type!");
connectionMade = true;
if(!connectionMade) {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::notYetImplemented>(
"The variable network cannot be handled. Implementation missing!");
VariableNetwork& Application::findOrCreateNetwork(AccessorBase *a, AccessorBase *b) {
// search for a and b in the networkList
auto &na = findNetwork(a);
auto &nb = findNetwork(b);
// if both accessors are found, check if both are in the same network
if(na != invalidNetwork && nb != invalidNetwork) {
if(na == nb) {
return na;
else {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>(
"Trying to connect two accessors which already are part of a network.");
// if only one accessor is found, return its network
else if(na != invalidNetwork && nb == invalidNetwork) {
return na;
else if(na == invalidNetwork && nb != invalidNetwork) {
return nb;
// if no accessor is found, create a new network and add it to the list
return networkList.back();
VariableNetwork& Application::findOrCreateNetwork(AccessorBase *a) {
// search in the networkList
auto &na = findNetwork(a);
// if the accessors is found, return its network
if(na != invalidNetwork) {
return na;
// if no accessor is found, create a new network and add it to the list
return networkList.back();
VariableNetwork& Application::findNetwork(AccessorBase *a) {
// search for a and b in the networkList
auto r = find_if(networkList.begin(), networkList.end(),
[a](const VariableNetwork& n) { return n.hasAppNode(a); } );
// if no network found, create one
if(r == networkList.end()) {
return invalidNetwork;
// return the found network
return *r;
template<typename UserType>
void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName,
const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger) {
VariableNetwork& network = networkList.back();
UpdateMode mode = UpdateMode::push;
if(dynamic_cast<InvalidAccessor*>(&trigger) == nullptr) {
mode = UpdateMode::poll;
network.addFeedingDeviceRegister(typeid(UserType), "arbitrary", deviceAlias, registerName, mode);
template void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem<int8_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger);
template void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem<uint8_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger);
template void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem<int16_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger);
template void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem<uint16_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger);
template void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem<int32_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger);
template void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem<uint32_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger);
template void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem<float>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger);
template void Application::feedDeviceRegisterToControlSystem<double>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName, AccessorBase &trigger);
template<typename UserType>
void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName,
const std::string& publicName) {
VariableNetwork& network = networkList.back();
network.addFeedingPublication(typeid(UserType), "arbitrary", publicName);
network.addConsumingDeviceRegister(deviceAlias, registerName);
template void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem<int8_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName);
template void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem<uint8_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName);
template void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem<int16_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName);
template void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem<uint16_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName);
template void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem<int32_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName);
template void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem<uint32_t>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName);
template void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem<float>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName);
template void Application::consumeDeviceRegisterFromControlSystem<double>(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, const std::string& publicName);