Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredMartin Christoph Hierholzer authored
TestFacility.cc 6.17 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, MSK, ChimeraTK Project <chimeratk-support@desy.de>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
#include "TestFacility.h"
namespace ChimeraTK {
TestFacility::TestFacility(bool enableTestableMode) {
auto pvManagers = createPVManager();
pvManager = pvManagers.first;
if(enableTestableMode) Application::getInstance().enableTestableMode();
void TestFacility::runApplication() const {
Application::getInstance().testFacilityRunApplicationCalled = true;
// send default values for all control system variables
for(auto& pv : pvManager->getAllProcessVariables()) {
callForTypeNoVoid(pv->getValueType(), [&pv, this](auto arg) {
// Applies only to writeable variables. @todo FIXME It should also NOT apply for application-to-controlsystem
// variables with a return channel, despite being writeable here!
if(!pv->isWriteable()) return;
// Safety check against incorrect usage
if(pv->getVersionNumber() != VersionNumber(nullptr)) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("The variable '" + pv->getName() +
"' has been written before TestFacility::runApplication() was called. Instead use "
"TestFacility::setScalarDefault() resp. setArrayDefault() to set initial values.");
typedef decltype(arg) T;
auto pv_casted = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<NDRegisterAccessor<T>>(pv);
auto table = boost::fusion::at_key<T>(defaults.table);
// If default value has been stored, copy the default value to the PV.
if(table.find(pv->getName()) != table.end()) {
/// Since pv_casted is the undecorated PV (lacking the TestableModeAccessorDecorator), we need to copy the
/// value also to the decorator. We still have to write through the undecorated PV, otherwise the tests are
/// stalled. @todo It is not understood why this happens!
/// Decorated accessors are stored in different maps for scalars are arrays...
if(pv_casted->getNumberOfSamples() == 1) { // scalar
auto accessor = this->getScalar<T>(pv->getName());
accessor = table.at(pv->getName())[0];
else { // array
auto accessor = this->getArray<T>(pv->getName());
accessor = table.at(pv->getName());
// copy value also to undecorated PV
pv_casted->accessChannel(0) = table.at(pv->getName());
// Write the initial value. This must be done even if no default value has been stored, since it is expected
// by the application.
// start the application
// set thread name
// make sure all initial values have been propagated when in testable mode
if(Application::getInstance().isTestableModeEnabled()) {
// call stepApplication() only in testable mode and only if the queues are not empty
if(Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter != 0 ||
Application::getInstance().testableMode_deviceInitialisationCounter != 0) {
// receive all initial values for the control system variables
if(Application::getInstance().isTestableModeEnabled()) {
for(auto& pv : pvManager->getAllProcessVariables()) {
if(!pv->isReadable()) continue;
callForTypeNoVoid(pv->getValueType(), [&](auto t) {
typedef decltype(t) UserType;
bool TestFacility::canStepApplication() const {
return Application::getInstance().canStepApplication();
void TestFacility::stepApplication(bool waitForDeviceInitialisation) const {
ChimeraTK::VoidRegisterAccessor TestFacility::getVoid(const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath& name) const {
// check for existing accessor in cache
if(boost::fusion::at_key<ChimeraTK::Void>(accessorMap.table).count(name) > 0) {
return boost::fusion::at_key<ChimeraTK::Void>(accessorMap.table)[name];
// obtain accessor from ControlSystemPVManager
auto pv = pvManager->getProcessArray<ChimeraTK::Void>(name);
if(pv == nullptr) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Process variable '" + name + "' does not exist.");
// obtain variable id from pvIdMap and transfer it to idMap (required by the
// TestableModeAccessorDecorator)
size_t varId = Application::getInstance().pvIdMap[pv->getUniqueId()];
// decorate with TestableModeAccessorDecorator if variable is sender and
// receiver is not poll-type, and store it in cache
if(pv->isWriteable() && !Application::getInstance().testableMode_isPollMode[varId]) {
auto deco = boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<ChimeraTK::Void>>(pv, false, true, varId, varId);
Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[varId] = "ControlSystem:" + name;
boost::fusion::at_key<ChimeraTK::Void>(accessorMap.table)[name] = deco;
else {
boost::fusion::at_key<ChimeraTK::Void>(accessorMap.table)[name] = pv;
// return the accessor as stored in the cache
return boost::fusion::at_key<ChimeraTK::Void>(accessorMap.table)[name];
} // namespace ChimeraTK