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  • Martin Christoph Hierholzer's avatar
    fix: type collisions with constants · 4df7f61a
    Martin Christoph Hierholzer authored
    Constants (as generated by ApplicationModule::constant()) were causing a
    logic_error if accessors of different types were using the same constant
    (created with the same value and the same value type upon creation).
    This is possible since the type passed to constant() does not have to be
    the same as the type of the accessor.
    This is now fixed by giving each constant a fully unique name, so every
    accessor using a constant will be in its own little variable network.
    fix: type collisions with constants
    Martin Christoph Hierholzer authored
    Constants (as generated by ApplicationModule::constant()) were causing a
    logic_error if accessors of different types were using the same constant
    (created with the same value and the same value type upon creation).
    This is possible since the type passed to constant() does not have to be
    the same as the type of the accessor.
    This is now fixed by giving each constant a fully unique name, so every
    accessor using a constant will be in its own little variable network. 5.66 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, MSK, ChimeraTK Project <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
#include "EntityOwner.h"

#include "Module.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>

namespace ChimeraTK {


  const std::string EntityOwner::namePrefixConstant{"/@CONST@"};


  EntityOwner::EntityOwner(std::string name, std::string description, std::unordered_set<std::string> tags)
  : _name(std::move(name)), _description(std::move(description)), _tags(std::move(tags)) {}


  : _name("**INVALID**"), _description("Invalid EntityOwner created by default constructor just as a place holder") {}


  EntityOwner& EntityOwner::operator=(EntityOwner&& other) noexcept {
    _name = std::move(other._name);
    _description = std::move(other._description);
    _accessorList = std::move(other._accessorList);
    _moduleList = std::move(other._moduleList);
    _tags = std::move(other._tags);
    for(auto* mod : _moduleList) {
    for(auto& node : _accessorList) {

    other._name = "**INVALID**";
    other._description = "This EntityOwner was moved from.";

    return *this;


  void EntityOwner::registerModule(Module* module, bool addTags) {
    if(addTags) {
      for(const auto& tag : _tags) module->addTag(tag);


  void EntityOwner::unregisterModule(Module* module) {


  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> EntityOwner::getAccessorListRecursive() const {
    // add accessors of this instance itself
    std::list<VariableNetworkNode> list = getAccessorList();

    // iterate through submodules
    for(const auto* submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
      auto sublist = submodule->getAccessorListRecursive();
      list.insert(list.end(), sublist.begin(), sublist.end());
    return list;


  std::list<Module*> EntityOwner::getSubmoduleListRecursive() const {
    // add modules of this instance itself
    std::list<Module*> list = getSubmoduleList();

    // iterate through submodules
    for(const auto* submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
      auto sublist = submodule->getSubmoduleListRecursive();
      list.insert(list.end(), sublist.begin(), sublist.end());
    return list;


  void EntityOwner::registerAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor) {
    for(const auto& tag : _tags) accessor.addTag(tag);



  void EntityOwner::dump(const std::string& prefix) const {
    if(prefix.empty()) {
      std::cout << "==== Hierarchy dump of module '" << _name << "':" << std::endl;

    for(auto& node : getAccessorList()) {
      std::cout << prefix << "+ ";

    for(auto& submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
      std::cout << prefix << "| " << submodule->getName() << std::endl;
      submodule->dump(prefix + "| ");


  void EntityOwner::addTag(const std::string& tag) {
    for(auto& node : getAccessorList()) node.addTag(tag);
    for(auto& submodule : getSubmoduleList()) submodule->addTag(tag);


  bool EntityOwner::hasReachedTestableMode() {
    return _testableModeReached;


  std::string EntityOwner::applyHierarchyModifierToName(std::string name, HierarchyModifier hierarchyModifier) {
    if(hierarchyModifier == HierarchyModifier::hideThis) {
      name = ".";
    else if(hierarchyModifier == HierarchyModifier::moveToRoot) {
      name = "/" + name;
    else if(hierarchyModifier == HierarchyModifier::oneLevelUp) {
      name = "../" + name;
    else if(hierarchyModifier == HierarchyModifier::oneUpAndHide) {
      name = "..";
    return name;


} /* namespace ChimeraTK */