Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredMartin Christoph Hierholzer authored
FanOut.h 6.88 KiB
* FanOut.h
* Created on: Jun 15, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <mtca4u/NDRegisterAccessor.h>
#include "ApplicationException.h"
#include "InternalModule.h"
namespace ChimeraTK {
template<typename UserType>
class FanOut : public mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>, public InternalModule {
/** Use this constructor if the FanOut should be a consuming implementation. */
FanOut(boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl)
impl = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
if(!impl) {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>(
"The FanOut has been constructed with a wrong output implementation type!");
mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D.resize( impl->getNumberOfChannels() );
for(size_t i=0; i<impl->getNumberOfChannels(); i++) {
mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[i].resize( impl->getNumberOfSamples() );
/** If activate() has been called on this FanOut, deactivate() must be called before destruction. Otherweise
* an assertion will be raised.
* Design note: stopping the thread inside the destructor may be too late, since the thread will be accessing
* the object while it is being destroyed already! */
~FanOut() {
/** Add a slave to the FanOut. Only sending end-points of a consuming node may be added. */
void addSlave(boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> slave) {
if(!slave->isWriteable()) {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>(
"FanOut::addSlave() has been called with a receiving implementation!");
auto castedSlave = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>(slave);
if(!castedSlave) {
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>(
"FanOut::addSlave() has been called with a wrong input implementation type!");
if(impl == nullptr) { // the first slave will be used as a "main" implementation, if
impl = castedSlave; // none was specified at construction
mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D.resize( impl->getNumberOfChannels() );
for(size_t i=0; i<impl->getNumberOfChannels(); i++) {
mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[i].resize( impl->getNumberOfSamples() );
else {
// check if array shape is compatible, unless the receiver is a trigger node, so no data is expected
if( castedSlave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0 &&
( castedSlave->getNumberOfChannels() != impl->getNumberOfChannels() ||
castedSlave->getNumberOfSamples() != impl->getNumberOfSamples() ) ) {
std::string what = "FanOut::addSlave(): Trying to add a slave '";
what += castedSlave->getName();
what += "' with incompatible array shape! Name of master: ";
what += impl->getName();
throw ApplicationExceptionWithID<ApplicationExceptionID::illegalParameter>(what.c_str());
/** Add an external trigger to allow poll-type feeders to be used for push-type consumers */
void addExternalTrigger(const boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::TransferElement>& externalTriggerImpl) {
externalTrigger = externalTriggerImpl;
hasExternalTrigger = true;
void activate() override {
_thread = boost::thread([this] { this->run(); });
void deactivate() override {
if(_thread.joinable()) {
/** Synchronise feeder and the consumers. This function is executed in the separate thread. */
void run() {
while(true) {
if(hasExternalTrigger) {
// wait for external trigger (if present)
// receive data
else {
// receive data
for(auto &slave : slaves) { // send out copies to slaves
// do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {
slave->accessChannel(0) = impl->accessChannel(0);
bool isReadable() const override {
return false;
bool isReadOnly() const override {
return false;
bool isWriteable() const override {
return true;
TimeStamp getTimeStamp() const override {
return impl->getTimeStamp();
void doReadTransfer() override {
bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
return impl->readNonBlocking();
void postRead() override {
for(auto &slave : slaves) { // send out copies to slaves
// do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {
slave->accessChannel(0) = mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0];
void write() override {
throw std::logic_error("Write operation called on read-only variable.");
bool isSameRegister(const boost::shared_ptr<const mtca4u::TransferElement>& e) const override {
// only true if the very instance of the transfer element is the same
return e.get() == this;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::TransferElement> > getHardwareAccessingElements() override {
return { boost::enable_shared_from_this<mtca4u::TransferElement>::shared_from_this() };
void replaceTransferElement(boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::TransferElement>) override {
// You can't replace anything here. Just do nothing.
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> impl;
std::list<boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>> slaves;
bool hasExternalTrigger{false};
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::TransferElement> externalTrigger;
/** Thread handling the synchronisation, if needed */
boost::thread _thread;
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */
#endif /* CHIMERATK_FAN_OUT_H */