Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredMartin Christoph Hierholzer authored
ApplicationModule.h 1.43 KiB
* ApplicationModule.h
* Created on: Jun 10, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <list>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include "Module.h"
namespace ChimeraTK {
class ApplicationModule : public Module {
using Module::Module;
/** Destructor */
virtual ~ApplicationModule();
/** To be implemented by the user: function called in a separate thread executing the main loop of the module */
virtual void mainLoop() = 0;
void run();
void terminate();
VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName);
Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName);
/** Move operation with the assignment operator */
ApplicationModule& operator=(ApplicationModule &&rhs) {
moduleThread = std::move(rhs.moduleThread);
_name = std::move(rhs._name);
_owner = std::move(rhs._owner);
accessorList = std::move(rhs.accessorList);
moduleList = std::move(rhs.moduleList);
return *this;
/** Wrapper around mainLoop(), to execute additional tasks in the thread before entering the main loop */
void mainLoopWrapper();
/** The thread executing mainLoop() */
boost::thread moduleThread;
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */