Martin Christoph Hierholzer authored
Updated to use the new ReadAnyGroup instead of the old readAny function. Some tests are still hanging or failing (mostly due to shutdown issues)
Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredUpdated to use the new ReadAnyGroup instead of the old readAny function. Some tests are still hanging or failing (mostly due to shutdown issues)
VariableNetworkNode.h 11.32 KiB
* VariableNetworkNode.h
* Created on: Jun 23, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <assert.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <mtca4u/NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor.h>
#include "Flags.h"
#include "ConstantAccessor.h"
namespace xmlpp {
class Element;
namespace ChimeraTK {
class VariableNetwork;
class AccessorBase;
class EntityOwner;
struct VariableNetworkNode_data;
/** Pseudo type to identify nodes which can have arbitrary types */
class AnyType {};
/** Class describing a node of a variable network */
class VariableNetworkNode {
/** Copy-constructor: Just copy the pointer to the data storage object */
VariableNetworkNode(const VariableNetworkNode &other);
/** Copy by assignment operator: Just copy the pointer to the data storage object */
VariableNetworkNode& operator=(const VariableNetworkNode &rightHandSide);
/** Constructor for an Application node */
VariableNetworkNode(EntityOwner *owner, mtca4u::TransferElementAbstractor *accessorBridge, const std::string &name,
VariableDirection direction, std::string unit, size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode,
const std::string &description, const std::type_info* valueType,
const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={});
/** Constructor for a Device node */
VariableNetworkNode(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, UpdateMode mode,
VariableDirection direction, const std::type_info &valTyp=typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements=0);
/** Constructor for a ControlSystem node */
VariableNetworkNode(std::string publicName, VariableDirection direction,
const std::type_info &valTyp=typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements=0);
/** Constructor for a TriggerReceiver node triggering the data transfer of another network. The additional dummy
* argument is only there to discriminate the signature from the copy constructor and will be ignored. */
VariableNetworkNode(VariableNetworkNode& nodeToTrigger, int);
/** Constructor to wrap a VariableNetworkNode_data pointer */
VariableNetworkNode(boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> pdata);
/** Default constructor for an invalid node */
/** Factory function for a constant (a constructor cannot be templated) */
template<typename UserType>
static VariableNetworkNode makeConstant(bool makeFeeder, UserType value=0, size_t length=1);
/** Change meta data (name, unit, description and optionally tags). This function may only be used on
* Application-type nodes. If the optional argument tags is omitted, the tags will not be changed. To clear the
* tags, an empty set can be passed. */
void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &description);
void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &description,
const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags);
/** Set the owner network of this node. If an owner network is already set, an assertion will be raised */
void setOwner(VariableNetwork *network);
/** Clear the owner network of this node. */
void clearOwner();
/** Set the value type for this node. Only possible of the current value type is undecided (i.e. AnyType). */
void setValueType(const std::type_info& newType) const;
/** Function checking if the node requires a fixed implementation */
bool hasImplementation() const;
/** Compare two nodes */
bool operator==(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const;
bool operator!=(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const;
bool operator<(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const;
/** Connect two nodes */
VariableNetworkNode operator>>(VariableNetworkNode other);
/** Add a trigger */
VariableNetworkNode operator[](VariableNetworkNode trigger);
/** Check for presence of an external trigger */
bool hasExternalTrigger() const;
/** Return the external trigger node. if no external trigger is present, an assertion will be raised. */
VariableNetworkNode getExternalTrigger();
/** Print node information to std::cout */
void dump(std::ostream& stream=std::cout) const;
/** Create an XML node describing this network node as seen by the control syste. If the type is not
* NodeType::ControlSystem, this function does nothing. Otherwise the correct directory hierarchy will be
* created (if not yet existing) and a variable tag will be created containing the externally visible
* properties of this variable. */
void createXML(xmlpp::Element *rootElement) const;
/** Check if the node already has an owner */
bool hasOwner() const;
/** Add a tag. This function may only be used on Application-type nodes. Valid names for tags only contain
* alpha-numeric characters (i.e. no spaces and no special characters). @todo enforce this!*/
void addTag(const std::string &tag);
/** Getter for the properties */
NodeType getType() const;
UpdateMode getMode() const;
VariableDirection getDirection() const;
const std::type_info& getValueType() const;
std::string getName() const;
std::string getQualifiedName() const;
const std::string& getUnit() const;
const std::string& getDescription() const;
VariableNetwork& getOwner() const;
VariableNetworkNode getNodeToTrigger();
const std::string& getPublicName() const;
const std::string& getDeviceAlias() const;
const std::string& getRegisterName() const;
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& getTags() const;
void setNumberOfElements(size_t nElements);
size_t getNumberOfElements() const;
mtca4u::TransferElementAbstractor& getAppAccessorNoType();
template<typename UserType>
mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>& getAppAccessor() const;
template<typename UserType>
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> getConstAccessor() const;
/** Return the unique ID of this node (will change every time the application is started). */
const void* getUniqueId() const { return pdata.get(); }
/** Change pointer to the accessor. May only be used for application nodes. */
void setAppAccessorPointer(mtca4u::TransferElementAbstractor *accessor);
EntityOwner* getOwningModule() const;
void setOwningModule(EntityOwner *newOwner) const;
//protected: @todo make protected again (with proper interface extension)
boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> pdata;
/** We use a pimpl pattern so copied instances of VariableNetworkNode refer to the same instance of the data
* structure and thus stay consistent all the time. */
struct VariableNetworkNode_data {
VariableNetworkNode_data() {}
/** Type of the node (Application, Device, ControlSystem, Trigger) */
NodeType type{NodeType::invalid};
/** Update mode: poll or push */
UpdateMode mode{UpdateMode::invalid};
/** Node direction: feeding or consuming */
VariableDirection direction{VariableDirection::invalid};
/** Value type of this node. If the type_info is the typeid of AnyType, the actual type can be decided when making
* the connections. */
const std::type_info* valueType{&typeid(AnyType)};
/** Engineering unit. If equal to mtca4u::TransferElement::unitNotSet, no unit has been defined (and any unit is allowed). */
std::string unit{mtca4u::TransferElement::unitNotSet};
/** Description */
std::string description{""};
/** The network this node belongs to */
VariableNetwork *network{nullptr};
/** Pointer to implementation if type == Constant */
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::TransferElement> constNode;
/** Pointer to implementation if type == Application */
mtca4u::TransferElementAbstractor *appNode{nullptr};
/** Pointer to network which should be triggered by this node */
VariableNetworkNode nodeToTrigger{nullptr};
/** Pointer to the network providing the external trigger. May only be used for feeding nodes with an
* update mode poll. When enabled, the update mode will be converted into push. */
VariableNetworkNode externalTrigger{nullptr};
/** Public name if type == ControlSystem */
std::string publicName;
/** Accessor name if type == Application */
std::string name;
std::string qualifiedName;
/** Device information if type == Device */
std::string deviceAlias;
std::string registerName;
/** Number of elements in the variable. 0 means not yet decided. */
size_t nElements{0};
/** Set of tags if type == Application */
std::unordered_set<std::string> tags;
/** Map to store triggered versions of this node. The map key is the trigger node and the value is the node
* with the respective trigger added. */
std::map<VariableNetworkNode, VariableNetworkNode> nodeWithTrigger;
/** Pointer to the module owning this node */
EntityOwner *owningModule{nullptr};
/*** Implementations *************************************************************************************************/
template<typename UserType>
VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant(bool makeFeeder, UserType value, size_t length) {
VariableNetworkNode node;
node.pdata = boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>();
node.pdata->constNode.reset(new ConstantAccessor<UserType>(value, length));
node.pdata->type = NodeType::Constant;
node.pdata->valueType = &typeid(UserType);
node.pdata->nElements = length;
node.pdata->name = "*UNNAMED CONSTANT*";
if(makeFeeder) {
node.pdata->direction = VariableDirection::feeding;
node.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
else {
node.pdata->direction = VariableDirection::consuming;
node.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::poll;
return node;
template<typename UserType>
mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>& VariableNetworkNode::getAppAccessor() const {
assert(typeid(UserType) == getValueType());
assert(pdata->type == NodeType::Application);
auto accessor = static_cast<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>*>(pdata->appNode);
assert(accessor != nullptr);
return *accessor;
template<typename UserType>
boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> VariableNetworkNode::getConstAccessor() const {
return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<mtca4u::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>(pdata->constNode);
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */