Martin Killenberg authoredMartin Killenberg authored
CircularDependencyDetectionRecursionStopper.h 1.62 KiB
#include <cstddef>
namespace ChimeraTK { namespace detail {
/** A helper class do stop the recursion when scanning for circular dependency networks.
* When scanning, each time the whole network has to be detected. This means even if a circular depencency is
* already detected, a module has to scan all of its inputs at least once. So the detection of the
* circle cannot be the point where the recursion is stopped.
* The task of this class is to set an indicator the first time a module detects the circle and will then do the
* scan of all inuts, so that following calls can end the recursion because they know the job is done.
* This is done with setRecursionDetected().
* Each input of a module must do a complete scan to determine wheter it is part
* of a circle or not, even if the module itself has other variables in a circle. So the flag must be
* reset at the beginning of each scan. This is done by the static function startNewScan().
* After the call of startNewScan(), recusionDetected() returns false until setRecursionDetected() is called.
* If recursionDetected() after construction before calling startNewScan, an exeption is thrown.
class CircularDependencyDetectionRecursionStopper {
static size_t _globalScanCounter;
size_t _localScanCounter;
static void startNewScan();
void setRecursionDetected();
bool recursionDetected();
}} // namespace ChimeraTK::detail