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  • // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, MSK, ChimeraTK Project <>
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
    #pragma once
    #include "Flags.h"
    #include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
    #include <string>
      class AccessorBase;
      class Module;
      class VirtualModule;
       *  Convenience type definition which can optionally be used as a shortcut for the type which defines a list of
       *  tags.
      using TAGS = const std::unordered_set<std::string>;
       *  Base class for owners of other EntityOwners (e.g. Modules) and Accessors.
       *  FIXME: Unify with Module class (not straight forward!).
      class EntityOwner {
        /** Constructor: Create EntityOwner by the given name with the given description. The hierarchy will be modified
         *  according to the hierarchyModifier (when VirtualModules are created e.g. in findTag()). The specified list of
         *  tags will be added to all elements directly or indirectly owned by this instance. */
        EntityOwner(const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
            HierarchyModifier hierarchyModifier = HierarchyModifier::none,
            const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {});
        /** Deprecated form of the constructor. Use the new signature instead. */
        EntityOwner(const std::string& name, const std::string& description, bool eliminateHierarchy,
            const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {});
        /** Default constructor just for late initialisation */
        /** Virtual destructor to make the type polymorphic */
        virtual ~EntityOwner();
        /** Move constructor */
        EntityOwner(EntityOwner&& other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
        EntityOwner(const EntityOwner& other) = delete;
        /** Move assignment operator */
        EntityOwner& operator=(EntityOwner&& other);
        EntityOwner& operator=(const EntityOwner& other) = delete;
        /** Get the name of the module instance */
        const std::string& getName() const { return _name; }
        /** Get the fully qualified name of the module instance, i.e. the name
         * containing all module names further up in the hierarchy. */
        virtual std::string getQualifiedName() const = 0;
        /** Get the description of the module instance */
        const std::string& getDescription() const { return _description; }
        /** Obtain the full description including the full description of the owner.
        virtual std::string getFullDescription() const = 0;
        /** Obtain the list of accessors/variables directly associated with this
         * instance */
        virtual std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorList() const { return accessorList; }
        /** Obtain the list of submodules associated with this instance */
        virtual std::list<Module*> getSubmoduleList() const { return moduleList; }
        /** Obtain the list of accessors/variables associated with this instance and
         * any submodules */
        std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorListRecursive() const;
        /** Obtain the list of submodules associated with this instance and any
         * submodules */
        std::list<Module*> getSubmoduleListRecursive() const;
        /** Check whether a submodule exists by the given name (not taking into
         * account eliminated hierarchies etc.) */
        bool hasSubmodule(const std::string& name) const;
        /** Get a submodule by the given name (not taking into account eliminated
         * hierarchies etc.) */
        Module* getSubmodule(const std::string& name) const;
        /** Return a VirtualModule containing the part of the tree structure matching
         * the given tag. The resulting VirtualModule might have virtual sub-modules,
         * if this EntityOwner contains sub-EntityOwners with entities matching the
         * tag. "tag" is interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match).
        VirtualModule findTag(const std::string& tag) const;
        /** Return a VirtualModule containing the part of the tree structure not
         * matching the given tag. This is the negation of findTag(), this function
         * will keep those variables which findTag() would remove from the tree.
         * Again, "tag" is interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match).
        VirtualModule excludeTag(const std::string& tag) const;
        /** Called inside the constructor of Accessor: adds the accessor to the list
        void registerAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor);
        /** Called inside the destructor of Accessor: removes the accessor from the
         * list */
        void unregisterAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor) { accessorList.remove(accessor); }
        /** Register another module as a sub-module. Will be called automatically by
         * all modules in their constructors. If addTags is set to false, the tags of
         * this EntityOwner will not be set to the module being registered. This is
         * e.g. used in the move-constructor of Module to prevent from altering the
         * tags in the move operation. */
        void registerModule(Module* module, bool addTags = true);
        /** Unregister another module as a sub-module. Will be called automatically by
         * all modules in their destructors. */
        void unregisterModule(Module* module);
        /** Add a tag to all Application-type nodes inside this group. It will recurse
         * into any subgroups. See VariableNetworkNode::addTag() for additional
         * information about tags. */
        void addTag(const std::string& tag);
        /** Note: this function is deprectated. Use the constructor parameter instead. If this is not sufficient, write a
         *  feature request for a function to set the HierarchyModifier.
         * Eliminate the level of hierarchy represented by this EntityOwner. This is
         * e.g. used when building the hierarchy of VirtualModules in findTag().
         * Eliminating one level of hierarchy will make all childs of that hierarchy
         * level to appear as if there were direct childs of the next higher hierarchy
         * level. If e.g. there is a variable on the third level "A.B.C" and one
         * selects to eliminate the second level of hierarchy (e.g. calls
         *  B.eliminateHierarchy()), the structure would look like "A.C". This of
         * course only affects the "dynamic" data
         *  model, while the static C++ model is fixed at compile time. */
        void setEliminateHierarchy() { _hierarchyModifier = HierarchyModifier::hideThis; }
        /** Returns the flag whether this level of hierarchy should be eliminated. It returns true
            if hiding the hierarchy is required by the hierarchy modifier (HierarchyModifier::hideThis or
           HierarchyModifier::oneUpAndHide) */
        bool getEliminateHierarchy() const;
        /** Returns the hierarchy modifier of this entity. FIXE: One of those useless code comments.
        HierarchyModifier getHierarchyModifier() const { return _hierarchyModifier; }
        /** Create a VirtualModule which contains all variables of this EntityOwner in
         * a flat hierarchy. It will recurse
         *  through all sub-modules and add all found variables directly to the
         * VirtualModule. */
        VirtualModule flatten();
        void accept(Visitor<EntityOwner>& visitor) const { visitor.dispatch(*this); }
        /** Print the full hierarchy to stdout. */
        void dump(const std::string& prefix = "") const;
        /** Create Graphviz dot graph and write to file. The graph will contain the
         * full hierarchy of modules and variables below (and including) this module.
         * Each variable will also show which tags are attached to it. ModuleGroups
         * will be drawn with a double line, ApplicationModules with a bold line.
         * Hierarchies which will be eliminated in the dynamic information model are
         * shown with a dotted line. */
        void dumpGraph(const std::string& fileName = "") const;
        /** Create a Graphiz dot graph similar to the one created with dumpGraph, but
         * just show the modules and not the
         *  variables. This allows to get an overview over more complex applications.
        void dumpModuleGraph(const std::string& fileName = "") const;
        enum class ModuleType { ApplicationModule, ModuleGroup, VariableGroup, ControlSystem, Device, Invalid };
        /** Return the module type of this module, or in case of a VirtualModule the
         * module type this VirtualModule was derived from. */
        virtual ModuleType getModuleType() const = 0;
        /** Return the current version number which has been received with the last
        virtual VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const = 0;
        /** Set the current version number. This function is called by the push-type
         * input accessors in their read functions. */
        virtual void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber versionNumber) = 0;
        /** Return the data validity flag. If any This function will be called by all output accessors in their write
         *  functions. */
        virtual DataValidity getDataValidity() const = 0;
        /** Set the data validity flag to fault and increment the fault counter. This function will be called by all input
         *  accessors when receiving the a faulty update if the previous update was ok. The caller of this function must
         *  ensure that calls to this function are paired to a subsequent call to decrementDataFaultCounter(). */
        virtual void incrementDataFaultCounter() = 0;
        /** Decrement the fault counter and set the data validity flag to ok if the counter has reached 0. This function
         *  will be called by all input accessors when receiving the an ok update if the previous update was faulty. The
         *  caller of this function must ensure that calles to this function are paired to a previous call to
         *  incrementDataFaultCounter(). */
        virtual void decrementDataFaultCounter() = 0;
        /** Use pointer to the module as unique identifier.*/
        virtual std::list<EntityOwner*> getInputModulesRecursively(std::list<EntityOwner*> startList) = 0;
        /** Get the ID of the circular dependency network (0 if none). This information is only available after
         *  the Application has finalised all connections.
        virtual size_t getCircularNetworkHash() = 0;
         *  Create a variable name which will be automatically connected with a constant value. This can be used when
         *  instantiating generic modules which expect a parameter by variable name, when the parameter shall be set to
         *  a constant value.
         *  This function is a static member of the EntityOwner, since it is normally called in constructors of
         *  EntityOwners.
        template<typename T>
        static std::string constant(T value);
        /** Add the part of the tree structure matching the given tag to a
         * VirtualModule. Users normally will use findTag() instead. "tag" is
         * interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match). */
        virtual void findTagAndAppendToModule(VirtualModule& virtualParent, const std::string& tag,
            bool eliminateAllHierarchies, bool eliminateFirstHierarchy, bool negate, VirtualModule& root) const;
        /** The name of this instance */
        std::string _name;
        /** The description of this instance */
        std::string _description;
        /** List of accessors owned by this instance */
        std::list<VariableNetworkNode> accessorList;
        /** List of modules owned by this instance */
        std::list<Module*> moduleList;
        /** Hierarchy modifier flag */
        HierarchyModifier _hierarchyModifier{HierarchyModifier::none};
        /** List of tags to be added to all accessors and modules inside this module
        std::unordered_set<std::string> _tags;
        /** Flag used by the testable mode to identify whether a thread within the EntityOwner has reached the point where
         *  the testable mode lock is acquired.
         *  @todo This should be moved to a more proper place in the hierarchy (e.g. ModuleImpl) after InternalModule class
         *  has been properly unified with the normal Module class. */
        std::atomic<bool> testableModeReached{false};
        /** Check whether this module has declared that it reached the testable mode. */
        bool hasReachedTestableMode();
      template<typename T>
      std::string EntityOwner::constant(T value) {
        return "@CONST@" + userTypeToUserType<std::string>(value);