// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, MSK, ChimeraTK Project <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
#include "Flags.h"
#include "InternalModule.h"
#include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/ApplicationBase.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/DeviceBackend.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
namespace ChimeraTK {
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
class Module;
class AccessorBase;
class VariableNetwork;
class TriggerFanOut;
class TestFacility;
class DeviceModule;
template<typename UserType>
class Accessor;
template<typename UserType>
class FanOut;
template<typename UserType>
class ConsumingFanOut;
namespace detail {
struct TestableMode;
} // namespace detail
class Application : public ApplicationBase, public ModuleGroup {
/** The constructor takes the application name as an argument. The name must
* have a non-zero length and must not contain any spaces or special
* characters. Use only alphanumeric characters and underscores. */
explicit Application(const std::string& name);
using ApplicationBase::getName;
/** This will remove the global pointer to the instance and allows creating
* another instance afterwards. This is mostly useful for writing tests, as it
* allows to run several applications sequentially in the same executable.
* Note that any ApplicationModules etc. owned by this Application are no
* longer
* valid after destroying the Application and must be destroyed as well (or
* at least no longer used). */
void shutdown() override;
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
/** Define the connections between process variables. Can be implemented by the application developer. The default
* implementation will connect the entire application with the control system (virtual hierarchy). */
void optimiseUnmappedVariables(const std::set<std::string>& names) override;
void run() override;
/** Instead of running the application, just initialise it and output the
* published variables to an XML file. */
void generateXML();
/** Output the connections requested in the initialise() function to
* std::cout. This may be done also before
* makeConnections() has been called. */
void dumpConnections(std::ostream& stream = std::cout);
/** Create Graphviz dot graph and write to file. The graph will contain the
* connections made in the initialise() function. @see dumpConnections */
void dumpConnectionGraph(const std::string& filename = {""}) const;
/** Create Graphviz dot graph representing the connections between the modules, and write to file.*/
void dumpModuleConnectionGraph(const std::string& filename = {""}) const;
/** Enable warning about unconnected variables. This can be helpful to
* identify missing connections but is
* disabled by default since it may often be very noisy. */
void warnUnconnectedVariables() { enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning = true; }
/** Obtain instance of the application. Will throw an exception if called
* before the instance has been created by the control system adapter, or if
* the instance is not based on the Application class. */
static Application& getInstance();
/** Enable the testable mode. This allows to step-wise run the application using testableMode.step()
* The application will start in paused state.
* This function must be called before the application is initialised (i.e.
* before the call to initialise()).
* Note: Enabling the testable mode will have a significant impact on the
* performance, since it will prevent any module threads to run at the same
* time! */
void enableTestableMode();
/** Get the TestableMode of this application */
detail::TestableMode& getTestableMode() { return testableMode; }
/** Register the thread in the application system and give it a name. This
* should be done for all threads used by the application to help with
* debugging and to allow profiling. */
static void registerThread(const std::string& name);
void debugMakeConnections() { enableDebugMakeConnections = true; }
Christoph Kampmeyer
ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::ModuleGroup; }
std::string getQualifiedName() const override { return "/" + _name; }
std::string getFullDescription() const override { return ""; }
/** Enable debug output for a given variable. */
void enableVariableDebugging(const VariableNetworkNode& node) { debugMode_variableList.insert(node.getUniqueId()); }
/** Enable debug output for lost data. This will print to stdout every time data is lost in internal queues as it
* is counted with the DataLossCounter module. Do not enable in production environments. Do not call after
* initialisation phase of application. */
void enableDebugDataLoss() { debugDataLoss = true; }
/** Increment counter for how many write() operations have overwritten unread data */
static void incrementDataLossCounter(const std::string& name);
static size_t getAndResetDataLossCounter();
/** Convenience function for creating constants. See
* VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant() for details. */
template<typename UserType>
static VariableNetworkNode makeConstant(UserType value, size_t length = 1, bool makeFeeder = true);
void registerDeviceModule(DeviceModule* deviceModule);
void unregisterDeviceModule(DeviceModule* deviceModule);
LifeCycleState getLifeCycleState() const { return lifeCycleState; }
VersionNumber getStartVersion() const { return _startVersion; }
friend class Module;
friend class VariableNetwork;
friend class VariableNetworkNode;
friend class VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor;
friend class VariableNetworkModuleGraphDumpingVisitor;
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
friend class ConnectingDeviceModule;
friend struct StatusAggregator;
friend struct detail::TestableMode;
template<typename UserType>
friend class Accessor;
template<typename UserType>
friend class ExceptionHandlingDecorator;
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
* Find PVs which should be constant. The names of these PVs start with "@CONST@" followed by the value. If such
* a name is found, a feeding constant variable is created.
void findConstantNodes();
/** Finalise connections, i.e. decide still-undecided details mostly for
* Device and ControlSystem variables */
void finaliseNetworks();
/** Check if all connections are valid. Internally called in initialise(). */
void checkConnections();
/** Register the connections to constants for previously unconnected nodes. */
void processUnconnectedNodes();
/** Make the connections between accessors as requested in the initialise()
* function. */
void makeConnections();
/** Apply optimisations to the VariableNetworks, e.g. by merging networks
* sharing the same feeder. */
void optimiseConnections();
/** Make the connections for a single network */
void makeConnectionsForNetwork(VariableNetwork& network);
/** Scan for circular dependencies and mark all affected consuming nodes.
Martin Killenberg
* This can only be done after all connections have been established. */
Martin Killenberg
void markCircularConsumers(VariableNetwork& variableNetwork);
Martin Killenberg
/** UserType-dependent part of makeConnectionsForNetwork() */
template<typename UserType>
void typedMakeConnection(VariableNetwork& network);
/** Helper function to set consumer implementations in typedMakeConnection() */
template<typename UserType>
std::list<std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>, VariableNetworkNode>>
setConsumerImplementations(VariableNetworkNode const& feeder, std::list<VariableNetworkNode> consumers);
/** Functor class to call typedMakeConnection() with the right template
* argument. */
struct TypedMakeConnectionCaller {
TypedMakeConnectionCaller(Application& owner, VariableNetwork& network);
template<typename PAIR>
void operator()(PAIR&) const;
Application& _owner;
VariableNetwork& _network;
mutable bool done{false};
/** Register a connection between two VariableNetworkNode */
VariableNetwork& connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode b);
/** Perform the actual connection of an accessor to a device register */
template<typename UserType>
Martin Killenberg
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> createDeviceVariable(VariableNetworkNode const& node);
/** Create a process variable with the PVManager, which is exported to the
control system adapter. nElements will be the array size of the created
variable. */
template<typename UserType>
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> createProcessVariable(VariableNetworkNode const& node);
/** Create a local process variable which is not exported. The first element
* in the returned pair will be the sender, the second the receiver. If two
* nodes are passed, the first node should be the sender and the second the
* receiver. */
template<typename UserType>
createApplicationVariable(VariableNetworkNode const& node, VariableNetworkNode const& consumer = {});
/** List of InternalModules */
std::list<boost::shared_ptr<InternalModule>> internalModuleList;
/** List of variable networks */
std::list<VariableNetwork> networkList;
/** List of constant variable nodes */
std::list<VariableNetworkNode> constantList;
Martin Killenberg
/** Map of trigger consumers to their corresponding TriggerFanOuts. Note: the
Martin Killenberg
* key is the ID (address) of the externalTiggerImpl. */
std::map<const void*, boost::shared_ptr<TriggerFanOut>> triggerMap;
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
/** Map of control system type VariableNetworkNodes handed out by ControlSystemModules. This is used to hand out
* the same node again if the same variable is requested another time, to ensure the connections are registered in
* the same network. */
std::map<std::string, VariableNetworkNode> controlSystemVariables;
/** Create a new, empty network */
VariableNetwork& createNetwork();
/** Instance of VariableNetwork to indicate an invalid network */
VariableNetwork invalidNetwork;
/** Map of DeviceBackends used by this application. The map key is the alias
* name from the DMAP file */
std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::DeviceBackend>> deviceMap;
Martin Killenberg
/** Map of DeviceModules. The alias name is the key.*/
std::map<std::string, DeviceModule*> deviceModuleMap;
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
/** Flag which is set by the TestFacility in runApplication() at the beginning. This is used to make sure
* runApplication() is called by the TestFacility and not manually. */
bool testFacilityRunApplicationCalled{false};
/** Flag whether initialise() has been called already, to make sure it doesn't get called twice. */
bool initialiseCalled{false};
/** Flag whether run() has been called already, to make sure it doesn't get called twice. */
bool runCalled{false};
/** Flag whether to warn about unconnected variables or not */
bool enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning{false};
/** Flag if debug output is enabled for creation of the variable connections */
Christoph Kampmeyer
bool enableDebugMakeConnections{false};
/** Map from ProcessArray uniqueId to the variable ID for control system
* variables. This is required for the TestFacility. */
std::map<size_t, size_t> pvIdMap;
detail::CircularDependencyDetector circularDependencyDetector;
/** List of variables for which debug output was requested via
* enableVariableDebugging(). Stored is the unique id of the
* VariableNetworkNode.*/
std::unordered_set<const void*> debugMode_variableList;
/** Counter for how many write() operations have overwritten unread data */
std::atomic<size_t> dataLossCounter{0};
/** Flag whether to debug data loss (as counted with the data loss counter). */
bool debugDataLoss{false};
/** Life-cycle state of the application */
std::atomic<LifeCycleState> lifeCycleState{LifeCycleState::initialisation};
/** Version number used at application start, e.g. to propagate initial values */
VersionNumber _startVersion;
Martin Killenberg
/** Map of atomic invalidity counters for each circular dependency network.
* The key is the hash of network which serves as a unique identifier.
* The invalidity counter is atomic so it can be accessed from all modules in the network.
std::map<size_t, std::atomic<uint64_t>> circularNetworkInvalidityCounters;
/** The networks of circular dependencies, reachable by their hash, which serves as unique ID
Martin Killenberg
std::map<size_t, std::list<EntityOwner*>> circularDependencyNetworks;
friend class TestFacility; // needs access to testableMode variables
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
friend class ControlSystemModule; // needs access to controlSystemVariables
template<typename UserType>
friend class DebugPrintAccessorDecorator; // needs access to the idMap
Martin Killenberg
template<typename UserType>
friend class MetaDataPropagatingRegisterDecorator; // needs to access circularNetworkInvalidityCounters
friend class ApplicationModule; // needs to access circularNetworkInvalidityCounters
friend struct detail::CircularDependencyDetector;
Martin Killenberg
VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("getCurrentVersionNumber() called on the application. This is probably "
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
"caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber) override {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("setCurrentVersionNumber() called on the application. This is probably "
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
"caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
DataValidity getDataValidity() const override {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("getDataValidity() called on the application. This is probably "
"caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
void incrementDataFaultCounter() override {
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("incrementDataFaultCounter() called on the application. This is probably "
"caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
void decrementDataFaultCounter() override {
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("decrementDataFaultCounter() called on the application. This is probably "
"caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
Martin Killenberg
std::list<EntityOwner*> getInputModulesRecursively([[maybe_unused]] std::list<EntityOwner*> startList) override {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("getInputModulesRecursively() called on the application. This is probably "
"caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
Martin Killenberg
size_t getCircularNetworkHash() override {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("getCircularNetworkHash() called on the application. This is probably "
"caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
template<typename UserType>
VariableNetworkNode Application::makeConstant(UserType value, size_t length, bool makeFeeder) {
return VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant(makeFeeder, value, length);
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */