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VariableNetwork.h 6.81 KiB
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 * VariableNetwork.h
 *  Created on: Jun 14, 2016
 *      Author: Martin Hierholzer


#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>

#include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/ProcessVariable.h>
#include "Visitor.h"
  class AccessorBase;

  /** This class describes a network of variables all connected to each other. */
  class VariableNetwork {
    VariableNetwork(const VariableNetwork& other) = delete;      // non construction-copyable
    VariableNetwork& operator=(const VariableNetwork&) = delete; // non copyable

    VariableNetwork() {}

    /** Define trigger types. The trigger decides when values are fed into the
     * network and distributed to the consumers. */
    enum class TriggerType {
      feeder,          ///< The feeder has an UpdateMode::push and thus decides when new
                       ///< values are fed
      pollingConsumer, ///< If there is exacly one consumer with UpdateMode::poll,
                       ///< it will trigger the feeding
      external,        ///< another variable network can trigger the feeding of this
                       ///< network
      none             ///< no trigger has yet been selected

    /** Add an node to the network. The node must not yet be part of any network.
    void addNode(VariableNetworkNode& a);

    /** Add a trigger receiver node. The node must not yet be part of any network.
    void addNodeToTrigger(VariableNetworkNode& nodeToTrigger);

    /** Remove a node from the network. The node must be part of the given
     * network. */
    void removeNode(VariableNetworkNode& a);

    /** Remove a trigger receiver node from the network. The node must be part of
     * the given network. */
    void removeNodeToTrigger(const VariableNetworkNode& nodeToNoLongerTrigger);

    /** Check if the network already has a feeding node connected to it. */
    bool hasFeedingNode() const;

    /** Count the number of consuming nodes in the network */
    size_t countConsumingNodes() const;

    /** Obtain the type info of the UserType. If the network type has not yet been
     * determined (i.e. if no output accessor has been assigned yet), the typeid
     * of void will be returned. */
    const std::type_info& getValueType() const { return *valueType; }

    /** Return the feeding node */
    VariableNetworkNode getFeedingNode() const;

    /** Return list of consuming nodes */
    std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getConsumingNodes() const;

    /** Check whether the network has a consuming application node */
    bool hasApplicationConsumer() const;

    /** Dump the network structure to std::cout. The optional linePrefix will be
     * prepended to all lines. */
    void dump(const std::string& linePrefix = "", std::ostream& stream = std::cout) const;

    void accept(Visitor<VariableNetwork>& visitor) const;

    /** Compare two networks */
    bool operator==(const VariableNetwork& other) const {
      if(other.valueType != valueType) return false;
      if(other.nodeList != nodeList) return false;
      return true;
    bool operator!=(const VariableNetwork& other) const { return !operator==(other); }

    /** Return the trigger type. This function will also do some checking if the
     * network confguration is valid under the aspect of the trigger type. The
     * optional argument is only internally used to prevent endless recursive
     * calls if getTriggerType() is called inside dump(). */
    TriggerType getTriggerType(bool verboseExceptions = true) const;

    /** Return the enginerring unit */
    const std::string& getUnit() const { return engineeringUnit; }
    /** Return the description */
    const std::string& getDescription() const { return description; }
    /** Return the network providing the external trigger to this network, if
     * TriggerType::external. If the network has another trigger type, an
     * exception will be thrown. */
    // VariableNetwork& getExternalTrigger();
    /** Add an accessor belonging to another node as an external trigger to this
     * network. Whenever the VariableNetwork of the given node will be fed with a
     * new value, feeding of this network will be triggered as well. */
    // void addTrigger(VariableNetworkNode trigger);

    /** Check if the network is legally configured */
    void check() const;

    /** Check the flag if the network connections has been created already */
    bool isCreated() const { return flagIsCreated; }

    /** Set the flag that the network connections are created */
    void markCreated() { flagIsCreated = true; }

    /** Assign a ProcessVariable as implementation for the external trigger */
    void setExternalTriggerImpl(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable> impl) { externalTriggerImpl = impl; }

    /** */
    boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable> getExternalTriggerImpl() const { return externalTriggerImpl; }

    /** Merge with another VaraibleNetwork. The other network will become invalid
     * and gets removed from the
     *  application. If merging is not possible, false is returned and no change
     * is made. */
    bool merge(VariableNetwork& other);

    /** Set FanOut used to realise this network */
    void setFanOut(const boost::shared_ptr<FanOutBase> &fanOut) { _fanOut = fanOut; }

    /** Return FanOut used to realise this network if present, empty shared_ptr otherwise. */
    boost::shared_ptr<FanOutBase> getFanOut() const { return _fanOut.lock(); }

    /** List of nodes in the network */
    std::list<VariableNetworkNode> nodeList;

    /** The network value type id. Since in C++, std::type_info is non-copyable
     * and typeid() returns a reference to
     *  an object with static storage duration, we have to (and can safely) store
     * a pointer here. */
    const std::type_info* valueType{&typeid(AnyType)};

    /** Engineering unit */
    std::string engineeringUnit{ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet};

    /** User-provided description */
    std::string description;

    /** Flag if an external trigger has been added to this network */
    // bool hasExternalTrigger{false};

    /** Pointer to the network providing the external trigger */
    // VariableNetwork *externalTrigger{nullptr};

    /** Pointer to ProcessVariable providing the trigger (if external trigger is
     * enabled) */
    boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable> externalTriggerImpl;

    /** Flag if the network connections have been created already */
    bool flagIsCreated{false};

    /** The fan out to realise this network. Only valid if a FanOut is needed. */
    boost::weak_ptr<FanOutBase> _fanOut;

} /* namespace ChimeraTK */