* \author Klaus Zenker (HZDR)
* \date 10.08.2018
* \page historydoc Server based history module
* Some control systems offer a variable history but some do not. In this case
* the \c ServerHistory can be used to create a history ring buffer on the
* server. If only a local history is needed consider to use the \c MicroDAQ
* module. In order to do so you connect the variable that should have a history
* on the server to the \c ServerHistory module. The history length is set
* during module construction and fixed per module. Every time one of the
* variable handled by the history module is updated it will be filled into the
* history buffer. The buffer length (history length) can not be changed during
* runtime. Finally, one can create an addition buffer for each history
* buffer that includes the time stamps of each data point in the history buffer.
* This is useful if not all history buffers are filled with the same rate or the
* rate is not known.
* Output variables created by the \c ServerHistory module are named like their
* feeding process variables with a prefixed name that is set when the process
* variables is added to the history module. In case of Array type feeding
* process variables n history buffers are created (where n is the Array size)
* and the element index i is appended to the feeding process variable name. In
* consequence an input array of length i will result in i output history
* arrays. The following tags are added to the history output variable:
* - CS
* - name of the history module
* It is also possible to connect a DeviceModule to the ServerHistory module. This
* requires a trigger, which is given as optional parameter to the \c addSource
* method. If the device variables are writable they are of push type. In this case
* the trigger will not be added. One has to use the LogicalNameMapping backend to
* force the device variables to be read only by using the \c forceReadOnly plugin.
* Using the LogicalNameMapping backend also allows to select individual device
* process variables to be connected to the \c ServerHistory.
* The following example shows how to integrate the \c ServerHistory module.
* \code
* sruct TestModule: public ChimeraTK::ApplicationModule{
* chimeraTK::ScalarOutput<float> measurement{this, "measurement", "" ,
* "measurement variable", {"CS", History"}};
* ...
* };
* struct myApp : public ChimeraTK::Application{
* history::ServerHistory<float> history{this, "ServerHistory", "History for
* certain scalara float variables", 20}; // History buffer length is 20
* ChimeraTK::ControlSystemModule cs;
* ChimeraTK::DeviceModule dev{this, "Dummy"};
* ChimeraTK::PeriodicTrigger trigger{this, "Trigger", "Trigger used for other modules"};
* TestModule test{ this, "test", "" };
* ...
* };
* void myAPP::defineConnctions(){
* // connect a module with variables that are updated by the module, which
* // triggers an update of the history buffer
* history.addSource(test.findTag("History"), "history" + test->getName())
* // will show up in the control system as history/test/measurement
* // add a device. Updating of the history buffer is trigger external by the given trigger
* history.addSource(dev..virtualiseFromCatalog(),"device_history",trigger.tick);
* history.findTag("CS").connectTo(cs);
* ...
* }
* \endcode
#include "ApplicationCore.h"
#include <ChimeraTK/SupportedUserTypes.h>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace ChimeraTK { namespace history {
struct AccessorAttacher;
template<typename UserType>
struct HistoryEntry{
HistoryEntry(bool enableHistory): data(std::vector<ArrayOutput<UserType> >{}),
timeStamp(std::vector<ArrayOutput<uint64_t> >{}),
withTimeStamps(enableHistory){ }
std::vector<ArrayOutput<UserType> > data;
std::vector<ArrayOutput<uint64_t> > timeStamp;
bool withTimeStamps;
struct ServerHistory : public ApplicationModule {
* Constructor.
* Addition parameters to a normal device module constructor:
* \param historyLength Length of the history buffers.
* \param enableTimeStamps An additional ring buffer per variable will be added that holds the time stamps
* corresponding to the data ring buffer entries.
ServerHistory(EntityOwner* owner, const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
size_t historyLength = 1200, bool enableTimeStamps = false, bool eliminateHierarchy = false, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags), _historyLength(historyLength), _enbaleTimeStamps(enableTimeStamps) { }
/** Default constructor, creates a non-working module. Can be used for late
* initialisation. */
ServerHistory() : _historyLength(1200), _enbaleTimeStamps(false) {}
* Add a Module as a source to this History module.
* \parameter source For all variables of this module ring buffers are created. Use \c findTag in combination
* with a dedicated history tag. In case device modules use the LogicalNameMapping to create
* a virtual device module that holds all variables that should be passed to the history module.
* \parameter namePrefix This prefix is added to variable names added to the root directory in the process variable
* tree. E.g. a prefix \c history for a variable names data will appear as history/dummy/data
* if dummy is the name of the source module.
* \parameter trigger This trigger is used for all poll type variable found in the source module.
void addSource(const Module& source, const RegisterPath& namePrefix, const VariableNetworkNode &trigger = {});
void mainLoop() override;
template<typename UserType>
VariableNetworkNode getAccessor(const std::string& variableName, const size_t& nElements);
/** Map of VariableGroups required to build the hierarchies. The key it the
* full path name. */
std::map<std::string, VariableGroup> groupMap;
/** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the
* ArrayPushInput and ArrayOutput accessors. These accessors are dynamically
* created by the AccessorAttacher. */
template<typename UserType>
using AccessorList = std::list<std::pair<ArrayPushInput<UserType>, HistoryEntry<UserType> > >;
TemplateUserTypeMap<AccessorList> _accessorListMap;
/** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the names of the
* accessors. Technically there would be no need to use TemplateUserTypeMap
* for this (as type does not depend on the UserType), but since these lists
* must be filled consistently with the accessorListMap, the same construction
* is used here. */
template<typename UserType>
using NameList = std::list<std::string>;
TemplateUserTypeMap<NameList> _nameListMap;
/** Overall variable name list, used to detect name collisions */
std::list<std::string> _overallVariableList;
size_t _historyLength;
bool _enbaleTimeStamps;
friend struct AccessorAttacher;
}} // namespace ChimeraTK::history