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* FeedingFanOut.h
* Created on: Jun 15, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <ChimeraTK/NDRegisterAccessor.h>
#include "FanOut.h"
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
namespace ChimeraTK {
* NDRegisterAccessor implementation which distributes values written to this
* accessor out to any number of slaves.
template<typename UserType>
class FeedingFanOut : public FanOut<UserType>, public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType> {
FeedingFanOut(std::string const& name, std::string const& unit, std::string const& description,
size_t numberOfElements, bool withReturn,
ConsumerImplementationPairs<UserType> const& consumerImplementationPairs)
: FanOut<UserType>(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>()),
Christoph Kampmeyer
// We pass default-constructed, empty AccessModeFlags, they may later be determined from _returnSlave
ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>("FeedingFanOut:" + name, AccessModeFlags{}, unit, description),
_withReturn(withReturn) {
Christoph Kampmeyer
this->_readQueue = cppext::future_queue<void>(3);
// TODO FanOut constructors and addSlave should get refactoring
for(auto el : consumerImplementationPairs) {
/** Add a slave to the FanOut. Only sending end-points of a consuming node may
* be added. */
void addSlave(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> slave, VariableNetworkNode&) override {
// check if array shape is compatible, unless the receiver is a trigger
// node, so no data is expected
if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0 &&
(slave->getNumberOfChannels() != 1 || slave->getNumberOfSamples() != this->getNumberOfSamples())) {
std::string what = "FeedingFanOut::addSlave(): Trying to add a slave '" + slave->getName();
what += "' with incompatible array shape! Name of fan out: '" + this->getName() + "'";
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.c_str());
// make sure slave is writeable
if(!slave->isWriteable()) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("FeedingFanOut::addSlave() has been called "
"with a receiving implementation!");
// handle return channels
if(_withReturn) {
if(slave->isReadable()) {
if(_hasReturnSlave) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("FeedingFanOut: Cannot add multiple slaves with return channel!");
// Assert the assumption about the return channel made in the constructor
_hasReturnSlave = true;
_returnSlave = slave;
Christoph Kampmeyer
// Set the readQeue from the return slave
Christoph Kampmeyer
// As this becomes the implemention of the feeding output, the flags are determined by that slave accessor
// If not _withReturn, the queue is not relevant because the feeding node is on output which is never read
this->_readQueue = _returnSlave->getReadQueue();
this->_accessModeFlags = _returnSlave->getAccessModeFlags();
// add the slave
bool isReadable() const override { return _withReturn; }
bool isReadOnly() const override { return false; }
bool isWriteable() const override { return true; }
void doReadTransferSynchronously() override {
if(this->_disabled) return;
void doPreRead(TransferType type) override {
if(!_withReturn) throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Read operation called on write-only variable.");
if(this->_disabled) return;
void doPostRead(TransferType type, bool hasNewData) override {
if(this->_disabled) return;
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
if(!hasNewData) return;
// distribute return-channel update to the other slaves
for(auto& slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) { // send out copies to slaves
if(slave == _returnSlave) continue;
if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) { // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
slave->accessChannel(0) = ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0];
_returnSlave->postRead(type, hasNewData);
this->_versionNumber = _returnSlave->getVersionNumber();
this->_dataValidity = _returnSlave->dataValidity();
void doPreWrite(TransferType, VersionNumber) override {
if(this->_disabled) return;
for(auto& slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) { // send out copies to slaves
if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) { // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
if(slave == FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()) { // in case of first slave, swap instead of copy
else { // not the first slave: copy the data from the first slave
slave->accessChannel(0) = FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()->accessChannel(0);
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
// Don't call pre-write on the slaves. Each slave has to do it's own exception handling, so we call the whole operation in doWriteTansfer().
// To fulfill the TransferElement specification we would have to check the pre-conditions here so no logic error is thrown in the
// transfer phase (logic_errors are predictable and can always pre prevented. They should be thrown here already).
// FIXME: At the moment we can be lazy about it. logic_errors are not treated in ApplicationCore and the only effect is that
// the logic_error would be delayed after postRead() and terminate the application there, and not after the transfer.
// Advantage about being lazy: It safes a few virtual function calls.
bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) override {
if(this->_disabled) return false;
bool dataLost = false;
bool isFirst = true;
for(auto& slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
bool ret;
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
ret = slave->write(versionNumber);
ret = slave->writeDestructively(versionNumber);
if(ret) dataLost = true;
return dataLost;
bool doWriteTransferDestructively(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber = {}) override {
if(this->_disabled) return false;
bool dataLost = false;
for(auto& slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
bool ret = slave->writeDestructively(versionNumber);
if(ret) dataLost = true;
return dataLost;
void doPostWrite(TransferType, VersionNumber) override {
if(this->_disabled) return;
// the postWrite() on the slaves has already been called
bool mayReplaceOther(const boost::shared_ptr<const ChimeraTK::TransferElement>&) const override {
return false; /// @todo implement properly?
std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>> getInternalElements() override {
return {}; /// @todo implement properly?
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>> getHardwareAccessingElements() override {
return {boost::enable_shared_from_this<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>::shared_from_this()}; /// @todo implement
/// properly?
void replaceTransferElement(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>) override {
// You can't replace anything here. Just do nothing.
/// @todo implement properly?
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> getReturnSlave() { return _returnSlave; }
void interrupt() override {
// call the interrut sequences of the fan out (interrupts for fan input and all outputs), and the ndRegisterAccessor
if(_withReturn) {
/// Flag whether this FeedingFanOut has a return channel. Is specified in the
/// constructor
bool _withReturn;
/// Used if _withReturn is true: flag whether the corresponding slave with the
/// return channel has already been added.
bool _hasReturnSlave{false};
/// The slave with return channel
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> _returnSlave;
Martin Christoph Hierholzer
/// DataValidity to attach to the data
DataValidity validity{DataValidity::ok};
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */