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[CAL-11]Added the handling of the LDA Timestamp data into a LDABlock that can be used for the reconstruction, done only for no event building

Katja Krueger requested to merge LDA into feature/TokyoWorkshop

Created by: ebrianne

Added a part to handle LDA data based on Jiri's mail. '' let's name the data in the example d[0]..d[5]. Then Timestamp_start_of_acq = d[0] + (d[1]<<32) Timestamp_stop_of_acq = d[2] + (d[3]<<32) Timestamp_of_trigger = d[4] + (d[5]<<32) There might be more triggers within the bxid. then there are more triggers: d[6]+(d[7]<<32) and so on.

Be careful with the types, you need 64 bits unsigned. If you type in the thing above, it wont work. You need to make the proper type conversions to u_int64_t. ''

May need some rework (I can see that with Jiri when he is back)

Merge request reports
