Created by: ebrianne
- Corrected bug
- Added program to extract the hold value per chip, made from the mean of all channels in a chip, rounded
- Refactoring of threshold scan, need to check if it works...
- Refactoring of the DCR measurement program, need to check if it works
- Refactoring of the Intercalibration software... need to check if it works.. Need also to ask Yuji to incorporate his method into the software if possible
- Modified the compilation with cmake as a big package using external project, dependencies are handled automatically
- Changed to install the bin, lib and include into myInstall, compile perfectly on MacOS with ninja, need to improve Threshold scan to use STL containers instead of array (NThreshold)
- Modified arrays to stl vectors, need to check if it works..
- Documentation
- Corrected bug in Gain program for the VarToFill