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  • Frank Tackmann's avatar
    Release Candidate 3 · 256a8a4c
    Frank Tackmann authored
    Summary of changes:
     * Update to C++11 and CMake 3.5 (both are now required).
     * Provide a basic 'make install' target (see documentation).
     * Add a new analyze-rivet stage to analyze showered events with Rivet.
     * Update external libraries:
       * LHAPDF 6.2: add workaround for bug in path handling introduced in 6.2
       * Pythia 8.230: add workaround for a removed function
       * OpenLoops: Set install_path to find process libraries at runtime, including
         support for OpenLoopsPath environment variable.
       * Add support for Rivet (and YODA and FastJet needed by it).
       * Fully encapsulate internally used packages (tinyxml, yaml-cpp)
     * Much more flexible and consistent naming and handling of setup and
       production files, allowing to use different directories and to add separate
       tags for each stage.
     * Allow reading and writing zipped .lhe.gz and .hepmc.gz files (requires zlib).
     * Update Python interface:
       * Improve command-line options (all in --lower-case style).
       * Add a Python cpp_extensions library which directly calls main functions
         and avoids subprocess forking.
       * Improve MPI running and error handling (avoid MPI deadlocks).
     * Improve setup stage:
       * Provide CL options to directly set total points and iterations.
       * Speed up various parts, use MPI for merging steps if available.
     * Several improvements and bug fixes under the hood, most important user-visible ones:
      * Fix a bug in SCET ppV012 calculation that could introduce small biases in
        results due to correlated random numbers.
      * Fix NNLO reweighting factors given in documentation.
      * Fix memory leaks and potential segfaults in rare corner cases.