From 2cf22d5e4669366cdae41b7d62af0f8b6bd64e16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MengqingWu <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 18:21:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Merge branch 'experimental' of

This reverts commit ecd6a0f99de1bd1295a43212debcebcf89d2a9b4, reversing
changes made to 518adf937401378ba0a2ad27fc3bb9c07bbfcf1d.
 python/    |  298 +++------
 python/       |    4 +-
 src/DuoKpix_CalibFitter.cxx   | 1165 ---------------------------------
 src/analysis.cxx              |   66 +-
 src/new_CalibrationFitter.cxx |   18 +-
 5 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 1413 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/DuoKpix_CalibFitter.cxx

diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index 4408280..2effa36 100644
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-2018 Summer
-Originally generated by Uwe Kraemer <>
-update by Mengqing <>
-For making kpix channel disable mapping, 
-based on calibration /and pedestal files.
--- Copy right reserved for DESY
 import numpy as np
 import os 
 import ROOT
@@ -15,6 +5,9 @@ import argparse
 import argcomplete
 import sys
+RMS_hist = None
+slope_hist = None
+acquire_hist = None
 class MyParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
     def error(self, message):
@@ -22,196 +15,121 @@ class MyParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
-class ChannelDisabler:
-    def __init__(self, file_in=[], kpix=0):
-        '''
-        Achtung! the file_in can only contain 1 of each type of root file, 
-        i.e. it can have only 1 x calibration.root, 1 x pedestal.root, like this.
-        '''     
-        if not file_in:
-            exit("Your file_in is empty")
-        self.slope_name =  'slope_vs_channel'
-        self.RMS_name = 'RMSfc_vs_channel'
-        self.acquire_name = 'Channel_entries_k_'
-        self.kpix = kpix
-        if not kpix:
-            print "Warning: no kpix chosen, BE SURE your input root file is 1 kpix running!"
-        else:
-            self.slope_name += '_'+str(kpix)
-            self.RMS_name += '_'+str(kpix)
-            self.acquire_name += str(kpix)
-        print self.slope_name
-        print self.RMS_name 
-        print self.acquire_name 
-        self.root_file_list=[]
-        for root_file in file_in:
-            self.root_file_list.append(ROOT.TFile(root_file)) # open the file and add address to an array
-        self.RMS_hist = None #TKey
-        self.slope_hist = None #TKey
-        self.acquire_hist = None #TKey
-        mapping_file_name = './include/kpix_left_and_right.h'
-        self.mapping_file = open(mapping_file_name, "r")
-        self.filename_map = './data/disable.txt' # output file
-    def ChangeKpix(self, newkpix):
-        self.kpix = newkpix
-        self.slope_name += '_'+str(kpix)
-        self.RMS_name +=  '_'+str(kpix)
-        self.acquire_name += str(kpix)
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.mapping_file.close()
-    def __loophist(self, hist_obj):
-        if self.slope_name == hist_obj.GetName():
-	    self.slope_hist = hist_obj
-	elif self.RMS_name == hist_obj.GetName():
-	    self.RMS_hist = hist_obj
-	elif self.acquire_name in hist_obj.GetName() and '_total' in hist_obj.GetName() and 'timed' not in hist_obj.GetName() and 'no' not in hist_obj.GetName():
-	    self.acquire_hist = hist_obj
-        return
-    def __loopdir(self, keys):
-        # loop through all subdirectories of the root file and look for the vs channel histograms
-        ## declare that the beforementioned variables are global variables
-        #global RMS_hist, slope_hist, acquire_hist
-        for key_object in keys:
-	    if ('TDirectory' in key_object.GetClassName()):
-	        self.__loopdir(key_object.ReadObj().GetListOfKeys())
-	    else:
-		#print key_object.GetName()
-                self.__loophist(key_object)
-	return        
-    def run(self):
-        for x in self.root_file_list:
-	    key_root = x.GetListOfKeys()
-	    self.__loopdir(key_root)
-        noisy_channels = []
-        noisy_channels_acquire = []
-        dead_channels_slope = []
-        dead_channels_RMS = []
-        dc_channels = []
-        if self.slope_hist:
-            print self.slope_hist
-            slope_obj = self.slope_hist.ReadObj()
-        if self.RMS_hist:
-            print self.RMS_hist
-            RMS_obj = self.RMS_hist.ReadObj()
-        if self.acquire_hist:
-            print self.acquire_hist
-            acquire_obj = self.acquire_hist.ReadObj()
-        for chan in xrange(1024): #level1: loop over histos
-            if self.slope_hist: #level2
-	        if (slope_obj.GetBinContent(chan+1) <= 1.0):
-                    #GetBinContent(0) is the underflow bin, here the bin counting starts at 1 therefore chan+1
-		    dead_channels_slope.append(chan)
-            if self.RMS_hist: #level2
-	        if (RMS_obj.GetBinContent(chan+1) <= 0.05):
-		    dead_channels_RMS.append(chan)
-	        if (RMS_obj.GetBinContent(chan+1) >= 4):
-		    noisy_channels.append(chan)
-            if self.acquire_hist: #level2
-                if (acquire_obj.GetBinContent(chan+1) >= 0.02):
-	            noisy_channels_acquire.append(chan)
-        for line in self.mapping_file: #level1: check channel map for disconnected ones
-	    if 'm1.insert' in line:
+def loopdir(keys):  # loop through all subdirectories of the root file and look for the vs channel histograms
+	global RMS_hist, slope_hist, acquire_hist ##declare that the beforementioned variables are global variables
+	for key_object in keys:
+		if ('TDirectory' in key_object.GetClassName()):
+			loopdir(key_object.ReadObj().GetListOfKeys())
+		else:
+			#print key_object.GetName()
+			if 'slope_vs_channel' == key_object.GetName():
+				slope_hist = key_object
+			elif 'RMSfc_vs_channel' == key_object.GetName():
+				RMS_hist = key_object
+			elif 'Channel_entries_k_' in key_object.GetName() and '_total' in key_object.GetName() and 'timed' not in key_object.GetName() and 'no' not in key_object.GetName():
+				acquire_hist = key_object
+parser = MyParser()
+#parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('file_in', nargs='+', help='name of the input files')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+root_file_list = []
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+	print parser.print_help()
+	sys.exit(1)
+for root_file in args.file_in:
+	root_file_list.append(ROOT.TFile(root_file))
+for x in root_file_list:
+	key_root = x.GetListOfKeys()
+	loopdir(key_root)
+mapping_file_name = './include/kpix_left_and_right.h'
+mapping_file = open(mapping_file_name, "r")
+noisy_channels = []
+noisy_channels_acquire = []
+dead_channels_slope = []
+dead_channels_RMS = []
+dc_channels = []
+slope_obj = slope_hist.ReadObj()
+RMS_obj = RMS_hist.ReadObj()
+acquire_obj = acquire_hist.ReadObj()
+for chan in xrange(1024):
+	if (slope_obj.GetBinContent(chan+1) <= 1.0): #GetBinContent(0) is the underflow bin, here the bin counting starts at 1 therefore chan+1
+		dead_channels_slope.append(chan)
+	if (RMS_obj.GetBinContent(chan+1) <= 0.05):
+		dead_channels_RMS.append(chan)
+	if (RMS_obj.GetBinContent(chan+1) >= 4):
+		noisy_channels.append(chan)
+	if (acquire_obj.GetBinContent(chan+1) >= 0.02):
+		noisy_channels_acquire.append(chan)
+for line in mapping_file:
+	if 'm1.insert' in line:
-	        if (line_split[1] == '9999') and (int(line_split[0]) not in dc_channels):
-		    dc_channels.append(int(line_split[0]))		
-        kpix = np.chararray(1024)		#create mapper kpix
-        #filename_map = './data/disable.txt'		#choose filename
-        print 'Dead channels from calibration slope = ', dead_channels_slope
-        print 'Dead channels from calibration RMS = ', dead_channels_RMS
-        print 'Very high noise channels = ', noisy_channels
-        print 'Channels not connected to strips based on mapping = ', dc_channels
-        print 'High noise channels in acquire running = ', noisy_channels_acquire
-        print ''
-        for chan in xrange(1024):		#create the character mapping of the channels
-	    if (chan in dc_channels) or (chan in dead_channels_slope) or (chan in dead_channels_RMS) or (chan in noisy_channels) or (chan in noisy_channels_acquire):		#A for active and D for deactivated channels
+		if (line_split[1] == '9999') and (int(line_split[0]) not in dc_channels):
+			dc_channels.append(int(line_split[0]))		
+kpix = np.chararray(1024)		#create mapper kpix
+filename_map = './data/disable.txt'		#choose filename
+print 'Dead channels from calibration slope = ', dead_channels_slope
+print 'Dead channels from calibration RMS = ', dead_channels_RMS
+print 'Very high noise channels = ', noisy_channels
+print 'Channels not connected to strips based on mapping = ', dc_channels
+print 'High noise channels in acquire running = ', noisy_channels_acquire
+print ''
+for chan in xrange(1024):		#create the character mapping of the channels
+	if (chan in dc_channels) or (chan in dead_channels_slope) or (chan in dead_channels_RMS) or (chan in noisy_channels) or (chan in noisy_channels_acquire):		#A for active and D for deactivated channels
 		kpix[chan] = 'D'
-	    else :
+	else :
 		kpix[chan] = 'A'
-        for i in xrange(1024):
-	    if ((i%32 == 0) and (i is not 0)):
-		print ''
-		sys.stdout.write(kpix[i])
-	    else:
-		sys.stdout.write(kpix[i])
+for i in xrange(1024):
+		if ((i%32 == 0) and (i is not 0)):
+			print ''
+			sys.stdout.write(kpix[i])
+		else:
+			sys.stdout.write(kpix[i])
 		if (i == 7):
-		    sys.stdout.write(' ')
+			sys.stdout.write(' ')
 		elif (i > 7 and (i-7)%8 == 0 and i is not 0 and i%32 is not 0):
-		    sys.stdout.write(' ')
+			sys.stdout.write(' ')
-        kpix = np.reshape(kpix, (32, 32))	#reshape it for fitting in xml file
-        print '\n\n'
-        np.savetxt(self.filename_map, kpix, fmt= ['%.1c' ,'%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%2.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%2.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%2.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c'], delimiter = '')
-        print 'Saving deactivation mapping in: ', self.filename_map
-        ##save it in filename with a format that fits in the xml file, it adds the space after 8 characters so it's easier to see (but a pain to write it like this, must be another way) 
-        #mapping_file.close() #close tracker_to_kpix
-        for x in self.root_file_list:
-	    ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(x)
-	    x.Close()
-        return
-######### Parser #########
-parser = MyParser()
-#parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-#parser.add_argument('file_in', nargs='+', help='name of the input files')
-parser.add_argument('--calib', dest='calib', nargs='?', help='input calibration file')
-parser.add_argument('--acquire', dest='acquire', nargs='?', help='input pedestal file')
-parser.add_argument('-k', dest='kpix', nargs='+', default=[], type=int, help='which kpix to check, eg: 1 or 1 2')
+kpix = np.reshape(kpix, (32, 32))	#reshape it for fitting in xml file
+print ''
+print ''		
+np.savetxt(filename_map, kpix, fmt= ['%.1c' ,'%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%2.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%2.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%2.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c', '%.1c' , '%.1c'], delimiter = '')
+print 'Saving deactivation mapping in: ', filename_map
+##save it in filename with a format that fits in the xml file, it adds the space after 8 characters so it's easier to see (but a pain to write it like this, must be another way) 
+mapping_file.close() #close tracker_to_kpix
+for x in root_file_list:
+	ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(x)
+	x.Close()
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
-	print parser.print_help()
-	sys.exit(1)
-args = parser.parse_args()
-######### Parser #########
-if args.calib:
-    file_in.append(args.calib)
-if args.acquire:
-    file_in.append(args.acquire)
-print args.kpix
-if args.kpix:
-    for k in args.kpix:
-        disabler = ChannelDisabler(file_in, k)
-    disabler = ChannelDisabler(file_in)
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index 63b77a9..8b502bc 100644
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ def loopdir(keys):  # loop through all subdirectories of the root file and look
 			#print key_object.GetName()
-			if 'Left_Strip_entries_k_26' in key_object.GetName() and '_total' in key_object.GetName():
+			if 'Left_Strip_entries_k_' in key_object.GetName() and '_total' in key_object.GetName():
 				left_strip = key_object
-			if 'Right_Strip_entries_k_28' in key_object.GetName() and '_total' in key_object.GetName():
+			if 'Right_Strip_entries_k_' in key_object.GetName() and '_total' in key_object.GetName():
 				right_strip = key_object
diff --git a/src/DuoKpix_CalibFitter.cxx b/src/DuoKpix_CalibFitter.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a00ef..0000000
--- a/src/DuoKpix_CalibFitter.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1165 +0,0 @@
-// File          : calibrationFitter.cpp
-// Author        : Ryan Herbst  <>
-// Created       : 05/30/2012
-// Project       : Kpix Software Package
-// Description :
-// Application to process and fit kpix calibration data
-// Copyright (c) 2012 by SLAC. All rights reserved.
-// Proprietary and confidential to SLAC.
-// Modification history :
-// 05/30/2012: created
-// 26/03/2018: modified for tracker sensor
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <TFile.h>
-#include <TF1.h>
-#include <TH1F.h>
-#include <TH2F.h>
-#include <TROOT.h>
-#include <TCanvas.h>
-#include <TMultiGraph.h>
-#include <TApplication.h>
-#include <TGraphErrors.h>
-#include <TGraph.h>
-#include <TStyle.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <KpixEvent.h>
-#include <KpixSample.h>
-#include <Data.h>
-#include <DataRead.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <XmlVariables.h>
-#include "kpixmap.h"
-#include "kpix_left_and_right.h"
-using namespace std;
-// Channel data
-class ChannelData {
-  // Baseline Data
-  uint         baseData[8192];
-  uint         baseMin;
-  uint         baseMax;
-  double       baseCount;
-  double       baseMean;
-  double       baseSum;
-  double       baseRms;
-  // Baseline fit data
-  double       baseFitMean;
-  double       baseFitSigma;
-  double       baseFitMeanErr;
-  double       baseFitSigmaErr;
-  double       baseFitChisquare;
-  // Baseline hist data
-  double       baseHistMean;
-  double       baseHistRMS;
-  // Calib Data
-  double       calibCount[256];
-  double       calibMean[256];
-  double       calibSum[256];
-  double       calibRms[256];
-  double       calibError[256];
-  double       calibOtherValue[1024];
-  double       calibOtherDac[1024];
-  ChannelData() {
-    uint x;
-    for (x=0; x < 8192; x++) baseData[x] = 0;
-    baseMin          = 8192;
-    baseMax          = 0;
-    baseCount        = 0;
-    baseMean         = 0;
-    baseSum          = 0;
-    baseRms          = 0;
-    baseFitMean      = 0;
-    baseFitSigma     = 0;
-    baseFitMeanErr   = 0;
-    baseFitSigmaErr  = 0;
-    baseFitChisquare = 0;
-    for (x=0; x < 256; x++) {
-      calibCount[x]  = 0;
-      calibMean[x]   = 0;
-      calibSum[x]    = 0;
-      calibRms[x]    = 0;
-      calibError[x]  = 0;
-    }
-    for (x=0; x < 1024; x++) {
-      calibOtherValue[x] = 0;
-      calibOtherDac[x] = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  void addBasePoint(uint data) {
-    baseData[data]++;
-    if ( data < baseMin ) baseMin = data;
-    if ( data > baseMax ) baseMax = data;
-    baseCount++;
-    double tmpM = baseMean;
-    double value = data;
-    baseMean += (value - tmpM) / baseCount;
-    baseSum  += (value - tmpM) * (value - baseMean);
-  }
-  void addCalibPoint(uint x, uint y) {
-    calibCount[x]++;
-    double tmpM = calibMean[x];
-    double value = y;
-    calibMean[x] += (value - tmpM) / calibCount[x];
-    calibSum[x]  += (value - tmpM) * (value - calibMean[x]);
-  }
-  void addNeighborPoint(uint chan, uint x, uint y) {
-    if ( y > calibOtherValue[chan] ) {
-      calibOtherValue[chan] = y;
-      calibOtherDac[chan] = x;
-    }
-  }
-  void computeBase () {
-    if ( baseCount > 0 ) baseRms = sqrt(baseSum / baseCount);
-  }
-  void computeCalib(double chargeError) {
-    uint   x;
-    double tmp;
-    for (x=0; x < 256; x++) {
-      if ( calibCount[x] > 0 ) {
-	calibRms[x] = sqrt(calibSum[x] / calibCount[x]);
-	tmp = calibRms[x] / sqrt(calibCount[x]);
-	calibError[x] = sqrt((tmp * tmp) + (chargeError * chargeError));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Function to compute calibration charge
-double calibCharge ( uint dac, bool positive, bool highCalib ) {
-  double volt;
-  double charge;
-  if ( dac >= 0xf6 ) volt = 2.5 - ((double)(0xff-dac))*50.0*0.0001;
-  else volt =(double)dac * 100.0 * 0.0001;
-  if ( positive ) charge = (2.5 - volt) * 200e-15;
-  else charge = volt * 200e-15;
-  if ( highCalib ) charge *= 22.0;
-  return(charge);
-void addDoubleToXml ( ofstream *xml, uint indent, string variable, Double_t value ) {
-  uint x;
-  if ( ! isnan(value) ) {
-    for (x=0; x < indent; x++){
-      *xml << " ";
-      *xml << "<" << variable << ">";
-      *xml << value;
-      *xml << "</" << variable << ">";
-      *xml << endl;
-    }
-  }
-void addStringToXml ( ofstream *xml, uint indent, string variable, string value ) {
-  uint x;
-  for (x=0; x < indent; x++) *xml << " ";
-  *xml << "<" << variable << ">";
-  *xml << value;
-  *xml << "</" << variable << ">";
-  *xml << endl;
-// Process the data
-int main ( int argc, char **argv ) {
-  DataRead               dataRead;
-  off_t                  fileSize;
-  off_t                  filePos;
-  KpixEvent              event;
-  KpixSample             *sample;
-  string                 calState;
-  uint                   calChannel;
-  uint                   calDac;
-  uint                   lastPct;
-  uint                   currPct;
-  bool                   chanFound[32][1024];
-  ChannelData            *chanData[32][1024][4][2];
-  bool                   badMean[32][1024];
-  bool                   badGain[32][1024];
-  bool                   kpixFound[32];
-  uint                   kpixMax;
-  uint                   minDac;
-  uint                   minChan;
-  uint                   maxChan;
-  uint                   x;
-  uint                   range;
-  uint                   value;
-  uint                   kpix;
-  uint                   channel;
-  uint                   bucket;
-  uint                   tstamp;
-  string                 serial;
-  KpixSample::SampleType type;
-  TH1F                   *hist;
-  TH1F                   *resid[256];
-  stringstream           tmp;
- // bool                   defresid=true;
-  ofstream               xml;
-  ofstream               csv;
-  double                 grX[256];
-  double                 grY[256];
-  double                 grYErr[256];
-  double                 grXErr[256];
-  double                 grRes[256];
-  uint                   grCount;
-  TGraphErrors           *grCalib;
-  TF1                    *fitCalib;
-  TGraph                 *grResid;
-  bool                   positive;
-  bool                   b0CalibHigh;
-  uint                   injectTime[5];
-  uint                   eventCount;
-  uint                   eventProcessed; // eventCount - skipped_cycles
-  uint                   Baseline_eventCount;
-  uint                   Inject_eventCount;
-  uint                   skip_cycles_front;
-  FILE*                  f_skipped_cycles;
-  string                 outtxt;
-  string                 outRoot;
-  string                 outXml;
-  string                 outCsv;
-  TFile                  *rFile;
-  TCanvas                *c1;
-  char                   tstr[200];
-  struct tm              *timeinfo;
-  time_t                 tme;
-  uint                   crChan;
-  stringstream           crossString;
-  stringstream           crossStringCsv;
-  double                 crossDiff;
-  uint                   badValue;
-  XmlVariables           config;
-  bool                   findBadMeanHist;
-  bool                   findBadMeanFit;
-  bool                   findBadMeanChisq;
-  bool                   findBadGainFit;
-  bool                   findBadGainChisq;
-  double                 meanMin[2];
-  double                 meanMax[2];
-  double                 meanChisq;
-  double                 gainMin[2];
-  double                 gainMax[2];
-  double                 chargeError[2];
-  double                 gainChisq;
-  double                 fitMin[2];
-  double                 fitMax[2];
-  double                 chisqNdf;
-  ofstream               debug;
-  ofstream				channel_file_bad;
-  ofstream				channel_file_bad_fit;
-  ofstream				channel_file_noise;
-  ofstream				channel_file_calib;
-  ofstream 				channel_file_adc_mean;
-  uint                   badTimes;
-  uint                   goodTimes;
-  uint                   badMeanFitCnt;
-  uint                   badMeanHistCnt;
-  uint                   badMeanChisqCnt;
-  uint                   badGainFitCnt;
-  uint                   badGainChisqCnt;
-  uint                   failedGainFit;
-  uint                   failedMeanFit;
-  uint                   badChannelCnt;
-  uint					noiseSigmaCnt;
-  uint                    errorSigmaCnt;
-  stringstream			 FolderName;
-  uint 					noise_cut = 1.0;
- // bool                    printalot=false;
-  unordered_map<uint, uint> kpix2strip_left;
-  unordered_map<uint, uint> kpix2strip_right;
-  kpix2strip_left = kpix_left();
-  kpix2strip_right = kpix_right();
-  // Init structure
-  for (kpix=0; kpix < 32; kpix++) {
-    for (channel=0; channel < 1024; channel++) {
-      for (bucket=0; bucket < 4; bucket++) {
-	chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][0] = NULL;
-	chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][1] = NULL;
-      }
-      chanFound[kpix][channel] = false;
-      badGain[kpix][channel] = false;
-      badMean[kpix][channel] = false;
-    }
-    kpixFound[kpix] = false;
-  }
-  // Data file is the first and only arg
-  if ( argc < 3 && argc >5 ) {
-    cout << "Usage: new_calibrationFitter config_file data_file [skip_cycles_front] [debug]\n";
-    return(1);
-  }
-   if ( argc >= 4 ){
-    skip_cycles_front = atoi( argv[3] );
-    cout<< " -- I am skipping first events: " << skip_cycles_front << endl;
-    tmp.str("");
-    tmp << argv[2] << ".printSkipped.txt";
-    outtxt = tmp.str();
-    f_skipped_cycles = fopen(outtxt.c_str(), "w");
-   }
-   else skip_cycles_front = 0;
-   if ( argc == 5 )[4],ios::out | ios::trunc);
-  // Read configuration
-  if ( ! config.parseFile("config",argv[1]) ) {
-    cout << "Failed to read configuration from " << argv[1] << endl;
-    return(1);
-  }
-  // Extract configuration values
-  findBadMeanHist  = config.getInt("FindBadMeanHist");
-  findBadMeanFit   = config.getInt("FindBadMeanFit");
-  meanMin[0]       = config.getDouble("GoodMeanMinR0");
-  meanMax[0]       = config.getDouble("GoodMeanMaxR0");
-  meanMin[1]       = config.getDouble("GoodMeanMinR1");
-  meanMax[1]       = config.getDouble("GoodMeanMaxR1");
-  findBadMeanChisq = config.getInt("FindBadMeanChisq");
-  meanChisq        = config.getInt("GoodMeanChisqMax");
-  findBadGainFit   = config.getInt("FindBadGainFit");
-  gainMin[0]       = config.getDouble("GoodGainMinR0");
-  gainMax[0]       = config.getDouble("GoodGainMaxR0");
-  gainMin[1]       = config.getDouble("GoodGainMinR1");
-  gainMax[1]       = config.getDouble("GoodGainMaxR1");
-  findBadGainChisq = config.getInt("FindBadGainChisq");
-  gainChisq        = config.getInt("GoodGainChisqMax");
-  fitMin[0]        = config.getDouble("GainFitMinR0");
-  fitMax[0]        = config.getDouble("GainFitMaxR0");
-  fitMin[1]        = config.getDouble("GainFitMinR1");
-  fitMax[1]        = config.getDouble("GainFitMaxR1");
-  chargeError[0]   = config.getDouble("GainChargeErrorR0");
-  chargeError[1]   = config.getDouble("GainChargeErrorR1");
-  // Init a customized pol1, fit range will be re-range in fit()
-  fitCalib = new TF1("fitCalib", "pol1",fitMin[0],fitMax[0] );
-  fitCalib -> FixParameter( 0, 0 ); // offset to 0
-  //fitCalib -> SetParameter( 0, 0 );
-  fitCalib -> SetParameter( 1, 15); // slope
-  // Open data file
-  if ( ![2]) ) {
-    cout << "Error opening data file " << argv[2] << endl;
-    return(1);
-  }
-  // Create output names
-  tmp.str("");
-  if (skip_cycles_front==0){
-    tmp << argv[2] << ".newCalib.root";
-    outRoot = tmp.str();
-    tmp.str("");
-    tmp << argv[2] << ".newCalib.xml";
-    outXml = tmp.str();
-    tmp.str("");
-    tmp << argv[2] << ".newCalib.csv";
-    outCsv = tmp.str();
-  }
-  else{
-    tmp << argv[2] << ".skip" << skip_cycles_front <<".newCalib.root";
-    outRoot = tmp.str();
-    tmp.str("");
-    tmp << argv[2] << ".skip" << skip_cycles_front << ".newCalib.xml";
-    outXml = tmp.str();
-    tmp.str("");
-    tmp << argv[2] << ".skip" << skip_cycles_front << ".newCalib.csv";
-    outCsv = tmp.str();
-  }
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Read Data
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  cout << "Opened data file: " << argv[2] << endl;
-  fileSize = dataRead.size();
-  filePos  = dataRead.pos();
-  // Init
-  currPct          	= 0;
-  lastPct          	= 100;
-  eventCount       	= 0;
-  eventProcessed        = 0;
-  Inject_eventCount     = 0;
-  Baseline_eventCount   = 0;
-  minChan          	= 0;
-  maxChan          	= 0;
-  badTimes         	= 0;
-  badMeanFitCnt    	= 0;
-  badMeanHistCnt   	= 0;
-  badMeanChisqCnt  	= 0;
-  badGainFitCnt    	= 0;
-  badGainChisqCnt 	= 0;
-  failedGainFit   	= 0;
-  failedMeanFit   	= 0;
-  badChannelCnt   	= 0;
-  noiseSigmaCnt		= 0;
-  errorSigmaCnt		= 0;
-  cout << "\rReading File: 0 %" << flush;
-  goodTimes       	= 0;
-  // start - work in progress - wmq - Apr 11 2018
-  /* KpixEvent etest;
-  for (int it = 0; it<10; it++){
-    auto byte = etest.count();
-    auto itrn = etest.eventNumber();
-    printf(" index = %d , byte = %6d, train = %6d\n ", it, byte, itrn);
-  }
-  dataRead.close();
-  // end - work in progress - wmq - Apr 11 2018
-  // Process each event
-  while ( ) {
-    // Get calibration state
-    calState   = dataRead.getStatus("CalState");
-    calChannel = dataRead.getStatusInt("CalChannel");
-    calDac     = dataRead.getStatusInt("CalDac");
-    // Get injection times
-    /* 
-     * 2018-04-11 by mengqing
-     * - to check: if skipping event, should we get injection times from 1) #0 event 2) or 1st event to use?
-     * - now using info from #0 evt;
-     * - optional: if you want the alternative: change eventCount to eventProcessed
-     */
-    if ( eventCount == 0 ) { 
-      minDac        = dataRead.getConfigInt("CalDacMin");
-      minChan       = dataRead.getConfigInt("CalChanMin");
-      maxChan       = dataRead.getConfigInt("CalChanMax");
-      injectTime[0] = dataRead.getConfigInt("cntrlFpga:kpixAsic:Cal0Delay");
-      injectTime[1] = dataRead.getConfigInt("cntrlFpga:kpixAsic:Cal1Delay") + injectTime[0] + 4;
-      injectTime[2] = dataRead.getConfigInt("cntrlFpga:kpixAsic:Cal2Delay") + injectTime[1] + 4;
-      injectTime[3] = dataRead.getConfigInt("cntrlFpga:kpixAsic:Cal3Delay") + injectTime[2] + 4;
-      injectTime[4] = 8192;
-    }
-    if ( eventCount >= skip_cycles_front){
-    // get each sample
-    for (x=0; x < event.count(); x++) {
-      // Get sample
-      sample  = event.sample(x);
-      kpix    = sample->getKpixAddress();
-      channel = sample->getKpixChannel();
-      bucket  = sample->getKpixBucket();
-      value   = sample->getSampleValue();
-      type    = sample->getSampleType();
-      tstamp  = sample->getSampleTime();
-      range   = sample->getSampleRange();
-      // Only process real samples in the expected range
-      if ( type == KpixSample::Data ) {
-	// Create entry if it does not exist
-	kpixFound[kpix]          = true;
-	chanFound[kpix][channel] = true;
-	if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range] == NULL ) chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range] = new ChannelData;
-	// Non calibration based run. Fill mean, ignore times
-	if ( calState == "Idle" ) chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->addBasePoint(value);
-	// Filter for time
-	else if ( tstamp > injectTime[bucket] && tstamp < injectTime[bucket+1] ) {
-	  goodTimes++;
-	  //cout << "Timestamp = " << tstamp << endl;
-	  //cout << "Inject time of Bucket " << bucket << " = " << injectTime[bucket] << endl;
-	  //cout << "Inject time of Bucket " << bucket+1 << " = " << injectTime[bucket+1] << endl << endl;
-	  // Baseline
-	  if ( calState == "Baseline" ) {
-	    chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->addBasePoint(value);
-	  }
-	  // Injection
-	  else if ( calState == "Inject" && calDac != minDac ) {
-	    if ( channel == calChannel ) chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->addCalibPoint(calDac, value);
-	    else{
-	      if ( chanData[kpix][calChannel][bucket][range] != NULL )
-		chanData[kpix][calChannel][bucket][range]->addNeighborPoint(channel, calDac, value);
-	      else cout<< "\n [Warn] Super Weird to check channel = "<< channel << endl;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	else {
-	  badTimes++;
-	  //cout << "Timestamp = " << tstamp << endl;
-	  //cout << "Inject time of Bucket " << bucket << " = " << injectTime[bucket] << endl;
-	  //cout << "Inject time of Bucket " << bucket+1 << " = " << injectTime[bucket+1] << endl << endl;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    eventProcessed++;
-    } // skip cycle ends
-    else {
-      auto byte = event.count();
-      auto train = event.eventNumber();
-      if (f_skipped_cycles!=NULL)
-	fprintf(f_skipped_cycles, " index = %d , byte = %6d, train = %6d, CalState = %s\n ", eventCount, byte, train, calState.c_str());
-    }
-    // Show progress
-    filePos  = dataRead.pos();
-    currPct = (uint)(((double)filePos / (double)fileSize) * 100.0);
-    if ( currPct != lastPct ) {
-      cout << "\rReading File: " << currPct << " %      " << flush;
-      lastPct = currPct;
-    }
-    eventCount++;
-    if (calState=="Baseline") 	    Baseline_eventCount++;
-    if (calState == "Inject")       Inject_eventCount++;
-  }
-  cout << "\rReading File: Done.               " << endl;
-  if (f_skipped_cycles!=NULL)  {
-    fclose( f_skipped_cycles);
-    cout << endl;
-    cout << "Wrote skipped cycles to " << outtxt << endl;
-    cout << endl;
-  }
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Process Data
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
-  gStyle->SetOptStat(111111111);
-  // Default canvas
-  c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1");
-  // Open root file
-  rFile = new TFile(outRoot.c_str(),"recreate");
-  // Open xml file
-,ios::out | ios::trunc);
-  xml << "<calibrationData>" << endl;
-  // Open csv file
-,ios::out | ios::trunc);
-  csv << "Kpix,Channel,Bucket,Range,BaseMean,BaseRms,BaseFitMean,BaseFitSigma";
-  csv << ",BaseFitMeanErr,BaseFitSigmaErr,BaseFitChisquare";
-  csv << ",CalibGain,CalibIntercept,CalibGainErr,CalibInterceptErr,CalibChisquare";
-  csv << ",CalibGainRms,CrossTalkChan0,CrossTalkAmp0";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan1,CrossTalkAmp1";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan2,CrossTalkAmp2";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan3,CrossTalkAmp3";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan4,CrossTalkAmp4";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan5,CrossTalkAmp5";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan6,CrossTalkAmp6";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan7,CrossTalkAmp7";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan8,CrossTalkAmp8";
-  csv << ",CrossTalkChan9,CrossTalkAmp9";
-  csv << endl;
-  // Open noise/bad channel list files
- ("~/channel_list_bad.txt");
- ("~/channel_list_bad_fit.txt");
- ("./channel_list_noise.txt");
-  // Add notes
-  xml << "   <sourceFile>" << argv[2] << "</sourceFile>" << endl;
-  xml << "   <user>" <<  getlogin() << "</user>" << endl;
-  time(&tme);
-  timeinfo = localtime(&tme);
-  strftime(tstr,200,"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S",timeinfo);
-  xml << "   <timestamp>" << tstr << "</timestamp>" << endl;
-  xml << "   <config>"<< endl;
-  xml << config.getXml();
-  xml << "   </config>"<< endl;
-  // get calibration mode variables for charge computation
-  positive    = (dataRead.getConfig("cntrlFpga:kpixAsic:CntrlPolarity") == "Positive");
-  b0CalibHigh = (dataRead.getConfig("cntrlFpga:kpixAsic:CntrlCalibHigh") == "True");
-  // Kpix count;
-  for (kpix=0; kpix<32; kpix++) if ( kpixFound[kpix] ) kpixMax=kpix;
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Process Baselines 
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Process each kpix device
-  rFile->cd(); // move into root folder base
-  FolderName.str("");
-  FolderName << "General";
-  rFile->mkdir(FolderName.str().c_str()); // produce a sub folder with name of variable FolderName
-  TDirectory *General_folder = rFile->GetDirectory(FolderName.str().c_str()); // get path to subdirectory
-  General_folder->cd(); // move into subdirectory
-  TH1F *pedestals = new TH1F("pedestals", "Pedestals distribution; Charge [ADC]; #entries", 9000, 0, 9000);
-  TH1F *slope_hist = new TH1F("slope", "Slope distribution; Slope [ADC/fC]; #entries", 200, -20, 20);
-  TH1F *slope_hist_k26 = new TH1F("slope_k26", "Slope distribution; Slope [ADC/fC]; #entries", 200, -20, 20);
-  TH1F *slope_hist_k28 = new TH1F("slope_k28", "Slope distribution; Slope [ADC/fC]; #entries", 200, -20, 20);
-  TH1F *slope_residual = new TH1F("slope_residual", "Slope_residual; Slope_residual[ADC/fC]; #entries", 2000, -100, 100);
-  TH1F *pedestals_fc = new TH1F("pedestals_fc", "Pedestals distribution; Charge [fC]; #entries", 1000, -100, 100);
-  TH1F *pedestalsRMS = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS", "Pedestal RMS; Charge [ADC]; #entries", 200, 0, 20);
-  TH1F *slopeRMS = new TH1F("slopeRMS", "Slope RMS; Slope [ADC/fC]; #entries", 1000, 0, 20);
-  TH1F *slope_residualRMS = new TH1F("slope_residualRMS", "Slope_residualRMS; Slope_residual[ADC/fC]; #entries", 1000, 0, 100);
-  TH1F *slope_vs_channel_26 = new TH1F("slope_vs_channel_26", "Slope [ADC/fC]; Channel ID; Slope [ADC/fC]", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
-  TH1F *slope_vs_channel_28 = new TH1F("slope_vs_channel_28", "Slope [ADC/fC]; Channel ID; Slope [ADC/fC]", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
-  TH1F *RMSfc_v_channel = new TH1F("RMSfc_vs_channel", "; Channel_ID; RMS [fC]", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
-  TH1F *RMSfc_v_channel_26 = new TH1F("RMSfc_vs_channel_26", "; Channel_ID; RMS [fC]", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
-  TH1F *RMSfc_v_channel_28 = new TH1F("RMSfc_vs_channel_28", "; Channel_ID; RMS [fC]", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
-  TH1F *RMSfc_v_channel_connected = new TH1F("RMSfc_vs_channel_connected", "; Channel_ID; RMS [fC]", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
-  TH1F *RMSfc_v_strip_left = new TH1F("RMSfc_vs_strip_left", "; Strip_number; RMS [fC]", 920, -0.5, 919.5);
-  TH1F *RMSfc_v_strip_right = new TH1F("RMSfc_vs_strip_right", "; Strip_number; RMS [fC]", 920, 919.5, 1839.5);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0", "Pedestals RMS, All Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_26 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_26", "Pedestals RMS, All Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_28 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_28", "Pedestals RMS, All Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_disc = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_disc", "Pedestals RMS, disc. Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_disc_26 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_disc_26", "Pedestals RMS, disc. Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_disc_28 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_disc_28", "Pedestals RMS, disc. Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_conn", "Pedestals RMS, conn. Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_26 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_26", "Pedestals RMS, conn. Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_28 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_28", "Pedestals RMS, conn. Chn; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_120 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_120", "Pedestals RMS, conn. Chn in 0-128; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_800 = new TH1F("pedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_800", "Pedestals RMS, conn. Chn after 128; [fC]; a.u.", 1000, 0, 4);
-  //TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc2 = new TH1F("PedestalsRMS_fc2", "Pedestals RMS [fC]", 1000, 0, 10);
-  //TH1F *PedestalsRMS_fc3 = new TH1F("PedestalsRMS_fc3", "Pedestals RMS [fC]", 1000, 0, 10);
-  //TH1F *Pedestals_fc2 = new TH1F("Pedestals_fc2", "Pedestals [fC]", 1000, -100, 100);
-  //TH1F *Pedestals_fc3 = new TH1F("Pedestals_fc3", "Pedestals [fC]", 1000, -100, 100);
-  rFile->cd(); // move into root folder base
-  FolderName.str("");
-  FolderName << "Pedestals";
-  rFile->mkdir(FolderName.str().c_str()); // produce a sub folder with name of variable FolderName
-  TDirectory *pedestal_folder = rFile->GetDirectory(FolderName.str().c_str()); // get path to subdirectory
-  pedestal_folder->cd(); // move into subdirectory
-  for (kpix=0; kpix<32; kpix++) {
-    if ( kpixFound[kpix] ) {
-      // Get serial number
-      tmp.str("");
-      tmp << "cntrlFpga(0):kpixAsic(" << dec << kpix << "):SerialNumber";
-      serial = dataRead.getConfig(tmp.str());
-      // Process each channel
-      for (channel=minChan; channel <= maxChan; channel++) {
-	// Show progress
-	cout << "\rProcessing baseline kpix " << dec << kpix << " / " << dec << kpixMax
-	     << ", Channel " << channel << " / " << dec << maxChan
-	     << "                 " << flush;
-	// Channel is valid
-	if ( chanFound[kpix][channel] ) {
-	  // Each bucket
-	  for (bucket = 0; bucket < 4; bucket++) {                   
-	    // Bucket is valid
-	    if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][0] != NULL || chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][1] != NULL ) {
-	      // Each range
-	      for (range = 0; range < 2; range++) {
-		// Range is valid
-		if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range] != NULL ) {
-		  chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->computeBase();
-		  // Create histogram
-		  tmp.str("");
-		  tmp << "hist_" << serial << "_c" << dec << setw(4) << setfill('0') << channel;
-		  tmp << "_b" << dec << bucket;
-		  tmp << "_r" << dec << range;
-		  hist = new TH1F(tmp.str().c_str(),
-				  (tmp.str()+";ADC; Entries / N_of_Cycles").c_str(),
-				  8192,0,8192);
-		  //double num_of_entries; //ADDED
-		  //double normed_bin_content;
-		  // Fill histogram
-		  //for (x=0; x < 8192; x++) num_of_entries += chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseData[x]; //ADDED
-		  //cout << num_of_entries << endl;
-		  for (x=0; x < 8192; x++) {
-		    hist->SetBinContent(x+1, double(chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseData[x]));
-		  }
-		  //hist->Scale(1/double(eventCount)); // old version, scaled to all cycles;
-		  hist->Scale(1/hist->Integral()); // normlized to 1;
-		  hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseMin,
-						 chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseMax);
-		  hist->Fit("gaus","q");
-		  // Double_t gausMin, gausMax;
-		  // gausMin=hist->GetMean(1)-2*hist->GetRMS(1);
-		  // gausMax=hist->GetMean(1)+2*hist->GetRMS(1);
-		  // hist->Fit("gaus","q","",gausMin, gausMax);
-		  chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseHistMean       = hist->GetMean();
-		  chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseHistRMS        = hist->GetRMS();
-		  if ( hist->GetFunction("gaus") ) {
-		    chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean      = hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1);
-		    chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigma     = hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2);
-		    chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMeanErr   = hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(1);
-		    chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigmaErr  = hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2);
-		    pedestals->Fill(chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean);
-		    channel_file_adc_mean << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean << " " << channel << " " << bucket << endl;
-		    pedestalsRMS->Fill(chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigma);
-		    if ( hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetNDF() == 0 ) {
-		      chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitChisquare = 0;
-		    } else {
-		      chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitChisquare = 
-			(hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetChisquare() / hist->GetFunction("gaus")->GetNDF() );
-		    }
-		    // Determine bad channel from fitted chisq
-		    if ( findBadMeanChisq && (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitChisquare >  meanChisq) ) {
-		      debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel << " Bucket=" << dec << bucket
-			    << " Range=" << dec << range 
-			    << " Bad fit mean chisq=" << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitChisquare << endl;
-		      badMean[kpix][channel] = true;
-		      badMeanChisqCnt++;
-		    }
-		    // Determine bad channel from fitted mean
-		    if ( findBadMeanFit &&
-			 ( (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean > meanMax[range]) ||  
-			   (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean < meanMin[range]) ) ) {
-		      debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel << " Bucket=" << dec << bucket
-			    << " Range=" << dec << range 
-			    << " Bad fit mean value=" << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean << endl;
-		      badMean[kpix][channel] = true;
-		      badMeanFitCnt++;
-		    }
-		    // Determine noisy channels from fitted sigma
-		    if  ((chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigma/chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean) > 0.03) {
-		      badMean[kpix][channel] = true;
-		      noiseSigmaCnt++;
-		      //cout << endl << "Noisy channel with " << "sigma = " << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigma << endl << endl;
-		     // channel_file_noise << channel << endl;
-		    }
-		    // Determine weird channels with only a single peak if fitted sigma is below the error of sigma
-		    if (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigma < chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigmaErr) {
-		      badMean[kpix][channel] = true;
-		      errorSigmaCnt++;
-		      //cout << endl << "Sigma below error value with " << "sigma = " << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigma << endl << endl;
-		     // channel_file_bad << channel << endl;
-		    }
-		  }
-		  else if ( findBadMeanFit || findBadMeanChisq ) {
-		    debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel 
-			  << " Bucket=" << dec << bucket << " Range=" << dec << range
-			  << " Failed to fit mean" << endl;
-		    badMean[kpix][channel] = true;
-		    failedMeanFit++;
-		  }
-		  // Determine bad channel from histogram mean
-		  if ( findBadMeanHist && 
-		       ( (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseMean > meanMax[range]) ||
-			 (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseMean < meanMin[range]) ) ) {
-		    debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel << " Bucket=" << dec << bucket
-			  << " Range=" << dec << range
-			  << " Bad hist mean value=" << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseMean << endl;
-		    badMeanHistCnt++;
-		    badMean[kpix][channel] = true;
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  cout << endl;
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Process Calibration
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  rFile->cd(); // move into root folder base
-  FolderName.str("");
-  FolderName << "Calibration_and_Residuals";
-  rFile->mkdir(FolderName.str().c_str()); // produce a sub folder with name of variable FolderName
-  TDirectory *calibration_folder = rFile->GetDirectory(FolderName.str().c_str()); // get path to subdirectory
-  calibration_folder->cd(); // move into subdirectory
-  // Process each kpix device
-  for (kpix=0; kpix<32; kpix++){
-    if ( kpixFound[kpix] ){ 
-      // Get serial number
-      tmp.str("");
-      tmp << "cntrlFpga(0):kpixAsic(" << dec << kpix << "):SerialNumber";
-      serial = dataRead.getConfig(tmp.str());
-      xml << "   <kpixAsic id=\"" << serial << "\">" << endl;
-      // Process each channel
-      for (channel=minChan; channel <= maxChan; channel++) {
-	// Show progress
-	cout << "\rProcessing calibration kpix " << dec << kpix << " / " << dec << kpixMax
-	     << ", Channel " << channel << " / " << dec << maxChan 
-	     << "                 " << flush;
-	// Channel is valid
-	if ( chanFound[kpix][channel] ) {
-	  // Start channel marker
-	  xml << "      <Channel id=\"" << channel << "\">" << endl;
-	  // Each bucket
-	  for (bucket = 0; bucket < 4; bucket++) {
-	    // Bucket is valid
-	    if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][0] != NULL || chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][1] != NULL ) {
-	      xml << "         <Bucket id=\"" << bucket << "\">" << endl;
-	      // Each range
-	      for (range = 0; range < 2; range++) {
-		// Range is valid
-		if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range] != NULL ) {
-		  xml << "            <Range id=\"" << range << "\">" << endl;
-		  chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->computeCalib(chargeError[range]);
-		  csv << serial << "," << dec << channel << "," << dec << bucket << "," << dec << range;
-		  // Add baseline data to xml
-		  addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"BaseMean",chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseMean);
-		  addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"BaseRms",chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseRms);
-		  if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean != 0 ) {
-		    addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"BaseFitMean",chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean);
-		    addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"BaseFitSigma",chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigma);
-		    addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"BaseFitMeanErr",chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMeanErr);
-		    addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"BaseFitSigmaErr",chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigmaErr);
-		    addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"BaseFitChisquare",chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitChisquare);
-		  }
-		  // Add baseline data to excel file
-		  csv << "," << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseMean;
-		  csv << "," << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseRms;
-		  csv << "," << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean;
-		  csv << "," << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigma;
-		  csv << "," << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMeanErr;
-		  csv << "," << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitSigmaErr;
-		  csv << "," << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitChisquare;
-		  // Create calibration graph
-		  grCount = 0;
-		  crossString.str("");
-		  crossStringCsv.str("");
-		  for (x=0; x < 256; x++) {
-		    // Calibration point is valid
-		    if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->calibCount[x] > 0 ) {
-		      grX[grCount]    = calibCharge ( x, positive, ((bucket==0)?b0CalibHigh:false));
-		      grY[grCount]    = chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->calibMean[x];
-		      grYErr[grCount] = chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->calibError[x];
-		      grXErr[grCount] = 0;
-		      debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel << " Bucket=" << dec << bucket
-			    << " Range=" << dec << range
-			    << " Adding point x=" << grX[grCount] 
-			    << " Rms=" << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->calibRms[x]
-			    << " Error=" << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->calibError[x] << endl;
-		      grCount++;
-		      // Find crosstalk, value - base > 3 * sigma
-		      for (crChan=0; crChan < 1024; crChan++ ) {
-			if ( chanData[kpix][crChan][bucket][range] != NULL ) {
-			  crossDiff = chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->calibOtherValue[crChan] - 
-			    chanData[kpix][crChan][bucket][range]->baseMean;
-			  if ( (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->calibOtherDac[crChan] == x)  && 
-			       (crChan != channel) && 
-			       (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range] != NULL ) &&
-			       (crossDiff > (10.0 * chanData[kpix][crChan][bucket][range]->baseRms))) 
-			    {
-			      if ( crossString.str() != "" ) crossString << " ";
-			      crossString << dec << crChan << ":" << dec << (uint)crossDiff;
-			      crossStringCsv << "," << dec << crChan << "," << dec << (uint)crossDiff;
-			    }
-			}
-		      }
-		    }
-		  }
-		  // Create graph
-		  if ( grCount > 0 ) {
-		    grCalib = new TGraphErrors(grCount,grX,grY,grXErr,grYErr);
-		    grCalib->Draw("Ap");
-		    grCalib->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Charge [C]");
-		    grCalib->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ADC");
-		    grCalib->Fit("pol1","eq","",fitMin[range],fitMax[range]);
-		    grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->SetLineWidth(1);
-		    // Create name and write
-		    tmp.str("");
-		    tmp << "calib_" << serial << "_c" << dec << setw(4) << setfill('0') << channel;
-		    tmp << "_b" << dec << bucket;
-		    tmp << "_r" << dec << range;
-		    //grCalib->SetTitle(tmp.str().c_str());
-		    grCalib->Write(tmp.str().c_str());
-		    // Create and store residual plot
-		    for (x=0; x < grCount; x++) grRes[x] = (grY[x] - grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->Eval(grX[x]));
-		    grResid = new TGraph(grCount,grX,grRes);
-		    grResid->Draw("Ap");
-		    grResid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Charge [C]");
-		    grResid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ADC");
-		    // Create name and write
-		    tmp.str("");
-		    tmp << "resid_" << serial << "_c" << dec << setw(4) << setfill('0') << channel;
-		    tmp << "_b" << dec << bucket;
-		    tmp << "_r" << dec << range;
-		    //grResid->SetTitle(tmp.str().c_str());
-		    grResid->Write(tmp.str().c_str());
-		    // Add to xml
-		    if ( grCalib->GetFunction("pol1") ) {
-		      chisqNdf = (grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetChisquare() / grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetNDF());
-		      Double_t slope = grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1);
-		      Double_t offset = offset;
-		      long double ped_charge = ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseFitMean ) / slope;
-		      long double ped_charge_err = (chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseHistRMS) / slope ; // simple err
-		      //cout << "RMS in ADC " << chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][range]->baseHistRMS << endl;
-		      //cout << "Slope " << slope << endl;
-		      //cout << "RMS in fc " << ped_charge_err << endl;
-		      pedestals_fc->Fill( ped_charge * pow(10,15) );
-		      PedestalsRMS_fc0->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-		      if (kpix==26) PedestalsRMS_fc0_26->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-		      if (kpix==28) PedestalsRMS_fc0_28->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-		      //cout << ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) << endl;
-		      if ( == 9999 ){
-			PedestalsRMS_fc0_disc->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-			if (kpix==26) PedestalsRMS_fc0_disc_26->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-			if (kpix==28) PedestalsRMS_fc0_disc_28->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-		      }
-		      else{
-			if (channel < 128) PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_120 -> Fill(ped_charge_err * pow(10,15));
-			else PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_800 -> Fill(ped_charge_err * pow(10,15));
-			PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-			if (kpix==26) PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_26->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-			if (kpix==28) PedestalsRMS_fc0_conn_28->Fill( ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) );
-		      }
-		      if (ped_charge_err * pow(10,15) >= noise_cut){
-			channel_file_noise << channel << endl ;
-		      }
-		      slope_hist->Fill( slope / pow(10,15) );
-		      if (kpix==26) {
-				  slope_hist_k26->Fill(slope/pow(10,15));
-				  slope_vs_channel_26->SetBinContent( channel+1, slope / pow(10,15));
-			  }
-		      if (kpix==28) {
-				  slope_hist_k28->Fill(slope/pow(10,15));
-				  slope_vs_channel_28->SetBinContent( channel+1, slope / pow(10,15));
-		      } 
-		      if (abs(ped_charge_err * pow(10,15)) < 20) {
-			RMSfc_v_channel->SetBinContent(channel, ped_charge_err * pow(10,15));
-			if (kpix==26) RMSfc_v_channel_26->SetBinContent(channel, ped_charge_err * pow(10,15));
-			if (kpix==28) RMSfc_v_channel_28->SetBinContent(channel, ped_charge_err * pow(10,15));
-			if ( != 9999) RMSfc_v_channel_connected->SetBinContent(channel, ped_charge_err * pow(10,15));
-			RMSfc_v_strip_left->SetBinContent(, ped_charge_err * pow(10,15));
-			RMSfc_v_strip_right->SetBinContent(, ped_charge_err * pow(10,15)); //as we set bin content need to move everything to the left by as channel 920 is bin 0
-			//cout << << endl;
-		      }
-		      //summary2_1->Fill( channel, slope / pow(10,15) );
-		      slope_residual->Fill( offset);
-		      //summary12->Fill( grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParError(1) / pow(10,15) );
-		      //summary13->Fill( grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParError(0));
-		      addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"CalibGain",grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1));
-		      addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"CalibIntercept",grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(0));
-		      addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"CalibGainErr",grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParError(1));
-		      addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"CalibInterceptErr",grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParError(0));
-		      addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"CalibChisquare",chisqNdf);
-		      csv << "," << grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1);
-		      csv << "," << grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(0);
-		      csv << "," << grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParError(1);
-		      csv << "," << grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParError(0);
-		      csv << "," << chisqNdf;
-		      // Determine bad channel from fitted gain
-		      if ( findBadGainFit && 
-			   ( (grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1) > gainMax[range]) ||
-			     (grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1) < gainMin[range]) ) ) {
-			debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel << " Bucket=" << dec << bucket
-			      << " Range=" << dec << range
-			      << " Bad gain value=" << grCalib->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1) << endl;
-			badGain[kpix][channel] = true;
-			badGainFitCnt++;
-		      }
-		      // Determine bad channel from fitted chisq
-		      if ( findBadGainChisq && (chisqNdf >  gainChisq) ) {
-			debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel << " Bucket=" << dec << bucket
-			      << " Range=" << dec << range
-			      << " Bad gain chisq=" << gainChisq << endl;
-			badGain[kpix][channel] = true;
-			badGainChisqCnt++;
-		      }
-		    }
-		    else {
-		      csv << ",0,0,0,0,0";
-		      if ( findBadGainFit || findBadGainChisq )  {
-			debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel << " Bucket=" << dec << bucket
-			      << " Range=" << dec << range
-			      << " Failed to fit gain" << endl;
-			badGain[kpix][channel] = true;
-			failedGainFit++;
-		      }
-		    }
-		    addDoubleToXml(&xml,15,"CalibGainRms",grCalib->GetRMS(2));
-		    csv << "," << grCalib->GetRMS(2);
-		    if ( crossString.str() != "" ) addStringToXml(&xml,15,"CalibCrossTalk",crossString.str());
-		    csv << crossStringCsv.str();
-		  }
-		  csv << endl; 
-		  xml << "            </Range>" << endl;
-		}
-	      }
-	      xml << "         </Bucket>" << endl;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  // Determine if the channel is bad
-	  badValue = 0;
-	  if ( badMean[kpix][channel] ) badValue |= 0x1;
-	  if ( badGain[kpix][channel] ) badValue |= 0x2;
-	  if ( badValue != 0 ) {
-	    debug << "Kpix=" << dec << kpix << " Channel=" << dec << channel
-		  << " Marking channel bad." << endl;
-	    badChannelCnt++;
-	  }
-	  xml << "         <BadChannel>" << dec << badValue << "</BadChannel>" << endl;
-	  xml << "      </Channel>" << endl;
-	}
-      }
-         xml << "   </kpixAsic>" << endl;
-    }
-  }
-  cout << endl;
-  cout << "Wrote root plots to " << outRoot << endl;
-  cout << "Wrote xml data to " << outXml << endl;
-  cout << "Wrote csv data to " << outCsv << endl;
-  cout << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << badTimes        << " events with bad times" << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << badMeanFitCnt   << " bad mean fit values" << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << badMeanChisqCnt << " bad mean fit chisq"  << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << badMeanHistCnt  << " bad mean hist values" << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << failedMeanFit   << " failed mean fits" << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << badGainFitCnt   << " bad gain fit values" << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << badGainChisqCnt << " bad gain fit chisq" << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << failedGainFit   << " failed gain fits" << endl;
-  cout << "Found " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << badChannelCnt   << " bad channels" << endl;
-  xml << "</calibrationData>" << endl;
-  xml.close();
-  rFile->Write();
-  delete rFile;
-  // Cleanup
-  for (kpix=0; kpix < 32; kpix++) {
-    for (channel=0; channel < 1024; channel++) {
-      for (bucket=0; bucket < 4; bucket++) {
-	if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][0] != NULL ) delete chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][0];
-	if ( chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][1] != NULL ) delete chanData[kpix][channel][bucket][1];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Close file
-  dataRead.close();
-  return(0);
diff --git a/src/analysis.cxx b/src/analysis.cxx
index 7c10b4f..ccbd19d 100644
--- a/src/analysis.cxx
+++ b/src/analysis.cxx
@@ -234,9 +234,6 @@ int main ( int argc, char **argv )
 	TH1F					*trig_count[32][5];
 	TH1F                    *hist_buck_sum[32][1024];
-	TH2F					*kpix_entries_left[32][5];
-	TH2F					*kpix_entries_right[32][5];
 	// Stringstream initialization for histogram naming
 	stringstream           tmp;
@@ -466,23 +463,28 @@ int main ( int argc, char **argv )
-		for (int kpix = 0; kpix<32; kpix++){
-		  if (kpixFound[kpix]) {
-		    int monster_check = 0;
-		    for (int i = 0; i < 8192; ++i){
-		      if (cycle_time_local[kpix][i] > monster_finder_limit) {
+		for (int kpix = 0; kpix<32; kpix++)
+		{
+			if (kpixFound[kpix])
+			{
+				int monster_check = 0;
+				for (int i = 0; i < 8192; ++i)
+				{
+					if (cycle_time_local[kpix][i] > monster_finder_limit) 
+					{
+						monster_check = 1; // if among the 8192 possible time points there exists one that has more than monster_finder_limit triggers the event is classified as a monster
+						break; // no reason to keep looking, we found a monster.
+					}
+				}
+				if (monster_check)
+				{
+					cout << " There is a monster in house #" << kpix <<" (kpix slot number) with more than " << monster_finder_limit << " (finder limit) eyes  under bed #" << acqCount << " (cycle number)" << endl;
+					monster_cycles[kpix].push_back(acqCount);
+					monster_counter[kpix]++;
+				}
+			}
-			monster_check = 1; // if among the 8192 possible time points there exists one that has more than monster_finder_limit triggers the event is classified as a monster
-			break; // no reason to keep looking, we found a monster.
-		      }
-		    }
-		    /*if (monster_check){
-		      cout << " There is a monster in house #" << kpix <<" (kpix slot number) with more than " << monster_finder_limit << " (finder limit) eyes  under bed #" << acqCount << " (cycle number)" << endl;
-		      monster_cycles[kpix].push_back(acqCount);
-		      monster_counter[kpix]++;
-		      }*/
-		  }
@@ -603,15 +605,7 @@ int main ( int argc, char **argv )
 			tmp << "acq_num_ext_k_" << kpix;
 			acq_num_ext[kpix] = new TH1F(tmp.str().c_str(), "acq_num_ext; #triggers/acq._cycle; #entries/#acq.cycles",5, -0.5, 4.5);
-			tmp.str("");
-			tmp << "kpix_entries_left_k_" << kpix << "_total";
-			kpix_entries_left[kpix][4] = new TH2F ("kpix_entries_left", "kpix_entries_left; column;  row", 32,-0.5,31.5, 32,-0.5,31.5);
-			tmp.str("");
-			tmp << "kpix_entries_right_k_" << kpix << "_total";
-			kpix_entries_right[kpix][4] = new TH2F ("kpix_entries_right", "kpix_entries_right; column;  row", 32,-0.5,31.5, 32,-0.5,31.5);
 			for (bucket = 0; bucket< 4; bucket++)
@@ -650,16 +644,6 @@ int main ( int argc, char **argv )
 				tmp << "timestamp_kpix_k_" << kpix << "_b" << bucket << "_no_monster";
 				times_kpix_no_monster[kpix][bucket] = new TH1F(tmp.str().c_str(), "timestamp_kpix; time [#bunch_clk_count]; #entries/#acq.cycles", 8192,-0.5, 8191.5);
-				tmp.str("");
-				tmp << "kpix_entries_left_k_" << kpix << "_bucket_" << bucket;
-				kpix_entries_left[kpix][bucket] = new TH2F ("kpix_entries_left", "kpix_entries_left; column;  row", 32,-0.5,31.5, 32,-0.5,31.5);
-				tmp.str("");
-				tmp << "kpix_entries_right_k_" << kpix << "_bucket_" << bucket;
-				kpix_entries_right[kpix][bucket] = new TH2F ("kpix_entries_right", "kpix_entries_right; column;  row", 32,-0.5,31.5, 32,-0.5,31.5);
 			FolderName << "cycles";
@@ -833,12 +817,6 @@ int main ( int argc, char **argv )
 					channel_entries[kpix][bucket]->Fill(channel, weight);
 					channel_entries[kpix][4]->Fill(channel, weight);
-					kpix_entries_left[kpix][4]->Fill(31-(channel/32), channel%32, weight);
-					kpix_entries_left[kpix][bucket]->Fill(32-(channel/32), channel%32, weight);
-					kpix_entries_right[kpix][4]->Fill(channel/32, 31-channel%32, weight);
-					kpix_entries_right[kpix][bucket]->Fill(channel/32, 31-channel%32, weight);
 					left_strip_entries[kpix][bucket]->Fill(, weight);
 					left_strip_entries[kpix][4]->Fill(, weight);
diff --git a/src/new_CalibrationFitter.cxx b/src/new_CalibrationFitter.cxx
index 856de91..cf2bf0d 100644
--- a/src/new_CalibrationFitter.cxx
+++ b/src/new_CalibrationFitter.cxx
@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ int main ( int argc, char **argv ) {
   uint 					noise_cut = 1.0;
  // bool                    printalot=false;
-  unordered_map<uint, uint> kpix2strip_left;
-  unordered_map<uint, uint> kpix2strip_right;
-  kpix2strip_left = kpix_left();
-  kpix2strip_right = kpix_right();
+	unordered_map<uint, uint> kpix2strip_left;
+	unordered_map<uint, uint> kpix2strip_right;
+	kpix2strip_left = kpix_left();
+	kpix2strip_right = kpix_right();
   // Init structure
   for (kpix=0; kpix < 32; kpix++) {
@@ -643,11 +643,7 @@ int main ( int argc, char **argv ) {
   General_folder->cd(); // move into subdirectory
   TH1F *pedestals = new TH1F("pedestals", "Pedestals distribution; Charge [ADC]; #entries", 9000, 0, 9000);
-  TH1F *slope_hist = new TH1F("slope", "Slope distribution; Slope [ADC/fC]; #entries", 200, -20, 20);
-  TH1F *slope_hist_k26 = new TH1F("slope_k26", "Slope distribution; Slope [ADC/fC]; #entries", 200, -20, 20);
-  TH1F *slope_hist_k28 = new TH1F("slope_k28", "Slope distribution; Slope [ADC/fC]; #entries", 200, -20, 20);
+  TH1F *slope_hist = new TH1F("slope", "Slope distribution; Slope [ADC/fC]; #entries", 200, -100, 100);
   TH1F *slope_residual = new TH1F("slope_residual", "Slope_residual; Slope_residual[ADC/fC]; #entries", 2000, -100, 100);
   TH1F *pedestals_fc = new TH1F("pedestals_fc", "Pedestals distribution; Charge [fC]; #entries", 1000, -100, 100);
@@ -1002,8 +998,6 @@ int main ( int argc, char **argv ) {
 		      slope_hist->Fill( slope / pow(10,15) );
-		      if (kpix==26) slope_hist_k26->Fill(slope/pow(10,15));
-		      if (kpix==28) slope_hist_k28->Fill(slope/pow(10,15));
 		      slope_vs_channel->SetBinContent( channel+1, slope / pow(10,15));
 		      if (abs(ped_charge_err * pow(10,15)) < 20) {