import socket class ChannelAttr: """Container class to hold attributes of a single channel""" def __init__(self, ch_number: int, ch_name: str=None, **kwargs): """ :param ch_number: Channel number as assigned by the firmware, usually starting with 0. :param ch_name: How the channel should be referenced in the PV. Defaults to 'CH{ch_number}', if omitted. :param kwargs: List of key=value pairs. The keys will be accessible as object members, holding the value. """ self.number = ch_number if ch_name is None: = f'CH{ch_number}' else: = ch_name for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val) if ACCELERATOR == 'TARLA' : FIRMWARE_VER = '1.6.4-2-g17e5576d' FIRMWARE_VER_CONTROLLER = FIRMWARE_VER singleCavityStation().useLOGM() gradientUnit = 'kV' if STATION in ['B1', 'B2'] else 'MV' powerUnit = 'W' if STATION in ['B1', 'B2'] else 'kW' timeUnit = 'us' config_by_station = {'B1': {'slot': 11, 'fwType': 'nc260'}, 'B2': {'slot': 10, 'fwType': 'nc1300'}, 'SC1_1': {'slot': 9, 'fwType': 'sc1300'}, 'SC1_2': {'slot': 8, 'fwType': 'sc1300'}, 'SC2_1': {'slot': 7, 'fwType': 'sc1300'}, 'SC2_2': {'slot': 6, 'fwType': 'sc1300'}} channels = [ChannelAttr(0, 'FWD', unit_ampl=gradientUnit, unit_power=powerUnit), ChannelAttr(1, 'RFL', unit_ampl=gradientUnit, unit_power=powerUnit), ChannelAttr(2, 'PRB', unit_ampl=gradientUnit, unit_power=powerUnit), ChannelAttr(3, unit_ampl=gradientUnit, unit_power=powerUnit), ChannelAttr(4, unit_ampl=gradientUnit, unit_power=powerUnit), ChannelAttr(5, unit_ampl=gradientUnit, unit_power=powerUnit), ChannelAttr(6, 'REF', unit_ampl='mV', unit_power='mW'), ChannelAttr(7, 'VMM', unit_ampl='mV', unit_power='mW')] channelNames = [ for ch in channels] #channels_no = range(len(channels)) ## A dict 'channelNames', associating channel numbers with names, is required for the start script #channelNames = dict(zip(channels_no, channels)) ## Dicts to change the units of specific channels (e.g. VMM, REF) #channelAmpUnit = dict(zip(channels_no, [gradientUnit] * (channels_no - 2) + ['mV', 'mV'])) #channelPowerUnit = dict(zip(channels_no, [powerUnit] * (channels_no - 2) + ['mW', 'mW'])) if STATION == 'B1': rfFrequency = 260 clockFrequency = 78.0 IQdetectionLength = 12 nSinCosTableSize = 3 phaseStep = 120 sinSign = -1 boardDS8VM1(slot=config_by_station[STATION]['slot'], firmwareType=config_by_station[STATION]['fwType'], firmwareProject='llrf_scav_sis8300l_tarla', channelNames=channelNames, pllConfig='260MHz_to_78MHz_clock') else: rfFrequency = 1300 clockFrequency = 65.0 IQdetectionLength = 36 nSinCosTableSize = 6 phaseStep = 60 sinSign = -1 boardDWC8VM1(slot=config_by_station[STATION]['slot'], firmwareType=config_by_station[STATION]['fwType'], firmwareProject='llrf_scav_sis8300l_tarla', channelNames=channelNames) SYSTEM_UID = 'doocsadm' SYSTEM_GID = 'doocsadm' provideLimiterEnable = 1 enablePerBunchSetpoints = False nMaxFlattops = 1 ftFromTimeserver = 0 enableStatistics = 1 enablePhaseSetter = 0 MAXIMUM_TRIGGER_INTERVAL = 1100 rawAdcDecimation = 0 enableAutomation = 1 enableMicroDAQ = 0 enableMicroDAQdetails = 0 enableDynamicOVC = 0 pulseLength = 16384 FACILITY = 'TARLA' TIMING_LOCATION = f'{FACILITY}.RF/TIMER/{HOSTNAME.upper()}.0'