diff --git a/Python_script/PostPlot.py b/Python_script/PostPlot.py
index 115dbffbe601fb9d5fda88b5564cb565201ec72b..4a64f8547a5a85e5a55d52d50a425893e0ecc410 100644
--- a/Python_script/PostPlot.py
+++ b/Python_script/PostPlot.py
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             # plot regression coefficients
             plot_obj.edit_annotation_in_plot(annotate_string  = reg_coeff)
-        plot_obj.edit_annotation_in_plot(annotate_string  = reg_coeff)
+            plot_obj.edit_annotation_in_plot(annotate_string  = reg_coeff)
         if plot_trace_curvefit == True:
diff --git a/Python_script/curvefit_and_correlation.py b/Python_script/curvefit_and_correlation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9952f9221418c6a2c6928b8dade1b965165f0ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Python_script/curvefit_and_correlation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Thu Jul 27 08:53:36 2023
+@author: pawelzik
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
+class reg_and_corr:
+    def __init__(self, post_plot_obj, legend_loc = 'upper left', \
+                 legend_bbox_to_anchor = (1.09, 1)):
+        self.post_plot_obj = post_plot_obj
+        self.K_phases = None
+        self.phase_t0 = None
+        self.legend_loc = legend_loc 
+        self.legend_bbox_to_anchor = legend_bbox_to_anchor
+    def calc_correlation(self, func_1 , func_2 , state = 'False'):
+        # calulate correlation between two parameter from data frame
+        corr_coeff= np.corrcoef(func_1, func_2)[0][1]
+        annotate_string = "$R_{\phi(S_{21}),Temp_{DUT}}$ = %.3f" % corr_coeff
+        return annotate_string
+    def calc_regression_coeff_phase_S21(self, data_frame, time_unit = 'min', state = False):
+        phases = data_frame.S21_PHASE.tolist()
+        self.phase_t0 = phases[0] 
+        self.K_phases = np.median(data_frame.S21_PHASE)
+        # time stamp of index = 0 is the start point of time axis, Michael
+        # substract all other timestamps with time stamp of index zero to get time scale in
+        # seconds, Michael
+        time_sec = data_frame.TIMESTAMP - data_frame.TIMESTAMP[0]
+        # set scaling of time axis depending on the time unit given in parameter list, Michael
+        # default unit is minutes, Michael
+        time_vals = self.scaling_time_axes(time_sec, time_unit)
+        func, popt = self.choose_fit(time_vals, data_frame.S21_PHASE)
+        annotate_string_fit = self.plot_fitted_func_param(func, *popt, time_unit = time_unit)
+        return annotate_string_fit
+    def plot_phase_curve_fit(self, data_frame, postplot_obj, time_unit = 'min', state = False):
+        if state == True:
+            phases = data_frame.S21_PHASE.tolist()
+            self.phase_t0 = phases[0] 
+            self.K_phases = np.median(data_frame.S21_PHASE)
+            # time stamp of index = 0 is the start point of time axis, Michael
+            # substract all other timestamps with time stamp of index zero to get time scale in
+            # seconds, Michael
+            time_sec = data_frame.TIMESTAMP - data_frame.TIMESTAMP[0]
+            # set scaling of time axis depending on the time unit given in parameter list, Michael
+            # default unit is minutes, Michael
+            time_vals = self.scaling_time_axes(time_sec, time_unit)
+            # call chose fit function
+            func, popt = self.choose_fit(time_vals, data_frame.S21_PHASE)
+            # genrate trace for curvefit
+            fit_phaeses = func(time_vals, *popt) 
+            # determine max, min of measured phases
+            min_phases, max_phases = self.get_extended_min_max(data_frame.S21_PHASE)
+            # determine max, min of curvefit
+            min_fit_phases, max_fit_phases = self.get_extended_min_max(fit_phaeses)
+            # determine min of measure phases and min of curvefit 
+            minimum = min(min_phases, min_fit_phases)
+            # determine max of measured phases and max of curvefit
+            maximum = max(max_phases, max_fit_phases)
+            # set axis for phaseplot to min, max values
+            postplot_obj.ax1[0].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
+            # set color of trace for curvefit result to green (trace is visible)
+            postplot_obj.path_collection_fit.set_color('green')
+            # set label of trace curvefit results to name of fit function name
+            postplot_obj.path_collection_fit.set_label('fitted with\n' + func.__name__)
+            postplot_obj.path_collection_fit.set_offsets(np.c_[time_vals, func(time_vals, *popt)])
+        else:
+            # set color of trace for curvefit result to None (trace is invisible)
+            postplot_obj.path_collection_fit.set_color('None')
+            # set label of trace curvefit results to '' (no label)
+            postplot_obj.path_collection_fit.set_label('')
+        # get legend handles and labels y-axes from subplot magnitude, phase
+        handles_phase, labels_phase  =  postplot_obj.ax1[0].get_legend_handles_labels()
+        handles_mag, labels_mag  =  postplot_obj.magnitude_axis.get_legend_handles_labels()
+        handles_equi0, labels_eqi0  =  postplot_obj.equi_axis0.get_legend_handles_labels()
+        handles = handles_phase +  handles_mag + handles_equi0
+        labels = labels_phase + labels_mag + labels_eqi0
+        # update legend subplot phase, magnitude
+        postplot_obj.ax1[0].legend(handles, labels, loc = postplot_obj.legend_loc, \
+                                   bbox_to_anchor = postplot_obj.legend_bbox_to_anchor) 
+        # refresh plot window
+        postplot_obj.fig.canvas.draw()
+        postplot_obj.fig.canvas.flush_events()
+# step response of PT1 with initial behavior , Michael    
+    def PT1(self, x, K, T1):
+        return K * (1 - np.exp(-x/T1)) + self.phase_t0 * np.exp(-x/T1)
+    # step response of PT2 (D > 1) with initial behavior 
+    def aperiodicPT2(self, x, K, T1, T2,):
+        return K + self.phase_t0* np.exp(-x/T1)/(T2-T1) - K *T1* np.exp(-x/T1)/(T2-T1) \
+                    - self.phase_t0 * np.exp(-x/T2)/(T2-T1) + K* T2* np.exp(-x/T2)/(T2-T1)
+    # step response of PT2 (D = 1) with initial behavior, Michael
+    def aper_borderPT2(self, x, K, T):
+        return K + self.phase_t0*np.exp(-x/T) - K * np.exp(-x/T) + self.phase_t0*np.exp(-x/T)*x/T + \
+            - K * np.exp(-x/T) * x/T
+    # step response of PT2 (0 < D < 1) with initial behavior, Michael 
+    def periodicPT2(self, x, D, T):
+        return self.K_phases + (self.phase_t0 -self.K_phases)* \
+            np.exp(-D*x/T)*np.cos(np.sqrt(1-np.square(D))*x/T) + \
+            (self.phase_t0 - self.K_phases) * D * \
+                np.exp(-D*x/T)*np.sin(np.sqrt(1-np.square(D))*x/T)/np.sqrt(1-np.square(D))
+    # step response series of PT2 ( D = 1) and PT1 with initial behavior, Michael
+    def aper_borderPT2_PT1(self, x, a, b, c, d, T1, T2):
+        return a + b*np.exp(-x/T1)+c*x*np.exp(-x/T1) + d*np.exp(-x/T2)
+    # method for cuvefit, Michael
+    # two different algorithms for curvefit are use depending on used step response for fit, Michael
+    def curvefit(self, func, time, phases):
+        if func.__name__ == 'periodicPT2':
+            popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, time, phases, method = 'trf', \
+                                   bounds = ([0.001, 0.001], [0.99, np.inf]))
+        else:    
+            popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, time, phases, method = 'lm')
+        return popt, pcov
+    # method adds the parameter of the fit with the lowest error to annotation string, Michael
+    def plot_fitted_func_param(self, func, *popt, time_unit):
+        if func.__name__ == 'PT1':
+            K = popt[0] 
+            T1 = popt[1]
+            annotate_string = "K: %.2f\n$T_1$: %.3f %s" %(K, T1, time_unit) 
+        elif func.__name__ == 'aperiodicPT2':
+            K = popt[0]
+            T1 = popt[1]
+            T2 = popt[2]
+            annotate_string = "K: %.2f\n$T_1$: %.3f %s\n$T_2$: %.3f %s" % (K, T1, time_unit, T2, \
+                                                                           time_unit)
+        elif func.__name__ == 'aper_borderPT2':
+            K = popt[0]
+            T = popt[1]
+            annotate_string = "K: %.2f\nT: %.3f %s" %(K, T, time_unit) 
+        elif func.__name__ == 'periodicPT2':
+            K = self.K_phases
+            D = popt[0]
+            T = popt[1]
+            T_2perc = 4*T/D
+            annotate_string = "K: %.2f\nD: %.3f\nT: %.3f %s\n$T_E$(2%%): %.2f %s" \
+                % (K, D, T, time_unit, T_2perc, time_unit)
+        elif func.__name__ == 'aper_borderPT2_PT1':
+            T1 = popt[4]
+            T2 = popt[5]
+            annotate_string = "$T_1$: %.3f %s\n$T_2$: %.3f %s" % (T1, time_unit, T2, time_unit)
+        else:
+            # default value
+            annotate_string =''
+        return annotate_string
+    # calculates the fit for all step responses and calulates the lowest error, Michael
+    # parameter of the plot with the lowest error is returned by this function, Michael
+    # if curve fit fails for one stept response it takes the next one and plots in command
+    # window the functions
+    # which failes, Michael
+    def choose_fit(self, time, phases):
+        popt = []
+        perr = []
+        used_functions = []
+        functions = [self.PT1, self.aper_borderPT2, self.aperiodicPT2, self.periodicPT2, \
+                     self.aper_borderPT2_PT1] 
+        for func in functions:
+            try:
+                # call curvefit method and put the fitted parameter for step response function
+                # to a list, Michael
+                popt.append(self.curvefit(func, time, phases)[0])
+                # calculation of fitting error
+                perr.append(np.sqrt(np.square(np.subtract(phases, func(time, *popt[-1]))).mean()))
+                used_functions.append(func)
+            except RuntimeError:
+                    print('curvefit of %s fails' %func.__name__)
+        # get position of parameters in list which has the lowest calculated error, Michael
+        pos = perr.index(min(perr))
+        # return function name and parameter with the lowest calculated error during curvefit, Michael
+        return used_functions[pos], popt[pos]
+    # scaling time axes depending on the time unit
+    def scaling_time_axes(self, time_sec, time_unit):
+        if time_unit == 'min':
+            time_vals = time_sec/60
+        elif time_unit == 'hours':
+            time_vals = time_sec/3600
+        elif time_unit == 'sec':
+            time_vals = time_sec
+        else:
+            time_vals = time_sec/60
+        return time_vals
+        # add 5 % of the distance between min and max to the range
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_extended_min_max(array):
+        distance = array.max() - array.min()
+        if distance == 0.:
+            distance = 1
+        return array.min()-0.05*distance, array.max()+0.05*distance
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