diff --git a/Python_script/PostPlot.py b/Python_script/PostPlot.py
index fe71d54c94653b02c92055ef3445930d8e6e9fe7..23f576fdbcbe8b128da24ac391833467642e33ab 100644
--- a/Python_script/PostPlot.py
+++ b/Python_script/PostPlot.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import sys
 from pathlib import Path
 import os
 import MeasurementPlot
-import time
 # after measurement has finished from stored csv-data a post plot of all temperature steps is plotted and store in
@@ -47,13 +46,9 @@ class PostPlot:
         # reset index of data frame
         data_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
-        # self.postplot_obj = MeasurementPlot.MeasurementPlot(legend_loc = 'upper left', \
-        #                                                legend_bbox_to_anchor = (1.09, 1))
         # set y-Achlabel in all subplots to Time an in square brackets the selected time unit 
         for element in self.postplot_obj.ax1:
-            element.set_xlabel("Time [%s]" %time_unit) 
+            element.set_xlabel("Time [%s]" %time_unit)         
         # make a copy of data_frame in parameterlist without changing original during modification
         postplot_data_frame = data_frame.copy()
@@ -65,10 +60,10 @@ class PostPlot:
         # set scaling of time axis depending on the time unit given in parameter list, Michael
         # default unit is minutes, Michael
-        time = self.scaling_time_axes(time_sec, time_unit)
+        time_vals = self.scaling_time_axes(time_sec, time_unit)
         # update Timestamps with calculated time values         
-        postplot_data_frame.update(time) 
+        postplot_data_frame.update(time_vals) 
         # refresh subflots with data in data frame
         self.postplot_obj.draw(postplot_data_frame, pdf_name = '')
@@ -112,18 +107,18 @@ class PostPlot:
     # scaling time axes depending on the time unit
     def scaling_time_axes(self, time_sec, time_unit):
         if time_unit == 'min':
-            time = time_sec/60
+            time_vals = time_sec/60
         elif time_unit == 'hours':
-            time = time_sec/3600
+            time_vals = time_sec/3600
         elif time_unit == 'sec':
-            time = time_sec
+            time_vals = time_sec
-            time = time_sec/60
+            time_vals = time_sec/60
-        return time
+        return time_vals
@@ -165,7 +160,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         # concate datesframe for plotting full transistion data 
         concat_data_frame = pd.concat([concat_data_frame,data_frame],ignore_index=True, sort = False)       
+        # plot frame data
         plot_obj.plot_frame_data(data_frame, title, time_unit)
         # set filename of post plot, Michael
diff --git a/Python_script/ext_sensor_names.json b/Python_script/ext_sensor_names.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f727cd4a81482d36e8ccd7996fd3307821819606..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Python_script/ext_sensor_names.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-{"legend_sensor0": ["TEMP-Sensor DUT", "HUM-Sensor DUT"], "legend_sensor1": ["Room Temperature" , "Room Humidity", "Air Pressure Room"], "time_unit": "min", "regression_state": "False", "plot_regression": "False", "plot_corr_coeff": "False"}
diff --git a/Python_script/prototype.py b/Python_script/prototype.py
index 138f2231ec16a6269d306cad0901b5650dfdbf6f..698189ead4ade02848d4fc13d6ade91a80aaf528 100755
--- a/Python_script/prototype.py
+++ b/Python_script/prototype.py
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ import json
 import MeasurementPlot
 import sys
 import analysis
-import ahlborn_temp_hum_sensors
+import almemo710
 import PostPlot
 import os
 import pyvisa
-import distutils.util as util
+import socket
@@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ MEASUREMENT_STABLE = 0x10
 # Class has only attributes which we are using in the read_data_function to read data from VNA and Chamber
 class MeasurementData:
-    # values for percentage temp_heater, percentage humidity heater, temperature sensor0, temperature sensor1, air pressure
+    # values for percentage temp_heater, percentage humidity heater, temperature sensor0, temperature sensor1, air pressure, Michael
+    # values for measurement instruments temperature, measurement instruments humidity 
     def __init__(self, timestamp, temp, hum, power, frequency, s11, s21, s12, s22, perc_temp_heater, \
-                 perc_hum_heater, temp_sens0, temp_sens1, hum_sens0, hum_sens1, air_press):
+                 perc_hum_heater, temp_dut, temp_room, temp_meas_instr, hum_dut, hum_room, \
+                 hum_meas_instr, air_press_room):
         self.timestamp = timestamp
         self.temp = temp
         self.hum = hum
@@ -47,28 +49,34 @@ class MeasurementData:
         self.perc_temp_heater = perc_temp_heater
         self.perc_hum_heater = perc_hum_heater
         # new variables for DUT temp, room temp, Michael
-        self.temp_sens0 = temp_sens0
-        self.temp_sens1 = temp_sens1
-        # new variables for DUT humidity, room humidity, air pressure room
-        self.hum_sens0 = hum_sens0
-        self.hum_sens1 = hum_sens1
-        self.air_press = air_press
+        # new variable for measurement instruments temp, Michael
+        self.temp_dut = temp_dut
+        self.temp_room = temp_room
+        self.temp_meas_equip = temp_meas_instr
+        # new variables for DUT humidity, room humidity, air pressure room, Michael
+        self.hum_dut = hum_dut
+        self.hum_room = hum_room
+        self.air_press_room = air_press_room
+        # new variable for measurement instruments humidity, Michael 
+        self.hum_meas_instr = hum_meas_instr
 class Measurements:
-    def __init__(self, chamber_address, vna_address, output_basename, standby, config_data):
+    def __init__(self, chamber_address, vna_address, output_basename, standby, config_data, \
+                 config_ext_sens_data, logger_adress):
         self.max_delta_temp = config_data['delta_temp']
         self.max_delta_hum = config_data['delta_hum']
         self.max_delta_mag = config_data['delta_mag']
         self.max_delta_phase = config_data['delta_phase']
+        self.ext_sens_data =config_ext_sens_data
         self.sleep_time = config_data["sleep_time"]
         self.frequency = config_data["frequency"]
         self.vna_config_file = config_data["vna_config_file"]
         target_accuracy = [self.max_delta_temp, self.max_delta_hum]
         self.chamber = climate_chamber.create_chamber(chamber_address, target_accuracy)
         self.vna = VNA.create_vna(vna_address, target_accuracy)
-        # new object for external sensors, fixed IP for deviced, Michael
-        self.ext_sensors = ahlborn_temp_hum_sensors.ahlborn(ip = '', wait_time = 1)
+        # new object for external sensors, decice 'ALMEMO710', fixed IP in code for device, Michael
+        self.ext_sensors = almemo710.almemo710(ip = logger_adress, wait_time = 1)
         self.standby = standby
         self.output_basename = output_basename
         self.clock = virtual_time.get_clock(chamber_address, target_accuracy)
@@ -82,6 +90,10 @@ class Measurements:
         self.vna.create_new_trace("Trace2", "S12")
         self.vna.create_new_trace("Trace3", "S21")
         self.vna.create_new_trace("Trace4", "S22")
+        self.postplot_obj = None
+        # request all sensor channels from ALMEMO710 of all sensors that are connected to this device, Michael
+        self.ext_sensors.request_sens_channel_list()
         self.measurement_plot = MeasurementPlot.MeasurementPlot()
         self.data_collection = []
@@ -160,12 +172,13 @@ class Measurements:
     def perform_single_measurement(self, output, target_temp, target_hum, soaking_time, n_stable_reads):
         with open(output, mode='w', newline='') as csv_file:
             # fieldnames for percentage temperature heater and percntage humidity heater,
-            # DUT Temperature, DUT humidity, room temperature, room humidity, airpressure room added, Michael
+            # DUT Temperature, DUT humidity, room temperature, room humidity, airpressure room added,
+            # measurement instruments temperature, measurement instruments humidity, Michael
                           'EQUILIBRIUM_INDICATOR', 'TEMP_HEATER', 'HUM_HEATER',
-                          'TEMP_SENSOR0', 'TEMP_SENSOR1', 'HUM_SENSOR0',
-                          'HUM_SENSOR1','AIR_PRESSURE',
+                          'TEMP_DUT', 'TEMP_ROOM', 'TEMP_MEAS_INSTR',
+                          'HUM_DUT','HUM_ROOM', 'HUM_MEAS_INSTR', 'AIR_PRESSURE_ROOM',
                           'S11_MAGNITUDE', 'S11_PHASE', 'S12_MAGNITUDE',
                           'S12_PHASE', 'S21_MAGNITUDE', 'S21_PHASE', 'S22_MAGNITUDE', 'S22_PHASE']
             # csv.dict writer add adda row wise
@@ -302,29 +315,39 @@ class Measurements:
                 s22 = self.get_trace_data("Trace4")
                 # if readout is successful, leave loop, Michael
-            # excption for pyvisa error or timeout
+            # exception for pyvisa error or timeout
             except pyvisa.errors.VisaIOError:
                 # call reset function for VNA statstus register and error queue
                 print('An error occured during VNA read out')
-                # wait one second for netxt try, Michael
+                # wait one second for next try, Michael
-        # request temperatures, humidities and and air pressure from external sensors, Michael
-        temperatures, humidities, pressures = self.get_ext_sensor_values()
-        # get DUT temperature and room temeprature out of array, Michael
-        temp_sens0 = temperatures[0]
-        temp_sens1 = temperatures[1]
-        # get room temeprature, room humidity and air pressure of room out of array, Michael
-        hum_sens0 = humidities[0]
-        hum_sens1 = humidities[1]
-        air_press = pressures [0]
+        # loop with 3 Itherations in case of ALMEMO 710 readout error, Michael
+        while iteration < 3:
+            try:
+                # request temperatures, humidities and and air pressure from external sensors, Michael
+                temp_dut, temp_room, temp_meas_inst, hum_dut, hum_room, hum_meas_inst, \
+                    air_press_room = self.get_ext_sensor_values()
+                # if readout successfull, leave loop, Michael
+                break
+            # exception for telnet socket timeout
+            except socket.timeout:
+                print('An error occured during ALMEMO read out')
+                # wait one second for next try, Michael
+                time.sleep(1)
+                iteration+=1
-        # values percentage temp_heater und percentage hum_heater, temp_sens0, temp_sens1, hum sens0, hum sens 1
-        # air_press added to parameterlist oder returned values, Michael
+        # values percentage temp_heater, percentage hum_heater, temp_dut, temp_room, temp_meas_instr,
+        # hum_dut, hum_room, hum_meas_instr air_press_room added to parameterlist in returned
+        # values, Michael
         return MeasurementData(int(self.clock.time()), temp, hum, power, frequency, s11, s21, s12, s22, \
-                               perc_temp_heater, perc_hum_heater, temp_sens0, temp_sens1, hum_sens0, hum_sens1, air_press)
+                               perc_temp_heater, perc_hum_heater, temp_dut, temp_room, temp_meas_inst, \
+                                   hum_dut, hum_room, hum_meas_inst, air_press_room)
     def store_and_plot_data(self, target_temp, target_hum, data, equi_indicator):
         measurement = {
@@ -340,16 +363,20 @@ class Measurements:
             'TEMP_HEATER': data.perc_temp_heater,
             # percentage humidity heater added, Michael
             'HUM_HEATER': data.perc_hum_heater,
-            # Temperature Sensor0 of external temp sensors added, Michael
-            'TEMP_SENSOR0': data.temp_sens0,
-            # Temperature Sensor 1 of external temp sensors added, Michael
-            'TEMP_SENSOR1': data.temp_sens1,
-            # Humidity Sensor0 of external hum sensors added, Michael
-            'HUM_SENSOR0': data.hum_sens0,
-            # Humidity Sensor 1 of external hum sensors added, Michael
-            'HUM_SENSOR1': data.hum_sens1,
-            # Air pressure of external sensors added, Michael
-            'AIR_PRESSURE': data.air_press,
+            # Temperature for DUT of external temp sensors added, Michael
+            'TEMP_DUT': data.temp_dut,
+            # Temperature for room of external temp sensors added, Michael
+            'TEMP_ROOM': data.temp_room,
+            # Temperature for measure instruments of external temp sensors added, Michael
+            'TEMP_MEAS_INSTR': data.temp_meas_instr,      
+            # Humidity for DUT of external hum sensors added, Michael
+            'HUM_DUT': data.hum_dut,
+            # Humidity for room of external hum sensors added, Michael         
+            'HUM_ROOM': data.hum_room,
+            # Humidity for measurement instruments of external hum sensors added, Michael         
+            'HUM_MEAS_INSTR': data.hum_instr,            
+            # Air pressure for room of external sensors added, Michael
+            'AIR_PRESS_ROOM': data.air_press_room,
             'S11_PHASE': self.calculate_mean_phase(data.s11),
             'S11_MAGNITUDE': 20*math.log10(self.calculate_mean_magnitude(data.s11)),
             'S21_PHASE': self.calculate_mean_phase(data.s21),
@@ -372,31 +399,30 @@ class Measurements:
     # new method to request temperaure values from external sensors of ahlborn, Michael 
     def get_ext_sensor_values(self):
-        # call method for request sensor data from ahlborn, Michael
-        self.ext_sensors.request_temp_hum_data_from_ahlborn()
-        # extract parameters of all temperature entries from buffer of ahlborn
-        # and store parameters in class properties, Michael
-        self.ext_sensors.get_param_of_temp_entries()
-        # get list of all temperature entries from ahlborn class, Michael
-        temperatures = self.ext_sensors.temp_vals
-        # extract parameters of all humidity entries from buffer of ahlborn
-        # and store parameters in class properties, Michael
-        humidities = self.ext_sensors.get_param_of_hum_entries()
-        # get list of all humidity entries from ahlborn class, Michael
-        humidities = self.ext_sensors.hum_vals
-        # extract parameters of all pressure entries from buffer of ahlborn
-        # and store parameters in class properties, Michael
-        self.ext_sensors.get_param_of_press_entries()
-        # get list of all pressure entries from ahlborn class, Michael
-        pressures = self.ext_sensors.press_vals
+        # request temperatures, humidities and and air pressure from external sensors, Michael
+        self.ext_sensors.request_meas_vals_all_channels()
+        # get DUT temperature, room temperature and measurement instruments temperature , Michael 
+        temp_dut = self.ext_sensors.fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(pattern = \
+                                                    self.ext_sens_data['ch_temp_dut'])[0].meas_val
+        temp_room =self.ext_sensors.fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(pattern = \
+                                                    self.ext_sens_data['ch_temp_room'])[0].meas_val
+        temp_meas_inst = self.ext_sensors.fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(pattern = \
+                                                    self.ext_sens_data['ch_temp_meas_inst'])[0].meas_val
+        # get DUT humidity, room humidity and meas_instruments humidity, Michael
+        hum_dut = self.ext_sensors.fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(pattern = \
+                                                    self.ext_sens_data['ch_hum_dut'])[0].meas_val
+        hum_room =self.ext_sensors.fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(pattern = \
+                                                    self.ext_sens_data['ch_hum_room'])[0].meas_val
+        hum_meas_inst = self.ext_sensors.fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(pattern = \
+                                                    self.ext_sens_data['ch_hum_meas_inst'])[0].meas_val
+        # get air pressure room, Michael 
+        air_press_room = self.ext_sensors.fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(pattern = \
+                                                    self.ext_sens_data['ch_air_press_room'])[0].meas_val
-        # return temepratures, humidities, pressures that have been requested from ahlborn
-        return  temperatures, humidities, pressures
+        # return temp_dut, temp_room, temp_meas_inst, hum_dut, hum_room, hum_meas_inst,
+        # air_press_room    
+        return temp_dut, temp_room, temp_meas_inst, hum_dut, hum_room, hum_meas_inst, \
+            air_press_room
     def calculate_complex_numbers(self, values_list):
@@ -453,24 +479,10 @@ class Measurements:
 def plot_output(output_basename, measurements_appendices, show_blocking_plot, ext_sens_data, title = ''):
     # declaration empty tuple for regression state, plot regression, plot correlation coefficient, Michael  
-    reply_tuple =()
-    # set legend entries to imported values from json file ext_sens_data.json, Michael
-    legend_sensor0 = list(ext_sens_data['legend_sensor0'])
-    legend_sensor1 = list(ext_sens_data['legend_sensor1'])
-    # set time unit for PostPlot of measurement results to imported value from json file ext_sens_data.json, Michael
-    time_unit = str(ext_sens_data['time_unit'])
-    # list of requested values for plot options in PostPlot, Michael
-    query_list = ['regression_state','plot_regression', 'plot_corr_coeff']
-    # set state of plot option to imported values of json file ext_sens_data.json, Michael 
-    for element in query_list:
-        try:
-            # covert string to bool, Michael 
-            reply_tuple += (util.strtobool(ext_sens_data[element]),)
-        # on error add false to tuple
-        except ValueError:
-            reply_tuple += (False)
-    # set values for regression  state, plot regression and plot correlation coeffient for values of reply tuple, Michael
-    regression_state, plot_regression, plot_corr_coeff= reply_tuple                   
+    # set time unit for PostPlot of measurement results to imported value from json file
+    # ext_sens_data.json, Michael
+    time_unit = str(ext_sens_data['time_unit'])                
     list_of_frames = []
     # storepath is set to working directory with subfolder Plots, Michael
@@ -480,36 +492,20 @@ def plot_output(output_basename, measurements_appendices, show_blocking_plot, ex
     for index, m in enumerate(measurements_appendices):
         measurement_name = output_basename+'_'+str(m)
-        # call method for postplot, Michael
-        # add the imported legend entries from ext_sens_data.json for sensor 0 and sensor1 to parameterlist
-        # of postplot method, Michael
-        # add the imported time unit from ext_sens_data.json to parameterlist, Michael
-        # entries for regression_state and plot regression for first postplot are set to false because start
-        # condition of a sweep, Michael
-        # plot correclation coefficent is set to the from ext_sens_data.json imported value, Michael
-        if index < 1:
-            post_plot.plot_frame_data(list_of_frames[-1], title,legend_sensor0, legend_sensor1, time_unit, \
-                                      False, False, plot_corr_coeff)   
-        # add the imported legend entries from ext_sens_data.json for sensor 0 and sensor1 to parameterlist
-        # of postplot method, Michael
-        # add the imported time unit from ext_sens_data.json to parameterlist, Michael
-        # entries for regression_state and plot regression for all other postplot are set to the from ext_sens_data.json
-        # imported values, Michael
-        # plot correclation coefficent is set to False for all othwer plots
-        else:
-            post_plot.plot_frame_data(list_of_frames[-1], title,legend_sensor0, legend_sensor1, time_unit, \
-                                  regression_state, plot_regression, False)  
+        # plot frame data
+        post_plot.plot_frame_data(list_of_frames[-1], title, time_unit,)  
         # store generated postplot to the in storepath defined destination, Michael
         post_plot.save_fig(storepath, measurement_name+'.pdf')
     combined_data_frame = pd.concat(list_of_frames, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
-    # create postplot of alle measurements, Michael
-    # add the imported legend entries from ext_sens_data.json for sensor 0 and sensor1 to parameterlist
-    # of postplot method, Michael
-    # add the imported time unit from ext_sens_data.json to parameterlist
-    # all other parameters are set to false because they do not work for full transistion of data     
-    post_plot.plot_frame_data(combined_data_frame, title,legend_sensor0, legend_sensor1, time_unit, False, False, False)
+    # create postplot of all measurements, Michael
+    # add the imported time unit from ext_sens_data.json to parameterlist   
+    post_plot.plot_frame_data(combined_data_frame, title, time_unit)
     # save postplot of all measurents to the in storpath defined destination and name it FullTransistion
     post_plot.save_fig(storepath, 'FullTransistion.pdf')
@@ -517,6 +513,7 @@ def plot_output(output_basename, measurements_appendices, show_blocking_plot, ex
     plot = MeasurementPlot.MeasurementPlot(title)
     plot.draw(combined_data_frame, output_basename + '_graph.pdf')
 def run_temperature_sweep_from_file(temperature_sweep_file, meas):
     with open(temperature_sweep_file) as file:
diff --git a/Python_script/the.pdf b/Python_script/the.pdf
index 691f4a3aed70efd37119f8d86de94c9046609bba..ac2e8eb8f746bcf84571f39dc69f2410d5f8c126 100644
Binary files a/Python_script/the.pdf and b/Python_script/the.pdf differ