diff --git a/Python_script/MeasurementPlot.py b/Python_script/MeasurementPlot.py
index ade605f6e78c421acb63f0e714e1238d70bcef58..141f11fd5a8dc82a748c9781cf337d7d1eadc381 100644
--- a/Python_script/MeasurementPlot.py
+++ b/Python_script/MeasurementPlot.py
@@ -11,21 +11,13 @@ class PlottingError(Exception):
 class MeasurementPlot:
-    def __init__(self, title='', legend_sensor0 = ['Temperature Sensor0', 'Humidity Sensor0'], \
-                 legend_sensor1 =['Temperature Sensor1','Humidity Sensor1', 'Air Pressure Sensor1']):
+    def __init__(self, title=''):
           # set python for opening an separate plot window when starting from anaconda, Michael
         if 'ipykernel' in sys.modules:
             from IPython import get_ipython
             get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'qt')
-        # set contents of labels for additional external sensors in legend of subplots, Michael
-        label_temp_sensor0 = legend_sensor0[0]
-        label_hum_sensor0 = legend_sensor0[1]
-        label_temp_sensor1 = legend_sensor1[0]
-        label_hum_sensor1 = legend_sensor1[1]
-        label_air_press_sensor1 = legend_sensor1[2]
         # Third, Fourth and Fifth plot for additional external sensors, Michael
         self.fig, self.ax1 = plt.subplots(5, figsize=(25, 20))
         self.fig.subplots_adjust(bottom= 0.1, hspace = 0.4)
@@ -77,14 +69,14 @@ class MeasurementPlot:
         self.ax1[1].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='lower right')
-        # Third plot:  temperature external sensor0,  humidity external sensors0, Michael
-        # sensor 0 is the sensor at port 0 of ahlborn and used for the DUT temperature, DUT humidity, Michael
-        # label for temeprature and humidity of sensor 0 can be configure by ext_sens_data.json, Michael
+        # Third plot:  parameter of external sensors
+        # DUT temperature,  DUT humidity, Michael
+        # configuration of used sensor port in ext_sens_data.json, Michael
-        self.path_collection_temp_sensor0 = self.ax1[2].scatter([],[], c='red', marker='p', label=label_temp_sensor0)
+        self.path_collection_temp_dut = self.ax1[2].scatter([],[], c='red', marker='p', label='DUT temperature')
         self.ext_sens_hum_axis = self.ax1[2].twinx()
-        self.path_collection_hum_sensor0 = self.ext_sens_hum_axis.scatter([],[], c='purple', marker='*', label=label_hum_sensor0)
+        self.path_collection_hum_dut = self.ext_sens_hum_axis.scatter([],[], c='purple', marker='*', label='DUT humidity')
@@ -92,23 +84,22 @@ class MeasurementPlot:
         self.ext_sens_hum_axis.set_ylabel("HUMIDITY [%RH]", color = 'purple')
         self.ax1[2].grid(True, linestyle=":")
-        all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_sensor0, self.path_collection_hum_sensor0]
+        all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_dut, self.path_collection_hum_dut]
         labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
         self.ax1[2].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='lower right')
-        # Forth plot: temperatur external sensor1,  humidity external sensors1, air pressure external sensor 1, Michael
-        # sensor 1 is the sensor at port 1 of ahlborn and used for the room temperature, the room humidity 
-        # and the air pressure in the room, Michael
-        # label for temeprature and humidity of sensor 0 can be configure by ext_sens_data.json, Michael
+        # Forth plot: parameter of external sensors
+        # room temperature,  room humidity , air pressure room, Michael
+        # configuration of used sensor port in ext_sens_data.json, Michael
-        self.path_collection_temp_sensor1 = self.ax1[3].scatter([],[], c='green', marker='*', label=label_temp_sensor1)    
+        self.path_collection_temp_room = self.ax1[3].scatter([],[], c='green', marker='*', label='room temperature')    
         self.sec_ext_hum_sens_axis = self.ax1[3].twinx()
-        self.path_collection_hum_sensor1 = self.sec_ext_hum_sens_axis.scatter([],[], c='orange', marker='>', label=label_hum_sensor1)
+        self.path_collection_hum_room = self.sec_ext_hum_sens_axis.scatter([],[], c='orange', marker='>', label='room humidity')
         self.press_axis = self.ax1[3].twinx()
         self.press_axis.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 75))
-        self.path_collection_press = self.press_axis.scatter([],[], c='grey', marker='4', label=label_air_press_sensor1)
+        self.path_collection_air_press_room = self.press_axis.scatter([],[], c='grey', marker='4', label='air pressure room')
         self.ax1[3].set_ylabel("TEMPERATURE [°C]", color='green')
@@ -116,28 +107,53 @@ class MeasurementPlot:
         self.press_axis.set_ylabel("AIR PRESSURE [mb]", color ='grey')
         self.ax1[3].grid(True, linestyle=":")        
-        all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_sensor1, self.path_collection_hum_sensor1, \
-                                self.path_collection_press]
+        all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_room, self.path_collection_hum_room, \
+                                self.path_collection_air_press_room]
         labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
         self.ax1[3].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='lower right')
-        # Fifth plot: heater activity of temeprature heater and humidity heater
-        # values for activity are requested from climate chamber, Michael
-        self.path_collection_temp_heater = self.ax1[4].scatter([],[], c='black', marker='<', label='Temp Heater')
-        self.path_collection_hum_heater = self.ax1[4].scatter([],[], c='brown', marker='o', label='Hum Heater')
+        # Fifth plot: parameter of external sensors
+        # meas instruments temperature,  meas instruments humidity, Michael
+        # configuration of used sensor port in ext_sens_data.json, Michael
+        self.path_collection_temp_meas_instr = self.ax1[4].scatter([], [], c='black', marker='p', label="meas instr temperature")
+        self.third_ext_hum_sens_axis = self.ax1[4].twinx()
+        self.path_collection_hum_meas_instr = self.third_ext_hum_sens_axis.scatter([], [], c='brown', marker="*", label="meas instr humidity")
+        # units added to y-axes of subplot 5, Michael
-        self.ax1[4].set_ylabel("HEATER PERCENTAGE [%]", color='black')
+        self.ax1[4].set_ylabel("TEMPERATURE [°C] ", color='black')
+        self.third_ext_hum_sens_axis.set_ylabel("HUMIDITY [%RH]", color='brown')
         self.ax1[4].grid(True, linestyle=":")
-        all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_heater, \
-                                self.path_collection_hum_heater]
+        all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_meas_instr, \
+                                self.path_collection_hum_meas_instr]
         labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
-        self.ax1[4].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='lower right')
+        self.ax1[4].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='lower right')     
+        ######################################################################################
+        ## Block for plot Heater percentage in fifth subplot
+        # heater activity of temperature heater and humidity heater
+        # values requested from environmental test chamber
+        # self.path_collection_temp_heater = self.ax1[4].scatter([],[], c='black', marker='<', label='Temp Heater')
+        # self.path_collection_hum_heater = self.ax1[4].scatter([],[], c='brown', marker='o', label='Hum Heater')
+        # self.ax1[4].set_xlabel("TIMESTAMP")
+        # self.ax1[4].set_ylabel("HEATER PERCENTAGE [%]", color='black')
+        # self.ax1[4].grid(True, linestyle=":")
+        # all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_heater, \
+        #                         self.path_collection_hum_heater]
+        # labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
+        # self.ax1[4].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='lower right')
+        #######################################################################################
     def draw(self, data_frame, pdf_name=''):
         timestamps = data_frame.TIMESTAMP
@@ -173,49 +189,67 @@ class MeasurementPlot:
         self.humidity_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
         self.path_collection_hum.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, humidities])
-        # refresh temperatures for external sensors in subplots for sensor 0 and sensor1, Michael
-        temp_sensor0 = data_frame.TEMP_SENSOR0
-        temp_sensor1 = data_frame.TEMP_SENSOR1
+        # refresh temperatures for used external sensors in subplots, Michael
+        temp_dut = data_frame.TEMP_DUT
+        temp_room = data_frame.TEMP_ROOM
-        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_sensor0)
+        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_dut)
         self.ax1[2].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
+        self.path_collection_temp_dut.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, temp_dut])
-        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_sensor1)
+        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_room)
         self.ax1[3].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
+        self.path_collection_temp_room.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, temp_room])
-        self.path_collection_temp_sensor0.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, temp_sensor0])
-        self.path_collection_temp_sensor1.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, temp_sensor1])
-        # refresh humidities external sensors in subplots for sensor 0 and sensor 1, Michael
-        hum_sensor0 = data_frame.HUM_SENSOR0
-        hum_sensor1 = data_frame.HUM_SENSOR1
+        # refresh humidities external sensors in subplots for DUT humidity and room
+        # humidity, Michael
+        hum_dut = data_frame.HUM_DUT
+        hum_room = data_frame.HUM_ROOM
-        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_sensor0)
+        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_dut)
         self.ext_sens_hum_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
-        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_sensor1)
+        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_room)
         self.sec_ext_hum_sens_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
-        self.path_collection_hum_sensor0.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, hum_sensor0])
-        self.path_collection_hum_sensor1.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, hum_sensor1])
+        self.path_collection_hum_dut.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, hum_dut])
+        self.path_collection_hum_room.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, hum_room])
-        # refresh air pressure of external sensor in subplot for sensor 1 Michael
-        air_press = data_frame.AIR_PRESSURE
-        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(air_press)
+        # refresh air pressure of external sensor in subplot for air pressure room, Michael
+        air_press_room = data_frame.AIR_PRESS_ROOM
+        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(air_press_room)
         self.press_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
-        self.path_collection_press.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, air_press])
+        self.path_collection_air_press_room.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, air_press_room])
+        # refresh temperature and humidity of external sensor in subplot for measurement
+        # for instrument temperature and measurement instrument humidity, Michael  
+        temp_meas_instr = data_frame.TEMP_MEAS_INSTR
+        hum_meas_instr = data_frame.HUM_MEAS_INSTR
+        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_meas_instr)
+        self.ax1[4].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
+        minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_meas_instr)
+        self.third_ext_hum_sens_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
+        self.path_collection_temp_meas_instr.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, temp_meas_instr])
+        self.path_collection_hum_meas_instr.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, hum_meas_instr])
+        #########################################################################
+        ## Block for refreshing heater percentages in subplot for heater values
         # refresh heater percentage values of climate chamber in subplot of heater values, Michael
-        temp_heater = data_frame.TEMP_HEATER
-        hum_heater = data_frame.HUM_HEATER
-        min_temp_heater, max_temp_heater = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_heater)
-        min_hum_heater, max_hum_heater = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_heater)
-        minimum = min(min_temp_heater, min_hum_heater)
-        maximum = max(max_temp_heater, max_hum_heater)
-        self.ax1[4].set_ylim(minimum-0.05*(maximum-minimum), maximum+0.05*(maximum-minimum))
-        self.path_collection_temp_heater.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, temp_heater])
-        self.path_collection_hum_heater.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, hum_heater])
+        # temp_heater = data_frame.TEMP_HEATER
+        # hum_heater = data_frame.HUM_HEATER
+        # min_temp_heater, max_temp_heater = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_heater)
+        # min_hum_heater, max_hum_heater = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_heater)
+        # minimum = min(min_temp_heater, min_hum_heater)
+        # maximum = max(max_temp_heater, max_hum_heater)
+        # self.ax1[4].set_ylim(minimum-0.05*(maximum-minimum), maximum+0.05*(maximum-minimum))
+        # self.path_collection_temp_heater.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, temp_heater])
+        # self.path_collection_hum_heater.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, hum_heater])
+        #########################################################################
         self.path_collection_equi0.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, data_frame.EQUILIBRIUM_INDICATOR])
         self.path_collection_equi1.set_offsets(np.c_[timestamps, data_frame.EQUILIBRIUM_INDICATOR])
@@ -254,20 +288,27 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             'EQUILIBRIUM_INDICATOR': i % 4,
             'S21_PHASE': 20 - 2*i,
             'S21_MAGNITUDE': 0.3*i,
-            'TEMP_HEATER': 10,
-            # percentage humidity heater, Michael
-            'HUM_HEATER': 3,
-            # Temperature Sensor0of external temp sensor added, Michael
-            'TEMP_SENSOR0': i,
-            # Temperature Sensor 1 of external temp sensor added, Michael
-            'TEMP_SENSOR1': 25-i,
-            # Humidity Sensor0 of external hum sensor added, Michael
-            'HUM_SENSOR0': 40,
-            # Humidity Sensor 1 of external hum sensor added, Michael
-            'HUM_SENSOR1': 45,
+            ###############################################################
+            ##Block for simulation acivity temp heater and hum heater
+            # 'TEMP_HEATER': 10,
+            # # percentage humidity heater, Michael
+            # 'HUM_HEATER': 3,
+            # DUT Temperature of external temp sensor added, Michael
+            'TEMP_DUT': i,
+            # room temperature of external temp sensor added, Michael
+            'TEMP_ROOM': 25-i,
+            # DUT Humidity of external hum sensor added, Michael
+            'HUM_DUT': 40,
+            # room humidity of external hum sensor added, Michael
+            'HUM_ROOM': 45,
             # Air pressure of external sensor added, Michael
-            'AIR_PRESSURE': 1200-10*i
-        }
+            'AIR_PRESS_ROOM': 1000+10*i,
+            # measurement instrument temperature of external temp sensor added, Michael
+            'TEMP_MEAS_INSTR': 40-1.5*i,
+            # measurement instrument humidity of external hum sensor added, Michael 
+            'HUM_MEAS_INSTR': 55
+            }
         data_frame = pd.DataFrame(measurements)
         # plot of data frame with test data for actual step