diff --git a/Python_script/prototype.py b/Python_script/prototype.py
index 28eac2fe0d8a683116dc0ccd9dfbb3e0ce83e200..ed80793ab4221d8ac845ae0730eb7f00df781e65 100755
--- a/Python_script/prototype.py
+++ b/Python_script/prototype.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class MeasurementData:
 class Measurements:
-    def __init__(self, chamber_address, vna_address, sweep_file, output_file, standby, config_data):
+    def __init__(self, chamber_address, vna_address, sweep_file, output_basename, standby, config_data):
         self.max_delta_temp = config_data['delta_temp']
         self.max_delta_hum = config_data['delta_hum']
         self.max_delta_mag = config_data['delta_mag']
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Measurements:
         self.vna = VNA.create_vna(vna_address, target_accuracy)
         self.sweep_file = sweep_file
         self.standby = standby
-        self.output = output_file
+        self.output_basename = output_basename
         self.clock = virtual_time.get_clock(chamber_address, target_accuracy)
         self.temperature_stable = False
         self.humidity_stable = False
@@ -65,7 +65,33 @@ class Measurements:
         self.data_collection = []
     def perform_measurements(self):
-        with open(self.output, mode='w', newline='') as csv_file:
+        with open(self.sweep_file) as file:
+            try:
+                measurement_number = 0
+                while line := file.readline().rstrip():
+                    list_of_values = line.split()
+                    next_temp = float(list_of_values[0])  # target_temperature
+                    next_hum = float(list_of_values[1])  # target_humidity
+                    next_soaking = int(list_of_values[2])  # soaking_time
+                    next_reads = int(list_of_values[3])  # number of stable readings
+                    self.perform_single_measurement(self.output_basename+'_'+str(measurement_number)+'.csv', next_temp, next_hum,
+                                                    next_soaking, next_reads)
+                    measurement_number += 1
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                pass
+        plt.close()
+        return measurement_number
+        if self.standby:
+            standby_response = self.chamber.set_mode('STANDBY')
+            print(standby_response)
+    def perform_single_measurement(self, output, target_temp, target_hum, soaking_time, n_stable_reads):
+        with open(output, mode='w', newline='') as csv_file:
                           'EQUILIBRIUM_INDICATOR', 'S11_MAGNITUDE', 'S11_PHASE', 'S12_MAGNITUDE', 'S12_PHASE',
@@ -76,130 +102,112 @@ class Measurements:
             self.data_collection = []
-            with open(self.sweep_file) as file:
-                try:
-                    while line := file.readline().rstrip():
-                        list_of_values = line.split()
-                        next_temp = float(list_of_values[0])  # target_temperature
-                        next_hum = float(list_of_values[1])  # target_humidity
-                        next_soaking = int(list_of_values[2])  # soaking_time
-                        next_reads = int(list_of_values[3])  # number of stable readings
-                        set_const_response = self.chamber.set_const((next_temp, next_hum))
-                        print(set_const_response)
-                        set_mode_response = self.chamber.set_mode('CONSTANT')
-                        print(set_mode_response)
-                        number_of_soaking_reads = next_soaking / self.sleep_time + 1
-                        do_another_measurement = True
-                        #next_read_time is the starttime of the second read (i.e. read after this one). The time of
-                        #this read (i.e. the first read in the measurement) is now().
-                        next_read_time = self.clock.time() + self.sleep_time
-                        while do_another_measurement:
-                            # wait until set point is reached (+soaking time)
-                            magnitudes_queue = []
-                            phase_queue = []
-                            while True:
-                                data = self.read_data()
-                                # if it is not within the target range reset start time
-                                self.temperature_stable = False
-                                self.humidity_stable = False
-                                self.temperature_stable = self.calculate_temperature_stability(next_temp, float(data.temp))
-                                self.humidity_stable = self.calculate_humidity_stability(next_hum, float(data.hum))
-                                # The queue must not be longer than the max number of soaking reads.
-                                # If the queue is already full, we have to pop the first element before we can add the
-                                # current measurement.
-                                if len(magnitudes_queue) >= number_of_soaking_reads:
-                                    magnitudes_queue.pop(0)
-                                if self.temperature_stable and self.humidity_stable:
-                                    magnitudes_queue.append(self.calculate_mean_magnitude(data.s21))
-                                else:
-                                    magnitudes_queue.clear()
-                                # check cable stability parameters
-                                self.magnitude_stable = False
-                                if len(magnitudes_queue) >= number_of_soaking_reads:
-                                    spread = max(magnitudes_queue) - min(magnitudes_queue)
-                                    if spread < 2*self.max_delta_mag:
-                                        self.magnitude_stable = True
-                                if len(phase_queue) >= number_of_soaking_reads:
-                                    phase_queue.pop(0)
-                                if self.temperature_stable and self.humidity_stable:
-                                    phase_queue.append(self.calculate_mean_phase(data.s21))
-                                else:
-                                    phase_queue.clear()
-                                self.phase_stable = False
-                                if len(phase_queue) >= number_of_soaking_reads:
-                                    spread = max(phase_queue) - min(phase_queue)
-                                    if spread < 2*self.max_delta_phase:
-                                        self.phase_stable = True
-                                print('Setpoint: ' + str(next_temp) + ' ' + str(next_hum) + ' | Temp: ' + data.temp +
-                                      ' °C' + ' | Humid: ' + data.hum + '%'
-                                      + ' | soaking read nr' + str(len(magnitudes_queue)))
-                                self.store_and_plot_data(next_temp, next_hum, data, self.cook_up_equi_indicator())
-                                writer.writerow(self.data_collection[-1])
-                                if self.temperature_stable and self.humidity_stable and self.magnitude_stable and\
-                                        self.phase_stable:
-                                    reference_magnitude = magnitudes_queue[-1]
-                                    reference_phase = phase_queue[-1]
-                                    print('SOAKING FINISHED!')
-                                    break
-                                else:
-                                    self.sleep_until(next_read_time)
-                                    next_read_time += self.sleep_time
-                            # perform the configured number of measurements and check that they are really stable
-                            # It started running after everything become stable
-                            supposedly_stable_measurements = []
-                            all_measurements_stable = True
-                            for i in range(0, next_reads):
-                                data = self.read_data()
-                                self.temperature_stable = self.calculate_temperature_stability(next_temp, float(data.temp))
-                                self.humidity_stable = self.calculate_humidity_stability(next_hum, float(data.hum))
-                                mag = self.calculate_mean_magnitude(data.s21)
-                                phase = self.calculate_mean_phase(data.s21)
-                                self.magnitude_stable = (reference_magnitude-self.max_delta_mag <= mag) and\
-                                                        (mag <= reference_magnitude+self.max_delta_mag)
-                                self.phase_stable = (reference_phase-self.max_delta_phase <= phase) and\
-                                                    (phase <= reference_phase+self.max_delta_phase)
-                                self.store_and_plot_data(next_temp, next_hum, data, self.cook_up_equi_indicator())
-                                supposedly_stable_measurements.append(self.data_collection[-1])
+            set_const_response = self.chamber.set_const((target_temp, target_hum))
+            print(set_const_response)
+            set_mode_response = self.chamber.set_mode('CONSTANT')
+            print(set_mode_response)
+            number_of_soaking_reads = soaking_time / self.sleep_time + 1
+            do_another_measurement = True
+            #next_read_time is the starttime of the second read (i.e. read after this one). The time of
+            #this read (i.e. the first read in the measurement) is now().
+            next_read_time = self.clock.time() + self.sleep_time
+            while do_another_measurement:
+                # wait until set point is reached (+soaking time)
+                magnitudes_queue = []
+                phase_queue = []
+                while True:
+                    data = self.read_data()
+                    # if it is not within the target range reset start time
+                    self.temperature_stable = False
+                    self.humidity_stable = False
+                    self.temperature_stable = self.calculate_temperature_stability(target_temp, float(data.temp))
+                    self.humidity_stable = self.calculate_humidity_stability(target_hum, float(data.hum))
+                    # The queue must not be longer than the max number of soaking reads.
+                    # If the queue is already full, we have to pop the first element before we can add the
+                    # current measurement.
+                    if len(magnitudes_queue) >= number_of_soaking_reads:
+                        magnitudes_queue.pop(0)
+                    if self.temperature_stable and self.humidity_stable:
+                        magnitudes_queue.append(self.calculate_mean_magnitude(data.s21))
+                    else:
+                        magnitudes_queue.clear()
+                    # check cable stability parameters
+                    self.magnitude_stable = False
+                    if len(magnitudes_queue) >= number_of_soaking_reads:
+                        spread = max(magnitudes_queue) - min(magnitudes_queue)
+                        if spread < 2*self.max_delta_mag:
+                            self.magnitude_stable = True
+                    if len(phase_queue) >= number_of_soaking_reads:
+                        phase_queue.pop(0)
+                    if self.temperature_stable and self.humidity_stable:
+                        phase_queue.append(self.calculate_mean_phase(data.s21))
+                    else:
+                        phase_queue.clear()
+                    self.phase_stable = False
+                    if len(phase_queue) >= number_of_soaking_reads:
+                        spread = max(phase_queue) - min(phase_queue)
+                        if spread < 2*self.max_delta_phase:
+                            self.phase_stable = True
+                    print('Setpoint: ' + str(target_temp) + ' ' + str(target_hum) + ' | Temp: ' + data.temp +
+                          ' °C' + ' | Humid: ' + data.hum + '%'
+                          + ' | soaking read nr' + str(len(magnitudes_queue)))
+                    self.store_and_plot_data(target_temp, target_hum, data, self.cook_up_equi_indicator())
+                    writer.writerow(self.data_collection[-1])
+                    if self.temperature_stable and self.humidity_stable and self.magnitude_stable and\
+                            self.phase_stable:
+                        reference_magnitude = magnitudes_queue[-1]
+                        reference_phase = phase_queue[-1]
+                        print('SOAKING FINISHED!')
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        self.sleep_until(next_read_time)
+                        next_read_time += self.sleep_time
+                # perform the configured number of measurements and check that they are really stable
+                # It started running after everything become stable
+                supposedly_stable_measurements = []
+                all_measurements_stable = True
+                for i in range(0, n_stable_reads):
+                    data = self.read_data()
+                    self.temperature_stable = self.calculate_temperature_stability(target_temp, float(data.temp))
+                    self.humidity_stable = self.calculate_humidity_stability(target_hum, float(data.hum))
+                    mag = self.calculate_mean_magnitude(data.s21)
+                    phase = self.calculate_mean_phase(data.s21)
+                    self.magnitude_stable = (reference_magnitude-self.max_delta_mag <= mag) and\
+                                            (mag <= reference_magnitude+self.max_delta_mag)
+                    self.phase_stable = (reference_phase-self.max_delta_phase <= phase) and\
+                                        (phase <= reference_phase+self.max_delta_phase)
+                    self.store_and_plot_data(target_temp, target_hum, data, self.cook_up_equi_indicator())
+                    supposedly_stable_measurements.append(self.data_collection[-1])
-                                if (self.temperature_stable and self.humidity_stable and self.magnitude_stable and
-                                        self.phase_stable):
-                                    print('Stable measurement ' + str(i+1) + '/' + str(next_reads))
-                                    self.sleep_until(next_read_time)
-                                    next_read_time += self.sleep_time
-                                else:
-                                    all_measurements_stable = False
-                                    print('Measurement not stable. Retrying.')
-                                    break
-                            for measurement in supposedly_stable_measurements:
-                                if all_measurements_stable:
-                                    measurement['EQUILIBRIUM_INDICATOR'] = TEMPERATURE_STABLE | HUMIDITY_STABLE |\
-                                                                           MAGNITUDE_STABLE | PHASE_STABLE |\
-                                                                           MEASUREMENT_STABLE
-                                    do_another_measurement = False
-                                writer.writerow(measurement)
-                    plt.close()
-                except KeyboardInterrupt:
-                    pass
-        if self.standby:
-            standby_response = self.chamber.set_mode('STANDBY')
-            print(standby_response)
+                    if (self.temperature_stable and self.humidity_stable and self.magnitude_stable and
+                            self.phase_stable):
+                        print('Stable measurement ' + str(i+1) + '/' + str(n_stable_reads))
+                        self.sleep_until(next_read_time)
+                        next_read_time += self.sleep_time
+                    else:
+                        all_measurements_stable = False
+                        print('Measurement not stable. Retrying.')
+                        break
+                    for measurement in supposedly_stable_measurements:
+                        if all_measurements_stable:
+                            measurement['EQUILIBRIUM_INDICATOR'] = TEMPERATURE_STABLE | HUMIDITY_STABLE |\
+                                                                   MAGNITUDE_STABLE | PHASE_STABLE |\
+                                                                   MEASUREMENT_STABLE
+                            do_another_measurement = False
+                        writer.writerow(measurement)
     def sleep_until(self, wakeup_time):
         remaining_sleep_time = wakeup_time - self.clock.time()
@@ -298,12 +306,17 @@ class Measurements:
         return (target_hum-self.max_delta_hum <= float(readback_hum)) and \
                (float(readback_hum) <= target_hum+self.max_delta_hum)
-def plot_output(output_basename, show_blocking_plot, save_pdf=True):
-    data_frame = pd.read_csv(output_basename+'.csv')
+def plot_output(output_basename, n_measurements, show_blocking_plot):
+    list_of_frames = []
+    for m in range(n_measurements):
+        measurement_name = output_basename+'_'+str(m)
+        list_of_frames.append(pd.read_csv(measurement_name+'.csv'))
+    combined_data_frame = pd.concat(list_of_frames, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
     if show_blocking_plot:
     plot = MeasurementPlot.MeasurementPlot()
-    plot.draw(data_frame, output_basename + '_graph.pdf')
+    plot.draw(combined_data_frame, output_basename + '_graph.pdf')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     parser = ArgumentParser()
@@ -341,11 +354,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     with open('test_stand_parameter.json', 'r') as f:
         config_data = json.load(f)
-    mes = Measurements(args.chamber, args.vna, args.file, output_basename+'.csv', args.standby, config_data)
+    mes = Measurements(args.chamber, args.vna, args.file, output_basename, args.standby, config_data)
-        mes.perform_measurements()
-        plot_output(output_basename, args.plot)
+        n_measurements = mes.perform_measurements()
+        plot_output(output_basename, n_measurements, args.plot)