FCAL-ECAL group documentation: a highly compact calorimeter for LUXE and Higgs Factories
This is the entry point for the documentation on software and hardware activities for the Highly Compact Calorimeter ECAL for LUXE and Higgs Factories FCAL
- FCAL-ECAL group documentation: a highly compact calorimeter for LUXE and Higgs Factories
- Access to the resources
Composition of the team
This R&D activity is performed by
- AGH - Krakow
- DESY - Berlin
- IFIC - Valencia
- ISS - Bucharest
- TAU - Tel Aviv
- UW - Warsaw
cernbox spaces
Publicly available material for presentations and talks ->
Private space with TB2022 material for publication (password restricted) -->
Entire space (only for those with writing/reading permissions)
Group folders administrators:
- AGH - Krakow - J. Moron
- DESY - Berlin - W. Lohmann
- IFIC - Valencia - A. Irles, C. Orero
- ISS - Bucharest - V. Geneschu
- TAU - Tel Aviv - Y. Benhammou
- UW - Warsaw - A. F. Zarnecki
(This list was made by A. Irles, guessing who will be using the cernbox from each group and convoluting this list with the existence or of users in the cernbox... not written in stone! tell me if there is any mistake)
To request reading/writer access, please check here
wiki pages
- High-precision mechanics and sensor hybridization
- Compact SIlicon Sandwich CSIS :
- Readout Electronics Models -- to be created
- Mechanical structure :
- Sensor characterization - work in progress
- Electronics and DAQ
- To be done
- TB2025
- to be done (public wiki!)
- Analysis of TB2025
- to be done (public wiki!)
Access to the resources
Access to this gitlab repository and the private wiki pages inside it: contact the owners of the repository
Access to the cernbox resources: contact the admins of the eos/space cernbox-project-fcal-ecal-admins
The project fcal-ecal now has a 5 TB quota and it is accessible at
/eos/project/f/fcal-ecal/ (on lxplus)
\\cernbox-drive\project\f\fcal-ecal (on Windows)
as well as on the web at (CERNBox User Manual -
- All the members of cernbox-project-fcal-ecal-admins (A.Irles) can configure* the following 2 e-groups which control access to the project space:
- cernbox-project-fcal-ecal-readers (anyone in this egroup can read in the project space) --> everyone in DRD6-HighCompactCalo group. To fill this e-group, we use a mix a existing e-groups and individuals.
- cernbox-project-drd6-vlc-silicon-writers
- drdcalo-iss
- drdcalo-warsaw
- W. Lohmann (DESY)
- missing -> TAU, AGH (individual persons added by hand)
- cernbox-project-fcal-ecal-writers (anyone in this egroup can read, write and delete in the project space)
- only one/two persons per group??... (tbd)
- cernbox-project-fcal-ecal-readers (anyone in this egroup can read in the project space) --> everyone in DRD6-HighCompactCalo group. To fill this e-group, we use a mix a existing e-groups and individuals.
Recommendation: having a user account (PART, USER, ...) is every convenient since it can be used to get individual access to specific folders w/o the need of creating links.