From e1d0a7ab4aa49c1f6863d8668fda1f148b91e558 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: karnem <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 12:31:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add function to create new index: message_id. Fix stream info
 with respect tot his change.

 common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.cpp | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.h   |  3 +
 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.cpp b/common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.cpp
index c15dda360..1f5b037f1 100644
--- a/common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.cpp
+++ b/common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.cpp
@@ -87,10 +87,65 @@ Error MongoDBClient::UpdateCurrentCollectionIfNeeded(const std::string& collecti
     current_collection_name_ = collection_name;
     mongoc_collection_set_write_concern(current_collection_, write_concern_);
+    // Create index `message_id` for collection of asapo messages
+    // ToDo cache streams with already created indices
+    if (collection_name.rfind(kDBDataCollectionNamePrefix, 0) != 0){
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    CreateIndex(encoded_name);
     return nullptr;
+Error MongoDBClient::CreateIndex(const std::string& collection_name) const {
+    bson_t keys;
+    char *index_name;
+    bson_t *create_indexes;
+    bson_t reply;
+    char *reply_str;
+    bson_error_t error;
+    bool r;
+    mongoc_database_t *db;
+    db = mongoc_client_get_database (client_, database_name_.c_str());
+    bson_init (&keys);
+    BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&keys, "message_id", 1);
+    index_name = mongoc_collection_keys_to_index_string (&keys);
+    create_indexes = BCON_NEW ("createIndexes",
+                                BCON_UTF8 (collection_name.c_str()),
+                                "indexes",
+                                "[",
+                                "{",
+                                "key",
+                                BCON_DOCUMENT (&keys),
+                                "name",
+                                BCON_UTF8 (index_name),
+                                "unique", BCON_BOOL (true),
+                                "}",
+                                "]");
+    r = mongoc_database_write_command_with_opts (
+        db, create_indexes, NULL , &reply, &error);
+    reply_str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
+    printf ("%s\n", reply_str);
+    if (!r) {
+        fprintf (stderr, "Error in createIndexes: %s\n", error.message);
+    }
+    bson_free (index_name);
+    bson_free (reply_str);
+    bson_destroy (&reply);
+    bson_destroy (create_indexes);
+    // return DBErrorTemplates::kInsertError.Generate("cannot create index for collection: "+collection_name);
+    return nullptr;
 Error MongoDBClient::TryConnectDatabase() {
     auto err = Ping();
     if (err == nullptr) {
@@ -347,6 +402,10 @@ Error MongoDBClient::InsertWithAutoId(const MessageMeta& file,
     auto meta_new = file; = id;
+    // Inset with auto ID
+    if (file.message_id == 0){
+        meta_new.message_id = id;
+    }
     return Insert(current_collection_name_, meta_new, false, id_inserted);
@@ -469,7 +528,9 @@ Error MongoDBClient::InsertAsDatasetMessage(const std::string& collection, const
         return err;
     auto query =
-        BCON_NEW ("$and", "[", "{", "_id", BCON_INT64(static_cast<int64_t>(, "}", "{", "messages.dataset_substream",
+        BCON_NEW ("$and", "[", "{", "_id", BCON_INT64(static_cast<int64_t>(file.message_id)), "}",
+                               "{", "message_id", BCON_INT64(static_cast<int64_t>(file.message_id)), "}",
+                  "{", "messages.dataset_substream",
                   "{", "$ne",
                   BCON_INT64(static_cast<int64_t>(file.dataset_substream)), "}", "}", "]");
     auto update = BCON_NEW ("$setOnInsert", "{",
@@ -516,10 +577,18 @@ Error MongoDBClient::GetRecordFromDb(const std::string& collection, uint64_t id,
         filter = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT64(static_cast<int64_t>(id)));
         opts = BCON_NEW ("limit", BCON_INT64(1));
+    case GetRecordMode::kByMessageId:
+        filter = BCON_NEW ("message_id", BCON_INT64(static_cast<int64_t>(id)));
+        opts = BCON_NEW ("limit", BCON_INT64(1));
+        break;
     case GetRecordMode::kLast:
         filter = BCON_NEW (NULL);
         opts = BCON_NEW ("limit", BCON_INT64(1), "sort", "{", "_id", BCON_INT64(-1), "}");
+    case GetRecordMode::kLastMessageId:
+        filter = BCON_NEW (NULL);
+        opts = BCON_NEW ("limit", BCON_INT64(1), "sort", "{", "message_id", BCON_INT64(-1), "}");
+        break;        
     case GetRecordMode::kEarliest:
         filter = BCON_NEW (NULL);
         opts = BCON_NEW ("limit", BCON_INT64(1), "sort", "{", "timestamp", BCON_INT64(1), "}");
@@ -553,7 +622,7 @@ Error MongoDBClient::GetRecordFromDb(const std::string& collection, uint64_t id,
 Error MongoDBClient::GetById(const std::string& collection, uint64_t id, MessageMeta* file) const {
     std::string record_str;
-    auto err = GetRecordFromDb(collection, id, "", GetRecordMode::kById, &record_str);
+    auto err = GetRecordFromDb(collection, id, "", GetRecordMode::kByMessageId, &record_str);
     if (err) {
         return err;
@@ -643,9 +712,9 @@ Error UpdateStreamInfoFromLastRecord(const std::string& last_record_str,
         return DBErrorTemplates::kJsonParseError.Generate(
                    "UpdateStreamInfoFromLastRecord: cannot parse timestamp in response: " + last_record_str);
-    if (parser.GetUInt64("_id", &id) != nullptr) {
+    if (parser.GetUInt64("message_id", &id) != nullptr) {
         return DBErrorTemplates::kJsonParseError.Generate(
-                   "UpdateStreamInfoFromLastRecord: cannot parse _id in response: " + last_record_str);
+                   "UpdateStreamInfoFromLastRecord: cannot parse message_id in response: " + last_record_str);
     info->timestamp_lastentry = timestamp_last;
@@ -671,7 +740,7 @@ Error StreamInfoFromDbResponse(const std::string& last_record_str,
 Error MongoDBClient::GetStreamInfo(const std::string& collection, StreamInfo* info) const {
     std::string last_record_str, earliest_record_str;
-    auto err = GetRecordFromDb(collection, 0, "", GetRecordMode::kLast, &last_record_str);
+    auto err = GetRecordFromDb(collection, 0, "", GetRecordMode::kLastMessageId, &last_record_str);
     if (err) {
         if (err
                 == DBErrorTemplates::kNoRecord) { // with noRecord error it will return last_id = 0 which can be used to understand that the stream is not started yet
diff --git a/common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.h b/common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.h
index d2a0621f9..e45d79521 100644
--- a/common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.h
+++ b/common/cpp/src/database/mongodb_client.h
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@ using bson_p = std::unique_ptr<_bson_t, BsonDestroyFunctor>;
 enum class GetRecordMode {
+    kByMessageId,    
+    kLastMessageId,
 const size_t maxDbNameLength = 63;
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ class MongoDBClient final : public Database {
     Error GetPersistedStreamsNumber(int* res) const override;
     Error PersistStream(const std::string& stream_name) const override;
     Error GetNextId(const std::string& collection, uint64_t* id) const;
+    Error CreateIndex(const std::string& collection_name) const;
     ~MongoDBClient() override;
     mongoc_client_t* client_{nullptr};