From 89ca920483a723a4e33f717236bc51199b0144c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hubert Simma <>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 23:26:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Initial commit

---          |   93 +---
 rest-api-draft.tex | 1273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1275 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 rest-api-draft.tex

diff --git a/ b/
index 232c114..f0f4bd8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,93 +1,4 @@
-# api-specification
+# ILDG API Specification
+Repository for API specification of MDC and FC
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+%%% Notes
+\setlength{\textheight}{22.5cm} %%% {21.5cm}
+% Paragraphs (must be restored after \maketitle and \abstract)
+% Hyperlinks
+\newcommand{\hhref}[1]{\href{#1}{\blue #1}}
+% arrows
+% ding
+\def\TBD{\ding{56} TBD}
+\def\itbd{\item[\ding{56}] TBD:\ }
+% figures
+% colors
+\definecolor{r1}{rgb}{.75, .10, .10}
+ \definecolor{b1}{rgb}{.10, .10, .75}
+\definecolor{b2}{rgb}{.06, .06, .40}
+\definecolor{g1}{rgb}{0.0, .60, .20}
+\definecolor{g2}{rgb}{0.0, .45, .15}
+% groups
+\newcommand{\newitem}{\vspace*{2mm}\noindent$\bullet$ }
+\newcommand{\off}[1]{ }
+\newcommand{\NB}[1]{{\bf N.B.:}~\parbox[t]{0.9\textwidth}{#1}}
+\newcommand{\cmdbox}[2]{{\parbox{#1}{\tt #2}}}
+\newcommand{\code}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\idname}[1]{{\it #1}}
+\newcommand{\comment}[1]{{\color{b2} #1}}
+\def\qcol{\green} % color for query strings
+\def\vcol{\blue} % color for verbs
+\def\Vinfo{/{\vcol info}}
+\def\Vlist{/{\vcol list}}
+\def\Vquery{/{\vcol query}}
+\def\Vaccess{/{\vcol access}}
+\def\Vinsert{/{\vcol insert}}
+\def\Vupdate{/{\vcol update}}
+\def\Vdelete{/{\vcol delete}}
+\def\Vschema{/{\vcol schema}}
+\def\Vvalidate{/{\vcol validate}}
+\def\Vproperties{/{\vcol properties}}
+% Namings
+\def\SUCCESS{{\tt SUCCESS}}
+{\LARGE\bf API Specification for ILDG 2.0 Services}
+{\small ILDG Middleware Working Group}  \\[2mm]
+{\red Version \ldots}\\[2mm]
+December 11, 2024
+% \today
+Standardized APIs for read-only\footnote{
+  Write access to MDC and FC is {\em not} strictly required by the ILDG
+  standard, and thus may be implemented in each regional grid in a different way.
+access to the Metadata Catalogue (MDC) and File Catalogue (FC) are an 
+essential part of the ILDG specifications to guarantee interoperability
+of these services between different regional grids.
+The API of the MDC and FC services in ILDG 1.0 is based on the Simple Object
+Access Protocol (SOAP) and defined by two WSDL files \cite{ILDG:wsdl}. They specify
+the following operations: 
+  service & operation                       & arguments \\
+  \hline
+  MDC     & {\tt getMDCinfo }               & --- \\
+  MDC     & {\tt getEnsembleMetadata      } & \param{MCU} \\
+  MDC     & {\tt getConfigurationMetadata } & \param{LFN} \\
+  MDC     & {\tt doEnsembleURIQuery       } & \param{fmt}, \param{query}, \param{start}, \param{numres} \\
+  MDC     & {\tt doConfigurationLFNQuery  } & \param{fmt}, \param{query}, \param{start}, \param{numres} \\
+  \hline
+  FC      & {\tt getFCinfo }                & --- \\
+  FC      & {\tt getURL    }                & \param{LFNlist} \\
+The API for MDC and FC in ILDG 2.0 is changed to REST (Representational State Transfer)
+style \cite{REST} {\red as proposed} %%% and specified
+in this document. 
+The mandatory part of the ILDG specification is described in Sect.~\ref{s:ILDG}
+and covers only read access to the MDC and FC service. This guarantees interoperability
+of ILDG services from the perspective of data consumers. In order to also improve
+interoperability and usability from the perspective of data providers, e.g. through
+common client tools for data uploading, optional extensions of the API for write
+operations (insert, update, and delete) are defined in Sect.~\ref{s:opt}.
+%%% \section{Concepts, Terminology and Notation}
+\subsection{Entities and Identifiers in ILDG}
+The basic ``{\em entities}'' in ILDG are configurations and ensembles. They
+are labeled by globally unique identifiers which follow an URI syntax \cite{URI}
+and have the form
+   \mbox{\tt lfn://\param{rg}/\param{collab}/\param{proj}/ \ldots }
+   \label{e:lfn}
+   \mbox{\tt mc://\param{rg}/\param{collab}/\param{proj}/ \ldots }
+   \label{e:mc}
+These identifiers are called {\tt dataLFN} and
+{\tt markovChainURI}, respectively, in the QCDml metadata schema
+\cite{QCDml} and abbreviated as \idname{LFN} and \idname{MCU} in the following.
+Additional entities, e.g. published sets of ensembles (labeled by a
+corresponding persistent identifier, e.g. a DOI) or measurement results,
+might be introduced in the future.
+In general, each kind of entities may have its specific schema for the
+metadata (and identifiers), and typically is stored as distinct
+``{\em collection}'' of XML documents in a MDC.
+Metadata and binary data (in case of configurations) can be viewed\footnote{
+  The binary data can also be viewed as independent entities which have as
+  globally unique identifier a storage URL (\idname{SURL}). However, the \idname{SURL}
+  is not necessarily persistent, because storage locations may change.
+as ``{\em attributes}'' associated with the corresponding globally unique
+identifiers (\idname{LFN} and \idname{MCU}).
+The FC defines the relation between the identifiers of the configurations (\idname{LFN})
+and the storage URLs (\idname{SURL}) of the binary data.
+In ILDG we will always assume that
+\item %%%[(C1)]
+different \idname{LFN}s can not refer to the same \idname{SURL}.
+This makes the \idname{SURL} a {\em unique} key in the FC
+and yields the following functional (many-to-one) relations
+   &         & \blue MDC &           & \blue FC &  \\[-1mm]
+   &  MCU & \longleftarrow & LFN & \longleftarrow & SURL \\
+%%%   &   \vert    &     &               &     &            \\[-1mm]
+%%%\ac& \downarrow &     &               &     &  \\
+%%%   &  aca       &     &               &     &  \\
+\subsection{Metadata Harvesting}
+The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) \cite{OAI-PMH}
+is not directly supported by the MDC (and the current QCDml schema). However, once the
+required (Dublin Core) information is included in the metadata, a simple interface
+service can exponse the OAI-PMH API (by querying the MDC in the back end and mapping
+the result).
+Apart from the unique identifier, the header of a record in an OAI-PMH response
+\item a mandatory (creation/modification) datestamp 
+\item optional set information (for selective harvesting).
+Although both are (or can be) included directly in the XML documents,
+MDC implementations may use separate attributes (or additional database
+fields) to support them.
+%%% \subsection{REST}
+%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% Arguments of a REST request are specified either
+%%% \bi
+%%% \item as {\bf path parameter} (in the path component of the URL)
+%%% \item or in the {\bf query string}\footnote{
+%%%   The query string is the (optional) component of the URL starting with ``{\qcol?}'' and
+%%%   followed by one or more \param{name}=\param{value} specifiers (separated by ``\&'').
+%%% }
+%%% \item or in the {\bf body} of the HTTP request
+%%% \ei
+%%% Reserved characters\footnote{
+%%%   In particular, \param{MCU} and \param{LFN} contain the characters ``{\tt:}''
+%%%   and ``{\tt/}''. These need to be encoded as ``{\tt \%3A}'' and ``{\tt \%2F}'',
+%%%   respectively, when used as path parameter.
+%%% }
+%%% in values that are used as path parameter need to be percent-encoded, see e.g.
+%%% \href{}{Sect. 2.1 of RFC 3986}
+%%% or
+%%% \href{}{Wikipedia}.
+%%% The proposed API also follows the convention that
+%%% \bi
+%%% \item globally unique identifiers are always passed as query string
+%%% \item identifiers are passed as path parameter if and only if they are
+%%%   internal (and usually automatically generated) integer identifiers
+%%% \item {\tt GET} requests do {\em not} have a body.
+%%% \ei  
+We use the notation \param{var} for the value of a parametric variable called ``\idname{var}''.
+However, this value is written as \ppar{var} \cite{OPENAPI} when it used as a path parameter,
+   \mbox{\param{bu}/mdc/\ppar{collection}} % {\tt ?lfn=\param{LFN} }
+   \ .
+%%% instead of
+%%% \bd
+%%%   \mbox{\tt .../mdc/\param{collection}} % {\tt ?lfn=\param{LFN} }
+%%% \ed
+The base URL of the MDC or FC service is always denoted by \param{bu}. 
+Upper-case parameter names, like \idname{MCU} or \idname{LFN},
+are used for globally unique identifiers.
+Lower-case names are used for identifiers which are only locally unique,
+e.g. internally within a specific service or database.
+{\red In the remainder of this document, any text in red color and/or marked with ``\TBD''
+indicates parts which need further discussion and specification.}
+\section{{\red Proposed} API Specification for ILDG 2.0}
+{\bf Headers:}
+All requests should have an {\tt "Accept:"} header.
+\item The value {\tt "application/json"} must be supported (and is assumed by default) by all endpoints.
+\item Some MDC endpoints (for download of XSD schema or XML documents) must
+  support in addition {\tt "application/xml"}.
+Moreover, an appropriate {\tt "Content-type:"} header should be included
+in all requests (by clients) and responses (by MDC or FC).
+{\bf Parameters:}
+Parameters (arguments) of a REST operation can be specified either
+\item as {\bf path parameter} (in the path component of the URL)
+\item or in the {\bf query string}\footnote{
+  The query string is the (optional) component of the URL starting with ``{\qcol?}'' and
+  followed by one or more \param{name}=\param{value} specifiers (separated by ``\&'').
+\item or in the {\bf body} of the HTTP request
+Globally unique identifiers are always passed as query string.
+%%% The proposed API follows the convention that 
+%%% \bi
+%%% \item globally unique identifiers are always passed as query string
+%%% \item identifiers are passed as path parameter if and only if they are
+%%%  internal (and usually automatically generated) integer identifiers
+%%% \item {\tt GET} and {\tt DELETE} requests do {\em not} have a body.
+%%% \ei  
+Reserved characters in path parameters need to be percent-encoded, see e.g.
+\href{}{Sect. 2.1 of RFC 3986}
+In particular, \param{MCU} and \param{LFN} contain the characters ``{\tt:}''
+and ``{\tt/}''. These need to be encoded as ``{\tt \%3A}'' and ``{\tt \%2F}'',
+respectively, when used as path parameter.
+{\bf Body:}
+For operations which require multiple or lengthy parameters, these are passed
+in the {\bf request body} of the HTTP request as a JSON value (see
+  \href{\_2nd\_edition\_december\_2017.pdf}{ECMA-404}).
+The proposed API does {\em never} use a request body for {\tt GET} or {\tt DELETE} requests.
+The detailed JSON structure of the request body depends on the specific endpoint
+and is part of the API (to provide a well-defined specification for client tools). 
+\item In most cases, the JSON value is a JSON object (i.e. an associative array or ``hash''
+  with specific key-value pairs) or a JSON array.
+\item In case of JSON objects, presence of keys which are not included in the API
+  specification must {\em not} raise an error, but are either ignored by the server
+  or usable for functional extensions beyond the standard specification.
+\item Passing an XML document as a JSON value requires client-side encoding and
+  server-side decoding of at least\footnote{
+    XML documents typically contain double (or single) quotes in name space attributes.
+    However, if XML documents contain any of the 5 reserved characters
+    \fbox{\code{$\&$}}, \fbox{\code{$<$}}, \fbox{\code{$>$}}, \fbox{\code{'}}, and \fbox{\code{"}}
+    in values of elements, they are assumed and required to already be escaped (by the sequences
+    \fbox{\code{\&amp;}}, \fbox{\code{\&lt;}}, \fbox{\code{\&gt;}},
+    \fbox{\code{\&apos;}}, and \fbox{\code{\&quot;}}, respectively).
+  }
+  any double-quote, newline, and backslash characters occuring in the XML document
+  (as \fbox{\tt $\backslash$"}, \fbox{$\backslash${\tt n}}, and \fbox{\code{$\backslash\backslash$}}).
+\subsection{Response Body}
+In all cases of a request with  unexpected or unsupported {\tt "Accept:"} header, the server
+should respond with an empty body and HTTP-code 406.
+In all cases when the response body is a JSON object, it has at least the following elements:
+\item key: {\tt status} (mandatory), \\
+      value: string (\SUCCESS, if and only if HTTP response code is 2xx)
+      %%% NO service-specific values {\tt MDC\_\SUCCESS} and {\tt FC\_\SUCCESS} [DP 2.12.2024]
+\item key: {\tt info} (mandatory, if {\tt status} is not \SUCCESS), \\
+  value: flat\footnote{i.e. members must not have any further nesting or sub-structure,
+  but can only have a scalar value (string, number, or literal)}
+  JSON object with the following elements
+      \bi \vspace*{2mm}
+      \item[$\circ$] {\tt code} (http code of the response, redundant, but convenient)
+      \item[$\circ$] {\tt timestamp} 
+      \item[$\circ$] {\tt message} 
+      \item[$\circ$] {\tt description}
+      \item[$\circ$] {\tt ...} (optional, e.g. request ID or server response time)  
+      \ei
+      The elements {\tt code} and {\tt timestamp} are mandatory members of {\tt info}
+      (if present).
+      {\red\TBD: Should {\tt info} be mandatory also in case of \SUCCESS?
+        Otherwise, {\tt timestamp} (if mandatory) must become a top-level element.
+      }
+      The elements {\tt message} and {\tt description} (with a possibly empty string value)
+      are mandatory if {\tt status} is not \SUCCESS.
+      The value of the {\tt timestamp} element is the number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).
+\item key: {\tt result}
+      (mandatory, possibly {\tt null}), %%% DP 2.12.2024
+      \\
+      value: depending on the operation (array, hash, string, numeric, {\tt null}, etc)
+      For DELETE operations the {\tt result} element is always a JSON object
+      representing the deleted entry.
+JSON objects (at any nesting level) in the response body may contain additional
+implementation-dependent elements with keys that are not specified in this API
+and scalar values (string, number, or literal token). Such elements must not be
+treated as an error by clients.
+If the accepted and expected response body is an XML document, it must in case
+of error situations have {\tt <error>} as root element and at least one child
+element {\tt <status>} (with the same value as in the case of the equivalent
+JSON response).
+{\bf Examples:}
+\item Minimal JSON response body in case of an error\\[2mm]
+  {\blue
+  \hspace*{4em} {\tt  \{ "status":"DUPLICATE\_RECORD", }\\
+  \hspace*{5em} {\tt "info":\{ "code":400, }\\
+  \hspace*{10em} {\tt "message":"Id mc://a/b/c already exists" , }\\
+  \hspace*{10em} {\tt "description":"..." , }\\
+  \hspace*{10em} {\tt "timestamp":1673550000 , ... \} }\\
+  %% \hspace*{10em} {\tt ... }\\
+  %% \hspace*{9em} {\tt \} }\\
+  \hspace*{5em} {\tt "result": null }\\
+  \hspace*{4em} {\tt  \} }\\
+  }
+\item Minimal JSON response body in case of success (and without payload in {\tt result}) \\[2mm]
+  \hspace*{4em} {\tt\blue  \{ "status":"\SUCCESS", "result":{\tt null} \} }
+  {\red \ding{56} Add {\tt info} element in case it is made mandatory}
+\item Minimal XML response body for a request with header 
+  in case of an error is \\[2mm]
+  {\blue
+  \hspace*{4em} {\tt <error>}\\
+  \hspace*{5em} {\tt <status>DUPLICATE\_RECORD</status> }\\ 
+  \hspace*{4em} {\tt </error>}\\
+  }
+\subsection{Authentication and Access Control}
+\item Since in ILDG the metadata is always public, read operations
+  of the MDC are not subject to any access control. Thus, they must
+  not require any authentication or access token.
+\item Read access to the FC can be public or restricted to VO members
+  by default (because also the actual data on storage elements may be accessibe
+  to authenticated VO members only, or because \idname{SURL}s are considered
+  as security-relevant information that should not be exposed publicly).
+\item FC implementations may also impose stronger (read-)access restrictions
+  to FC entries which refer to specific data under embargo (i.e. not VO-wide readable).
+\item Write operations to MDC and FC always require an access token
+  with the specific {\tt scope} claim {\tt metadata.write:/\param{\tpath}}
+  and {\tt storage.modify:/\param{\tpath}}, respectively.
+\subsection{Endpoints of a minimal REST API in ILDG 2.0}
+This subsection proposes the minimal REST API for MDC and FC in ILDG 2.0.
+It provides the typical read-only operations (see also in Sect.~1) which
+are required by data consumers to:
+\item search/list existing ensembles/configs by \ref{S3} / \ref{S4}
+\item download metadata for ensemble or config with specific \idname{MCU} or \idname{LFN} by \ref{S2}
+\item look up storage location(s) of binary data for configs with specific \idname{LFN} by \ref{S6}
+An ILDG-compliant MDC and FC must implement the following read-only endpoints:
+ spec & method & URL  & xml & equivalent SOAP operation \\
+ \hline
+  \ref{S1}  & \tt GET  & /{\tt mdc\Vinfo}                            & & \tt getMDCinfo               \\[1mm] 
+  \ref{S1p} & \tt GET  & /{\tt mdc\Vproperties}                      & & --- \\[1mm] 
+  %
+  \ref{M2}  & \tt GET  & /{\tt mdc/\ens\Vschema}                     &\x& --- \\
+            & \tt GET  & /{\tt mdc/\cfg\Vschema}                     &\x& --- \\[1mm] 
+  %
+  \ref{M1}  & \tt POST & /{\tt mdc/\ens\Vvalidate}                   & & \tt doEnsembleValidate       \\
+            & \tt POST & /{\tt mdc/\cfg\Vvalidate}                   & & \tt doMetadataValidate       \\[1mm] 
+  %
+  \ref{S2}  & \tt GET  & /{\tt mdc/\ens\qcol?id=}\param{MCU}         &\x& \tt getEnsembleMetadata      \\
+            & \tt GET  & /{\tt mdc/\cfg\qcol?id=}\param{LFN}         &\x& \tt getConfigurationMetadata \\[1mm] 
+  %
+  \ref{S3}  & \tt GET  & /{\tt mdc/\ens\Vquery\qcol?xpath=}\param{xp} & & \tt doEnsembleURIQuery       \\[1mm] 
+  \ref{S4}  & \tt GET  & /{\tt mdc/\cfg\Vquery\qcol?mc=}\param{MCU}   & & (\tt doConfigurationLFNQuery) \\[1mm]
+  \ref{S5}  & \tt GET  & /{\tt fc\Vinfo}                              & & \tt getFCinfo                \\[1mm] 
+  \ref{S5p} & \tt GET  & /{\tt fc\Vproperties}                        & & --- \\[1mm] 
+  \ref{S6}  & \tt GET  & /{\tt fc\Vlist\qcol?lfn=}\param{LFN}         & & \tt getURL                   \\
+  \ref{F1}  & \tt GET & /{\tt fc\Vlist\qcol?surl=}\param{SURL}        & & \tt getURL                   \\
+Endpoints with an ``$\ast$'' in the column ``xml'' must support requests with header\\
+{\tt "Accept:~application/xml"} (in addition to {\tt "Accept:~application/json"}).
+The API contract for these endpoints is specified in the following subsections.
+ILDG-compliant MDC or FC impementations may provide additional functionality \\
+and endpoints, see e.g.
+\item Swagger UI of the test instances for
+  \href{}{MDC}, 
+  \href{}{FC}, and
+  \href{}{\ACS}.
+\item YAML specification of the API
+\subsubsection{MDC Info}
+{\bf Purpose:} Provide basic information on MDC service, in particular 
+\item API version and supported endpoints/operations
+\item Name, user registry, and webpage of hosted VO(s)
+\item Name and webpage of hosted of Regional Grid(s)
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc\Vinfo} }                    
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} and with a
+{\tt result} element of the form {\red \TBD}
+        {
+           "status":"SUCCESS",
+           "result": {
+                 "api": {
+                       "version":"...", 
+                       "queries": [ <qlist> ],
+                       "fields": [ <flist> ],
+                       "endpoints": [ <elist> ]
+                 },
+                 "vo": [ <volist> ]
+           }
+        }
+where \param{qlist} is a list of strings to indicate support of (mandatory or optional) query operations, like
+\item {\tt "ensemble.quicksearch"} if ensembles can be queried by quick-search (optional)
+\item {\tt "ensemble.xpath-1.0"} if ensembles can be queried by Xpath 1.0 \\ (mandatory, see \ref{S3})
+\item {\tt "config.quicksearch"} if configs can be queried by quick-search \\ (mandatory, see \ref{S4})
+\item {\tt "config.xpath-1.0"} if configs can be queried by Xpath 1.0 (optional, see \ref{S4p})  
+and \param{flist} is a list of strings to indicate support of optional DB fields, like
+\item {\tt "ensemble.tags"} if a list of tags can be associated with each ensemble entry
+\item {\tt "config.tags"} if a list of tags can be associated with each config entry
+and \param{elist} is a list of strings to indicate support of optional endpoints, like
+\item {\tt "mdc.write"} if optional MDC write operations are supported (see \ref{ss:MDCwrite})
+The elements of \param{volist} are JSON objects of the form
+            { "name": "ildg",
+               "webpage":"",
+               "SSO":"",
+               "groups": {
+                   "ldg":"", 
+                   "jldg":""
+               }
+            }
+The optional {\tt groups} element is a hash providing information about the individual
+regional grid(s) or user group(s) which store their (meta-)data in the catalogue (group
+names are the keys of {\tt groups} and the corresponding values are possibly empty
+strings holding the URL of a webpage or other group-specific information).
+{\red \TBD\ Should {\tt webpage}, {\tt SSO}, and {\tt groups} be optional (or allowed to be empty)?}
+\subsubsection{MDC Details}
+{\bf Purpose:} Provide additional details (if any) on MDC implementation and configuration 
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc\Vproperties} }         
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} and with an
+implementation-dependent form of the {\tt result} element.
+\subsubsection{MDC Schema}
+{\bf Purpose:} Return current QCDml schema
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\ens\Vschema} } \\
+\phantom{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\cfg\Vschema} }      
+{\bf Header:} {\tt "Accept:~application/xml"} (optional)
+{\bf Response:} If the request has header {\tt "Accept:~application/xml"} the response body
+is the plain XSD document of the QCDml schema. Otherwise, the response is has the form as
+described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} and the value of {\tt result} is the XSD document encoded
+as a JSON string.
+\subsubsection{MDC Validation}
+{\bf Purpose:} Validate XML document against QCDml schema
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt POST} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\ens\Vvalidate} } \\
+\phantom{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt POST} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\cfg\Vvalidate} }      
+{\bf Header:} {\tt "Content-Type:~application/xml"} 
+{\bf Body:} Plain XML document to be validated
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} The value of
+{\tt status} is \SUCCESS\ if and only if the document validates.
+  \TBD: Specify a specific string for the value of {\tt result} in case of success,
+  e.g. {\tt "Validates against schema \param{xmlns}"} where \param{xmlns} is the
+  default namespace of the QCDml schema.
+\subsubsection{MDC Download}
+{\bf Purpose:} Retrieve XML document by its unique identifier.
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\ens\qcol?id=}\param{MCU} } \\
+\phantom{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\cfg\qcol?id=}\param{LFN} }      
+The query string {\tt id=...} is mandatory. Absence must raise an error (400).
+{\bf Header:} {\tt "Accept:~application/xml"} (optional)
+{\bf Response:} If the request has header {\tt "Accept:~application/xml"} the response body
+is the plain QCDml document (or in case of errors an XML document as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response}).
+Otherwise, the response is a JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response}. The value
+of {\tt result} is a {\bf single JSON object} which has at least one member with key {\tt xml}
+and value the XML document (with escaped double-quote, newline and backslash characters).
+Presence of additional implementation-dependent elements, like
+\item {\tt created} (timestamp of insert operation)
+\item {\tt updated} (timestamp of last update operation)
+\item {\tt aca} (access control attributes)
+\item {\tt tags} (``sets'' for an OAI-PMH API)
+is allowed and must not cause an error in clients.
+Example of a minimal response (if request header {\tt "Accept:~application/xml}" was absent):
+        {
+           "status":"SUCCESS",
+           "result": { "xml":"<?xml version=\"1.0\">...." }
+        }
+\subsubsection{MDC Ensemble Xpath Query}
+{\bf Purpose:} Query ensemble metadata and return \idname{MCU} of matching documents.
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\ens\Vquery\qcol?xpath=}\param{xp} }
+The query string {\tt xpath=...} is mandatory (unless additional quick-search keys are
+supported as alternative).
+The Xpath query expression \param{xp} needs to be URL encoded\footnote{%
+    In particular,  predicate delimiters ``{\tt [}'' and ``{\tt ]}'' 
+    need to be encoded as {\tt \%5B} and {\tt \%5D}, respectively.
+Additional optional query-string parameters are
+\item {\tt limit} = max number of entries to be returned in result
+\item {\tt offset} = number of entries to be skipped in result 
+{\bf Remarks:} 
+\item Every MDC implementation must support pagination through the above two parameters
+  (with {\tt offset=0} and some $0<${\tt limit}$\le 1000$ as default)
+\item The supported Xpath version must be at least 1.0
+\item Xpath query expressions can assume that XML documents do not use default namespaces
+  (i.e. Xpath queries are is applied to modified versions of the XML documents where all
+  {\tt xmlns} attributes have been removed)
+\item Elements using namespace aliases (e.g. {\tt  <xy:myelem xmlns:xy="x://y">}) can not be queried
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} with {\tt result}
+an {\bf array of strings (\idname{MCU})} and the following additional mandatory top-level
+\bi \vspace*{1mm}
+\item {\tt limit } = actual value (default or specified) of {\tt limit} used in response
+\item {\tt offset } = actual value (default or specified) of {\tt offset} used in response
+\item {\tt total } = number of results found in query %%% (was {\tt totalResults}) 
+\item {\tt count } = number of results actually returned %%% (was {\tt numberOfResults})
+   = \left\{\ba{ll}
+   {\tt limit} & ({\rm if}\ {\tt total}  \ge {\tt offset} + {\tt limit}) \\
+   {\tt total} - {\tt offset}  & ({\rm if}\ 0 < {\tt total} - {\tt offset} < {\tt limit}) \\
+   0             & ({\rm if}\ {\tt total} - {\tt offset} \le 0) \\
+   \ea\right\} \le {\tt limit}
+        {
+           "status":"SUCCESS",
+           "offset":0,
+           "limit":100,
+           "count":2,
+           "total":2,
+           "result":[  "mc://a/b/c", "mc://x/y/z", ... ]
+        }
+\subsubsection{MDC Config Quick-Search}
+{\bf Purpose:} Query config metadata for \idname{MCU} and return \idname{LFN} of matching documents.
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\cfg\Vquery\qcol?mc=}\param{MCU} }
+{\bf Response:} JSON object analogous to \ref{S3} with {\tt result} an {\bf array of strings (\idname{LFN})}.
+{\bf Remark:} MDC implementations may support further ``quick-search'' keys (beyond {\tt mc}).
+These must be specified in the {\tt quickSearch} $\to$ {\tt keys} element of the MDC properties \ref{S1p}.
+A valid query-string must contain exactly one key from this list.
+\subsubsection{FC Info}
+{\bf Purpose:} Provide basic information on FC service
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt fc\Vinfo} }                  
+{\bf Response:} JSON object analogous to Sect.~\ref{S1} (without \param{qlist}).
+\param{flist} is a list of strings to indicate support of optional DB fields, like
+\item {\tt "fc.scope"} if the required scope is included in the list response
+and \param{elist} is a list of strings to indicate support of optional endpoints, like
+\item {\tt "fc.list"} if optional list by \idname{SURL} is supported (see \ref{F1})
+\item {\tt "fc.write"} if optional FC write operations are supported (see \ref{ss:FCwrite})
+\subsubsection{FC Details}
+{\bf Purpose:} Provide additional details (if any) on FC implementation and configuration 
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt fc\Vproperties} }
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} and with an
+implementation-dependent form of the {\tt result} element.
+\subsubsection{FC List by \idname{LFN}}
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt fc\Vlist\qcol?lfn=}\param{LFN} }
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} with {\tt result} an
+{\bf array of JSON objects}. Each object has at least elements with keys {\tt lfn} and {\tt surl}.
+Presence of additional elements, e.g. creation time or access control attributes, is
+implementation dependent.
+%%% An alternative to the explicit verb {\tt list} might be {\tt findby} (but not {\tt query}
+%%% which should remain reserved for an additional endpoint using the {\tt POST} method
+%%% for more comlex query operations).     
+        {
+           "status":"SUCCESS",
+           "offset":0,
+           "limit":100,
+           "count":2,
+           "total":2,
+           "result":[  
+              { "lfn":"lfn://a/b/c",  "surl":"http://host1/path1" },
+              { "lfn":"lfn://a/b/c",  "surl":"gsiftp://host2/path2" }
+           ]
+        }
+\subsubsection{FC List by \idname{SURL}}
+{\bf Purpose:} Look-up for the mapping \idname{SURL}$\to$\idname{LFN} (inverse of the relation provided by \ref{S6}). 
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt fc\Vlist\qcol?surl=}\param{SURL} }
+{\bf Response:} JSON object analogous to \ref{S6}, i.e. {\tt result} is an {\bf array of JSON objects}
+(with at most one array element if SURL is guaranteed to be unique key).
+{\bf Remark:} This API is a convenient alternative way to obtain the \idname{LFN} from a
+\idname{SURL} (instead of inspecting the {\tt ildg-data-lfn} record in the binary file
+itself) and possibly useful for consistency checks.
+\section{Optional API Extensions for ILDG 2.0}
+\subsection{Optional Read-Only Endpoints}
+   spec & method & URL  & equivalent SOAP operation \\
+   \hline
+   %%% \ref{S3p} & \tt GET & /{\tt mdc/\ens\Vquery\qcol?\param{key}=}\param{value} & --- \\[1mm] %%% Drop (DP 10.12.2024)
+   \ref{S4p} & \tt GET & /{\tt mdc/\cfg\Vquery\qcol?xpath=}\param{xp} & \tt doConfigurationLFNQuery  \\[1mm] 
+   \ref{F9}  & \tt GET & /{\tt fc\Vaccess\qcol?surl=}\param{SURL}     & ---                          \\
+\subsubsection{MDC Config Xpath Query (optional)}
+{\bf Purpose:} Optional support for Xpath query of config metadata (in addition to mandatory quick search for \idname{MCU}) 
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt mdc/\cfg\Vquery\qcol?xpath=}\param{xp} }
+{\bf Response:} JSON object analogous to \ref{S4}, i.e. {\tt result} is an {\bf array of JSON objects}.
+\subsubsection{FC Access Information for \idname{SURL} (optional)}
+{\bf Purpose:} Details on the authorization method that is required to access \idname{SURL} 
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt GET} \param{bu}/{\tt fc\Vaccess\qcol?surl=}\param{SURL} }
+An additional optional query-string {\tt op=...} with values {\tt read} (default)
+or {\tt write} can be used to specify the desired type of access operation.
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} with {\tt result}
+a {\bf single JSON object} that provides details on the authorization method
+that is required to access the specified \idname{SURL} (entry in the FC and data
+in the storage element). The {\tt result} object must at least have an element
+with key {\tt type}. Further elements depend on the string value of {\tt type}.
+Currently only the following value of {\tt type} is supported:
+\item {\tt "oauth2"} (OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework \cite{OAuth2}) implying
+  the mandatory additional elements {\tt "aud"} and {\tt "scope"} (to specify the
+  required values of the corresponding claims in the access token \cite{JWT})
+Example: %%% (for the case of authorization by OAuth2 tokens \cite{OAuth2}):
+        {
+           "status":"SUCCESS",
+           "result":{
+              "type":"oauth2",
+              "aud":"",
+              "scope":"storage.stage:/rg1/collab1/project2/"
+           }
+        }
+{\red \TBD: Specification of further details?}
+%%% (F1') & GET    & \param{bu}/{\tt fc\qcol/\ppar{id}}                & JSON & --- \\
+% \item (F1') can only be supported if the FC implementation uses an internal unique
+%  integer identifier. 
+%  If no FC entry with the specified \ppar{id} exists, an error must be raised.
+%  Otherwise, the {\tt result} of (F1') is always a {\em single} JSON object with
+%  the same structure as the array elements in (F1) or (S5).
+%%% \newpage
+%%% {\bf Access restrictions and authentication:}
+%%% \bi
+%%% \item Since the metadata in the MDC is always public in ILDG, no access control is needed
+%%%   for read operations (S2) and (S3) of the MDC.
+%%% %
+%%% \item Also read access to the FC, in particular for (S5), is public by default.
+%%%   However, since read access to the actual data (configurations) on the storage
+%%%   elements may be restricted, also read access to the content of the FC might be
+%%%   restricted in some use-cases (e.g. to VO members or because the \idname{SURL}
+%%%   is considered as a security-relevant information that should not be exposed publicly).
+%%%   Such specific access policies might be optionaly supported and/or configured at startup.
+%%% %
+%%% \item For operations with restricted access, authentication is required by either
+%%%   a valid X.509 (proxy) certificate with VOMS extension for the VO ``ildg'' or
+%%%   by a bearer token.\\
+%%%   {\red \TBD: Token format and encoding of the VO membership still need to be defined.}
+%%% \ei
+%%% {\bf Error handling:} {\red \TBD}
+%%% {\bf Examples:} (curl commands)
+%%% \bi
+%%% \item \parbox{38em}{\tt curl -k -X GET --cert /tmp/x509 -H "Accept: */*" https://x.y.z/fc/info }
+%%% \ei
+%%% \subsection{Detailed Specifications and Documentation}
+%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% \bi
+%%% \item Swagger UI of the test instances for
+%%%   \href{}{MDC}, 
+%%%   \href{}{FC}, and
+%%%   \href{}{\ACS}.
+%%% \item YAML specification of the API
+%%% \ei
+%%% \subsection{Use-cases (data consumer)}
+%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% The above API supports the typical use-cases for data consumers:
+%%% \bi
+%%% \item (S3) to search and list existing ensembles/configs 
+%%% \item (S2) to download metadata for ensemble or config with specific \idname{MCU} or \idname{LFN}
+%%% \item (S5) to look-up storage location(s) of binary data for config with specific \idname{LFN}
+%%% \ei
+%%% \newpage
+%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% \section{Appendix: API Extension of MDC and FC \\ (beyond ILDG Standard)}
+%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% \label{s:NON-ILDG-MDC}
+%%% In this appendix, we propose extensions of the API contracts of the MDC and FC
+%%% for convenient additional read-only operations, and also for write operations.
+%%% These extensions are {\em not} (yet) to be considered as part of the proposed
+%%% ILDG standard\footnote{
+%%%   In the past it was assumed that each regional grid has its own mechanisms
+%%%   for data provisioning.
+%%% }.
+%%% Specific access control mechanisms for the write (and read) operations are not
+%%% covered by the API extensions of this appendix and left as a free
+%%% implementation choice of the MDC and FC services.
+%%% The only assumption on the implementation of the FC is that it provides tuples
+%%% of the form
+%%% \bd
+%%%    ( \idname{id},\ \idname{SURL},\ \idname{LFN})
+%%% \ed
+%%% where \idname{id} is an optional (FC-internal, automatically generated) unique
+%%% integer identifier\footnote{Also the combination (\idname{LFN},\idname{SURL}) is always a unique key.}.
+\subsection{API Extensions for Write Access to MDC}
+\subsubsection*{Access Control:}
+% ------------------------------
+Write access to the MDC requires an access token with a {\tt scope} claim of the form
+    {\tt metadata.write:/}\mbox{\param{\tpath}}
+Access to an (ensemble or config) entry associated with a \idname{MCU} of the form
+    {\tt mc://}\mbox{\param{\mpath}}
+is allowed if \param{\mpath} starts with \param{\tpath}. For instance, access to an entry
+associated with \idname{MCU} = {\tt mc://a/b/c} is allowed or denied for access tokens with
+the following scope
+  scope & access \\
+  \hline
+  \tt metadata.write:/                 & allow \\
+  \tt metadata.write:/a                & allow \\
+  \tt metadata.write:/a/b              & allow \\
+  \tt metadata.write:/a/b/c            & allow \\
+  \hline
+  \tt metadata.write:/ab               & deny \\
+  \tt metadata.write:/d                & deny \\
+\subsubsection*{List of MDC Endpoints:}
+% -------------------------------------
+ spec & method & URL & equivalent SOAP operation \\
+ \hline
+  \ref{M3} & \tt POST   & {\tt /mdc/\ens\Vinsert}                     & \tt doEnsembleInsert \\
+           & \tt POST   & {\tt /mdc/\cfg\Vinsert}                     & \tt doMetadataInsert \\[1mm] 
+  \ref{M4} & \tt PUT    & {\tt /mdc/\ens\Vupdate}                     & \tt doEnsembleUpdate \\
+           & \tt PUT    & {\tt /mdc/\cfg\Vupdate}                     & \tt doMetadataUpdate \\[1mm] 
+  \ref{M5} & \tt DELETE & {\tt /mdc/\ens\Vdelete\qcol?id=}\param{LFN} & \tt doEnsembleDelete \\
+           & \tt DELETE & {\tt /mdc/\cfg\Vdelete\qcol?id=}\param{MCU} & \tt doMetadataDelete \\
+\subsubsection{MDC Insert (optional)}
+{\bf Purpose:} Insert new XML document in MDC
+{\bf Request:}         \fbox{ \tt POST \param{bu}/mdc/\ens\Vinsert} \\
+\phantom{\bf Request:} \fbox{ \tt POST \param{bu}/mdc/\cfg\Vinsert} 
+{\bf Header:} {\tt "Content-Type:~application/xml"} \\
+\hspace*{3em} or {\tt "Content-Type:~application/json"}
+{\bf Body:} Depending on the presence of the above headers, the body is
+either the plain XML document to be inserted or a JSON object which has
+an element with key {\tt xml}. Its value is the XML document to be insered
+(encoded as a JSON string).
+The JSON object may contain further elements. These must either be ignored
+by the MDC (without raising an error) or can be used to specify additional
+attributes, e.g. tags, of the created entry. Support of any such additional
+attributes is impementation dependent.
+Example (with optional {\tt tags} array):
+     {  "xml":"<?xml version=\"1.0\">....",
+        "tags":[ "nf3", "staggered" ]
+     }
+{\red \TBD: Support bulk mode by changing to {\bf array} of JSON objects?}
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} (value of {\tt result} is {\tt null})
+\subsubsection{MDC Update (optional)}
+{\bf Purpose:} Update an existing MDC entry
+{\bf Request:}         \fbox{ {\tt PUT} \param{bu}/mdc/\ens\Vupdate} \\
+\phantom{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt PUT} \param{bu}/mdc/\cfg\Vupdate} 
+{\bf Header:} {\tt "Content-Type:~application/xml"} \\
+\hspace*{3em} or {\tt "Content-Type:~application/json"}
+{\bf Body:} Analogous to \ref{M3}.
+If the MDC implementation supports additional attribures of entries
+(beyond the pure XML content), the body of a request to update only
+these attribures may contain an element with key {\tt "id"} instead
+of {\tt "xml"}.
+Example (updating only optional {\tt tags} array):
+     {  "id":"mc://a/b/c",
+        "tags":[ "nf3", "staggered" ]
+     }
+{\red \TBD: Support bulk mode by changing to {\bf array} of JSON objects?}
+{\bf Response:} JSON object analogous to \ref{M3}
+{\bf Remark:} Update operations must check that neither the unique identifier
+nor the associated \idname{MCU} (in case of configs) is changed and raise an
+error otherwise.
+\subsubsection{MDC Delete (optional)}
+{\bf Purpose:} Delete an existing MDC entry
+{\bf Request:}         \fbox{ {\tt DELETE \param{bu}/\ens\Vdelete\qcol?id=}\param{LFN}} \\
+\phantom{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt DELETE \param{bu}/\cfg\Vdelete\qcol?id=}\param{MCU}} 
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response}. The value of {\tt result} is a
+JSON object which represents the deleted entry and has at least the elements {\tt id} and {\tt xml}.
+\subsection{API Extensions for Write Access to FC}
+\subsubsection*{Access Control:}
+% ------------------------------
+Write access to an entry in the FC requires exactly the same authorization
+as the corresponding file in the storage element(s), i.e. an access token with
+a {\tt scope} claim of the form \cite{WLCG}
+    {\tt storage.modify:/}\mbox{\param{\tpath}} \ .
+Moreover, every \idname{SURL} can be decomposed as
+    \mbox{\param{baseURL}}\,{\tt /}\,\mbox{\param{\spath}} \ ,
+where \param{baseURL} is the base URL which is associated with the corresponding
+storage element (and can be obtained e.g. from the FC endpoint defined in \ref{F9}).
+Access to an FC entry with such an \idname{SURL} is then allowed if \param{\spath}
+starts with \param{\tpath}. For instance, access to an entry
+associated with
+   \ba{rcl}
+   \mbox{\param{SURL}} & = & {\tt http://x.y:z/a/b/c} \\
+   \mbox{\param{baseURL}} & = & {\tt http://x.y:z/a/b} \\
+   \ea
+is allowed or denied for access tokens with the following scope
+  scope & access \\
+  \hline
+  \tt storage.modify:/                 & allow \\
+  \tt storage.modify:/c                & allow \\
+  \hline
+  \tt storage.modify:/d                & deny  \\
+\subsubsection*{List of FC Endpoints:}
+% ------------------------------------
+ spec & method & URL & equivalent SOAP operation \\
+ \hline
+ \ref{F2} & POST   & {\tt /fc\Vinsert}                        & --- \\[1mm] 
+ \ref{F3} & DELETE & {\tt /fc\Vdelete\qcol?surl=}\param{SURL} & --- \\
+          & DELETE & {\tt /fc\Vdelete\qcol?lfn=}\param{LFN}   & --- \\
+The FC is not required to support update operations because these can always be
+performed by a delete-insert sequence (and may require careful consistency checks).
+\subsubsection{FC Insert (optional)}
+{\bf Purpose:} Insert new (\idname{LFN}, \idname{SURL}) entry in FC
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ {\tt POST} \param{bu}/fc\Vinsert} 
+{\bf Body:} An array of JSON objects, each of which has the mandatory elements
+{\tt lfn} and {\tt surl} and specifies a (unique) \idname{LFN}-\idname{SURL} pair.
+These JSON objects may contain further elements which must either be ignored
+by the FC (without raising an error) or can be used to specify additional
+attributes of the created entry. Support of any such additional attributes
+is impementation dependent.
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response} (value of {\tt result} is {\tt null})
+{\bf Remark:} Insert operations 
+\item must be transactional, i.e. if insertion of any of the array elements specified in the
+  body fails, none of the other elements is inserted
+\item should check uniqueness of the \idname{SURL} and otherwise fail
+\subsubsection{FC Delete (optional)}
+{\bf Purpose:} Delete FC entry for specified \idname{SURL}
+{\bf Request:} \fbox{ \tt DELETE \param{bu}/fc\Vdelete\qcol?surl=...}   \\
+\phantom{\bf Request:} \fbox{ \tt DELETE \param{bu}/fc\Vdelete\qcol?lfn=...} 
+Presence of at least one of the query-string parameters {\tt surl=...} or {\tt lfn=...}
+is mandatory. A combination of both of them is allowed (but not very userful if \idname{SURL}
+of every entry is unique).
+{\bf Response:} JSON object as described in Sect.~\ref{ss:response}. The value of {\tt result} is
+an {\bf array of JSON objects} which represent the deleted entries. Each object has
+at least the elements {\tt lfn} and {\tt surl}.
+{\bf Remark:} If the query parameter(s) do not define a unique entry, the FC must delete
+at least one of the matching entries.
+\subsection{Use-cases (data provider)}
+The above API extensions serve the typical use-cases of data providers in
+those regional grids where also user-side upload to the MDC and FC services
+is supported (with some implementation-dependent management of access
+\item \ref{M3} serves to register/upload metadata for ensembles or configs
+\item \ref{F2} serves to register storage location(s) of binary data for a config with specific \idname{LFN}
+\item \ref{M1} allows to validate metadata before uploading
+\item \ref{M4} allows to update already uploaded metadata
+\item \ref{M5} and \ref{F3} allow to delete metadata and un-register file locations
+% \newpage
+%  References
+  \hhref{},
+  \hhref{}
+  R. T. Fielding,
+  ``Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures'',
+  Dissertation, University of California, 2000,
+  \hhref{}
+  T. Berners-Lee, ``RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax'',
+  \hhref{}
+  ``The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting'',
+  \hhref{}
+  QCDml metadata schema, Gitlab repository of the Metdata Working Group,
+  \hhref{}
+  \hhref{\#path-templating}
+  ``The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework'', 
+  Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
+  RFC 6749, \hhref{}
+  ``JSON Web Token (JWT)'',
+  Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
+  RFC 7519, \hhref{}
+  ``WLCG Common JWT Profiles'', WLCG AuthZ Working Group, 2019,
+  \hhref{}
+%%% \bibitem{JSONAPI}
+%%%  \hhref{\#document-resource-object-identification}
+%%% \bibitem{BPA}
+%%%   AARC Bluprint Architecture 2019, \hhref{10.5281/zenodo.3672784}