--- # DESY Public Dataset Metadata definition © 2024 by Deutsches # Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY is licensed under CC BY 4.0 id: https://public-data.desy.de/metadata/base_sample name: base_sample prefixes: linkml: https://w3id.org/linkml/ schema: http://schema.org/ imports: [linkml:types, base_types] default_range: string classes: Sample: abstract: true description: generic sample description attributes: chemical_composition: range: string temperature: range: TemperatureMeasurment pressure: range: PressureMeasurement environment: description: indentifier of specific sample environment range: string # Todo: see if this is feasable ... maybe sample envirenment should be split from sample completely SolidStateSample: is_a: Sample LiquidSurfaceSammple: is_a: Sample attributes: surface_tension: range: float MultiLayerSample: is_a: Sample attributes: layer_structure: range: string # Todo: see if feasable: use ORSO SampleModel String