diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 37f7fc48a291179141247d339ee8ba33592f211b..8bbf4be13665b30612dc723ca49fa6628412808a 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ stages:          # List of stages for jobs, and their order of execution
 build-job:       # This job runs in the build stage, which runs first.
-  stage: build
+  image:
+    name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.14.0-debug
+    entrypoint: [""]
-    - echo "Compiling the code..."
-    - docker build -t gitlab.desy.de:5555/fs-ec/docker/bluesky_bliss_data ./docker
-    - echo "Compile complete."
+    - /kaniko/executor
+      --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"
+      --dockerfile "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/docker/Dockerfile"
+      --destination "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${CI_COMMIT_TAG}"
 # unit-test-job:   # This job runs in the test stage.
 #   stage: test    # It only starts when the job in the build stage completes successfully.