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The Autonomous Control and Data Acquisition System for Dynamic Experimental Setups
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TINE Control System repository - read only replication, main repository DESY internal only
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The parallelized X-ray Cavity Propagator (pXCP) is a heavily parallelized (MPI) wavefront propagation code meant for use in X-ray optical cavities.
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The Autonomous Control and Data Acquisition System for Dynamic Experimental Setups
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The Autonomous Control and Data Acquisition System for Dynamic Experimental Setups
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The PinkIndexer algorithm, converted to use the Meson build system See https://stash.desy.de/users/gevorkov/repos/pinkindexer/browse
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The XGANDALF indexer, converted to use the Meson build system. See https://stash.desy.de/users/gevorkov/repos/xgandalf/browse