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A set of programs to process and select charged hadron shower data from AHCAL, combine the showers into synthetic two-shower events, and to train and evaluate neural networks to perform separation of hadron showers.
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Michael Thomas Hedges / afbpp
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterPython package containing code for A_FB++ in hadronically tagged B→D*ℓν.
helper functions to create basf2 path b2luigi pipeline for submitting and processing jobs analysis helper functions notebooksUpdated -
Agrim Aggarwal / afbpp
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterPython package containing code for A_FB++ in hadronically tagged B→D*ℓν.
helper functions to create basf2 path b2luigi pipeline for submitting and processing jobs analysis helper functions notebooksUpdated -
CDT / tutorialRateSolving
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Mirror (not up-to-date) of Felix Metzners AnalysisTools package. I added it to gitlab to facilitating installing my own analysis package, which has a loose dependency on AnalysisTools.
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A repository for informative jupyter notebooks dealing with the CBXFEL@European XFEL project https://confluence.desy.de/display/XFELO/XFEL+Oscillator+Demonstrator.
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