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TINE / Tine Kernel / TINE C Kernel Libraries
Apache License 2.0TINE Control System repository - read only replication, main repository DESY internal only
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TINE / Tine Kernel / TINE C Kernel Testsuite
Apache License 2.0TINE Control System C Testsuite repository - read only replication, main repository DESY internal only
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Ivo-Matteo Baltruschat / Scaling the U-net
MIT LicenseThis project is the source code to our paper.
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FPGA Firmware / Applications and Scripts / PZT4 Python Library
Apache License 2.0This repo contains bunch of python modules so that developers can start working with DRTM-PZT4 Currently it can be used together with DAMC-FMC25. Support for other AMC cards is in progress (eg. DAMC-FMC2ZUP, DAMC-Z7IO)
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PETRA III Debian Packages / python-h5py
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
PETRA III Debian Packages / silx
MIT LicenseUpdated -
PETRA III Debian Packages / tango
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
PETRA III Debian Packages / jemalloc
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
Patrick Rauer / Dynamic Diffraction Module
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterA repository meant for (python based) functions on the dynamic diffraction theory. It is closely related to the Matlab written https://gitlab.desy.de/patrick.rauer/MatlabDiffractionStuff
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Example project to test desyrdl with examples