From 07e463b9e1e8f5e48344805abfa3a6b242306b71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Robbe <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 18:40:49 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Remove old file

 Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_dma_regmap.h |  86 ---
 Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_ioctl.h      |  91 ----
 Driver/pcie40_reload/.gitignore          |   2 -
 Driver/pcie40_reload/Makefile            |  28 -
 Driver/pcie40_reload/main.c              |  25 -
 Lib/src/ecs/ecs.c                        | 351 ------------
 Lib/src/minipods/i2cDriver.c             | 656 -----------------------
 7 files changed, 1239 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_dma_regmap.h
 delete mode 100644 Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_ioctl.h
 delete mode 100644 Driver/pcie40_reload/.gitignore
 delete mode 100644 Driver/pcie40_reload/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 Driver/pcie40_reload/main.c
 delete mode 100644 Lib/src/ecs/ecs.c
 delete mode 100644 Lib/src/minipods/i2cDriver.c

diff --git a/Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_dma_regmap.h b/Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_dma_regmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c492d3..0000000
--- a/Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_dma_regmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// This output was generated by the following command:
-// ../common/regmap_cfg_to_h.tcl P40_ ../common/pcie40_dma_regmap.cfg
-// Do not edit this file manually, your changes will be overwritten by the generator.
-#ifndef P40_REGMAP_H
-#define P40_REGMAP_H
-  static const int P40_DMA_REGMAP_VERSION = 0x20170424;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_INBUF_SIZE = 0x0A0;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_META_EVID_HI = 0x034;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_VERSION = 0x008;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_MAIN_EVID_LO = 0x024;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_MAIN_MSI_CYCLES = 0x08C;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHOKE_LAST_FROM_EVID_HI = 0x0E0;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHOKE_LAST_CYCLES = 0x0D8;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHOKE_TOTAL_SINCE_EVID_LO = 0x0D0;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHOKE_TOTAL_CYCLES = 0x0CC;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_TOTAL_SINCE_EVID_HI = 0x0B4;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHOKE_LAST_TO_EVID_LO = 0x0E4;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_LAST_TO_EVID_HI = 0x0C8;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_THRES = 0x0A8;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_RWTEST = 0x000;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_PCIE_GEN = 0x080;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_INBUF_FILL = 0x0A4;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHIP_ID_LO = 0x044;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_LINK_ID = 0x00C;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_ERROR = 0x014;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_LAST_FROM_EVID_LO = 0x0BC;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_ODIN_EVID_LO = 0x03C;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_META_PACKING = 0x02C;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_RESET = 0x010;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_MAIN_EVID_HI = 0x028;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_BASE_DAQ_MAIN_STREAM = 0x100;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_META_MSI_BYTES = 0x090;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_MSI_MODE = 0x084;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHOKE_TOTAL_SINCE_EVID_HI = 0x0D4;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_MAIN_GEN_FIXED = 0x01C;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHOKE_LAST_TO_EVID_HI = 0x0E8;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHIP_ID_HI = 0x048;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_META_EVID_LO = 0x030;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_MAIN_GEN_CTL = 0x018;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_META_MSI_CYCLES = 0x094;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_CHOKE_LAST_FROM_EVID_LO = 0x0DC;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_LAST_FROM_EVID_HI = 0x0C0;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_LAST_CYCLES = 0x0B8;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_TOTAL_SINCE_EVID_LO = 0x0B0;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_TOTAL_CYCLES = 0x0AC;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_ODIN_EVID_HI = 0x040;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_TRUNC_LAST_TO_EVID_LO = 0x0C4;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_MAIN_RAW_MODE = 0x020;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_MAIN_MSI_BYTES = 0x088;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_META_MSI_BLOCKS = 0x098;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_REGMAP = 0x004;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_OFF_ODIN_GEN_CTL = 0x038;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FPGA_BUF_DESCS_BUSY_LO = 0x24;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FPGA_BUF_BYTES = 0x0C;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FPGA_BUF_DESCS_FILL_HI = 0x1C;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FPGA_BUF_DESCS_BUSY_HI = 0x28;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_HOST_BUF_WRITE_OFF = 0x2C;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FPGA_BUF_DESC_BYTES = 0x14;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_HOST_BUF_READ_OFF = 0x30;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_ENABLE = 0x00;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_HOST_MAP_PAGES = 0x38;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FLUSH = 0x08;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FPGA_BUF_DESCS = 0x10;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FPGA_BUF_DESCS_FILL_LO = 0x18;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_HOST_MAP_ENTRIES = 0x34;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_FPGA_BUF_DESC_FILL_BYTES = 0x20;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_STREAM_OFF_READY = 0x04;
-  static const int P40_DMA_CTRL_QSYS_BASE = 0x1000;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_MAIN_STREAM_QSYS_BASE = 0x1100;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_MAIN_MAP_QSYS_BASE = 0x10000;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_MAIN_BUF_QSYS_BASE = 0x100000;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_META_STREAM_QSYS_BASE = 0x0400;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_META_MAP_QSYS_BASE = 0x20000;
-  static const int P40_DMA_DAQ_META_BUF_QSYS_BASE = 0x200000;
diff --git a/Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_ioctl.h b/Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_ioctl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 80c4c6d..0000000
--- a/Driver/pcie40_driver/pcie40_ioctl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __PCIE40_IOCTL_H
-#define __PCIE40_IOCTL_H
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_RWTEST          _IOR('c',  1, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_RWTEST` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_RWTEST          _IOW('c',  2, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_RWTEST` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_VERSION         _IOR('c',  3, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_VERSION` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_LINK_ID         _IOR('c',  4, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_LINK_ID` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_CHIP_ID         _IOR('c',  5, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_CHIP_ID` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_ERROR           _IOR('c',  6, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_ERROR` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_RESET           _IOR('c',  7, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_RESET` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_RESET           _IOW('c',  8, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_RESET` ?>
-#define   P40_RST_BIT_DEFAULT  (0)
-#define   P40_RST_BIT_LOGIC    (1)
-#define   P40_RST_BIT_FLUSH    (2)
-#define   P40_RST_BIT_COUNTERS (3)
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_GEN_CTL    _IOR('c',  9, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_GEN_CTL` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_MAIN_GEN_CTL    _IOW('c', 10, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_MAIN_GEN_CTL` ?>
-#define   P40_MAIN_GEN_BIT_ENABLE   (0)
-#define   P40_MAIN_GEN_BIT_RUNNING  (1)
-#define   P40_MAIN_GEN_BIT_FIXED    (2)
-#define   P40_MAIN_GEN_BIT_THROTTLE (3)
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_GEN_FIXED  _IOR('c', 11, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_GEN_FIXED` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_MAIN_GEN_FIXED  _IOW('c', 12, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_MAIN_GEN_FIXED` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_RAW_MODE   _IOR('c', 13, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_RAW_MODE` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_PCIE_GEN        _IOR('c', 14, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_PCIE_GEN` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_META_PACKING    _IOR('c', 15, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_META_PACKING` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_META_PACKING    _IOW('c', 16, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_META_PACKING` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_MSI_MODE        _IOR('c', 17, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_MSI_MODE` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_MSI_MODE        _IOW('c', 18, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_MSI_MODE` ?>
-#define   P40_MSI_MODE_BIT_DAQ  (0)
-#define   P40_MSI_MODE_BIT_MAIN (1)
-#define   P40_MSI_MODE_BIT_META (2)
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_MSI_BYTES  _IOR('c', 19, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_MSI_BYTES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_MAIN_MSI_BYTES  _IOW('c', 20, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_MAIN_MSI_BYTES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_MSI_CYCLES _IOR('c', 21, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_MAIN_MSI_CYCLES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_META_MSI_BYTES  _IOR('c', 22, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_META_MSI_BYTES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_META_MSI_BYTES  _IOW('c', 23, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_META_MSI_BYTES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_META_MSI_CYCLES _IOR('c', 24, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_META_MSI_CYCLES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_META_MSI_BLOCKS _IOR('c', 25, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_META_MSI_BLOCKS` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_META_MSI_BLOCKS _IOW('c', 26, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_META_MSI_BLOCKS` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_INBUF_SIZE      _IOR('c', 27, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_INBUF_SIZE` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_INBUF_FILL      _IOR('c', 28, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_INBUF_FILL` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_THRES     _IOR('c', 29, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_THRES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_SET_TRUNC_THRES     _IOW('c', 30, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_SET_TRUNC_THRES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_TOTAL_CYCLES     _IOR('c', 31, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_TOTAL_CYCLES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_LAST_CYCLES      _IOR('c', 33, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_LAST_CYCLES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_LAST_FROM_EVID   _IOR('c', 34, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_LAST_FROM_EVID` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_LAST_TO_EVID     _IOR('c', 35, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_TRUNC_LAST_TO_EVID` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_CHOKE_TOTAL_CYCLES     _IOR('c', 36, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_CHOKE_TOTAL_CYCLES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_CHOKE_LAST_CYCLES      _IOR('c', 38, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_CHOKE_LAST_CYCLES` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_CHOKE_LAST_FROM_EVID   _IOR('c', 39, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_CHOKE_LAST_FROM_EVID` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_CHOKE_LAST_TO_EVID     _IOR('c', 40, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_CHOKE_LAST_TO_EVID` ?>
-// this should advance both the main and meta read pointers
-// after parsing the metadata information
-// we might allow manually advancing the pointer,
-// but only in MSI_META and MSI_MAIN modes, never in MSI_DAQ
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_HOST_MAIN_MSI_NSECS _IOR('h', 2, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_HOST_MAIN_MSI_NSECS` ?>
-#define P40_CTRL_GET_HOST_META_MSI_NSECS _IOR('h', 3, uint64_t)//+`P40_CTRL_GET_HOST_META_MSI_NSECS` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_ENABLE                   _IOR('s',  1, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_ENABLE` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_SET_ENABLE                   _IOW('s',  2, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_SET_ENABLE` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_READY                    _IOR('s',  3, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_READY` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_FLUSH                    _IOR('s',  4, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_FLUSH` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_SET_FLUSH                    _IOW('s',  5, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_SET_FLUSH` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_BYTES           _IOR('s',  6, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_BYTES` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_DESCS           _IOR('s',  7, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_DESCS` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_DESC_BYTES      _IOR('s',  8, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_DESC_BYTES` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_DESCS_FILL      _IOR('s',  9, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_DESCS_FILL` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_DESCS_BUSY      _IOR('s', 11, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_FPGA_BUF_DESCS_BUSY` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_HOST_BUF_WRITE_OFF       _IOR('s', 12, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_HOST_BUF_WRITE_OFF` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_HOST_BUF_READ_OFF        _IOR('s', 13, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_HOST_BUF_READ_OFF` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_HOST_BUF_BYTES      _IOR('m', 1, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_HOST_BUF_BYTES` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_GET_HOST_MSI_COUNT      _IOR('m', 3, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_GET_HOST_MSI_COUNT` ?>
-#define P40_STREAM_FREE_HOST_BUF_BYTES     _IOWR('m', 4, uint64_t)//+`P40_STREAM_FREE_HOST_BUF_BYTES` ?>
-#define P40_ECS_GET_BAR_SIZE _IO('e', 1) //+`P40_ECS_GET_BAR_SIZE` ?>
-//TODO: why not _IOR?
diff --git a/Driver/pcie40_reload/.gitignore b/Driver/pcie40_reload/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index ed2b39c..0000000
--- a/Driver/pcie40_reload/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Driver/pcie40_reload/Makefile b/Driver/pcie40_reload/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b8a33..0000000
--- a/Driver/pcie40_reload/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-HERE :=$(strip $(realpath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))
-TOP :=$(realpath $(HERE)/..)
-include $(TOP)/common/
-SCRIPTS_INSTALL =$(DAQ40_PREFIX)/pcie40_reload
-PCIE40_RELOAD_SUID :=pcie40_reload
-PCIE40_RELOAD :=pcie40_reload
-PCIE40_RELOAD_LINK =$(SCRIPTS_INSTALL)/pcie40_reload_suid
-include $(TOP)/common/
-ifeq ($(ENABLE_PCIE40), true)
-$(eval $(call COPY_template,SCRIPTS,755))
-$(eval $(call LINK_template,PCIE40_RELOAD))
-$(eval $(call ODIR_template,PCIE40_RELOAD_SUID))
-$(eval $(call MAN_template,PCIE40_RELOAD,1))
-$(eval $(call DEFAULT_template))
diff --git a/Driver/pcie40_reload/main.c b/Driver/pcie40_reload/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c678193..0000000
--- a/Driver/pcie40_reload/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <libgen.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-  char here_path[PATH_MAX];
-  char script_path[PATH_MAX];
-  if (readlink("/proc/self/exe", here_path, PATH_MAX) == -1) {
-    perror("readlink");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // if (setresuid(0,0,0)) {
-  //  perror("setresuid");
-  //  return -1;
-  //}
-  snprintf(script_path, sizeof(script_path), "%s/", dirname(here_path));
-  return execvp(script_path, argv);
diff --git a/Lib/src/ecs/ecs.c b/Lib/src/ecs/ecs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec6d54..0000000
--- a/Lib/src/ecs/ecs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-* \file				ecs.c
-* \brief This file contains the user library to access PCI driver.
-* \author JM : 02/11/2013
-* \version 1.0
-* \date 08/11/2013
-* \copyright (c) Copyright CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration.
-*    Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence V3.
-* script is free and open source software.
-    JM : 02/11/2013 Initial version
-    JM/PYD : 04/11/2013 PYD code integration
-    PYD : adapt for Paolo driver with its library and add multiple board choice
-The *Bar*() type of functions concentrate the conditional code which depends of the driver type.
-The ecs_*Lli() or ecs_*User() type of functions are driver blind and used to match user registers
-or lli registers.
-ecs_openUser()		ecs_openLli()
-ecs_iordUser()		ecs_iordLli()
-ecs_iowrUser()		ecs_iowrLli()
-ecs_iordBlocUser()	ecs_iordBlocLli()
-ecs_iowrBlocUser()	ecs_iowrBlocLli()
-ecs_closeUser()		ecs_closeLli()			
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <linux/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <ecs.h>
-#include <systemConfig.h>
-// rpm includes
-// PYD 20/03/2018 force the use of rpm for all borads types
-#include <pcie40/ecs.h>
- *  \var ecs_userFile
- *  \brief ecs_open function return a file description which is stored on userFile for bar 0.
-static int ecs_userFile[MAX_DEV];
- *  \var ecs_lliFile
- *  \brief ecs_open function return a file description which is stored on lliFile for bar 2.
-static int ecs_lliFile[MAX_DEV];
- *  \var ecs_bar2_mm
- *  \brief ecs_open function for bar 2 mmaps registers area from a start address.
-static unsigned *ecs_bar1_mm[MAX_DEV]; // bar1 start add of mmap
-static unsigned *ecs_bar2_mm[MAX_DEV]; // bar2 start add of mmap
- * \fn int ecs_close(int dev, int bar)
- * \brief Function to close bar file
- *
- * \param dev: the selected board number
- * \param bar: the bar number
- *//******************************************************/
-void ecs_close(int dev, int bar){
-	if (bar==2){
-		p40_ecs_close(ecs_lliFile[dev],ecs_bar2_mm[dev]);
-	}
-	else if (bar==0){
-		p40_ecs_close(ecs_lliFile[dev],ecs_bar1_mm[dev]);
-	}
- * \fn int ecs_open(int dev, int bar)
- * \brief Function to open bar file
- *
- * \param dev: the selected board number
- * \param bar: number of bar
- * \return -1 error / file descriptor
- *//******************************************************/
-int ecs_open(int dev,int bar){
-	if (bar==2){
-		ecs_lliFile[dev] = p40_ecs_open(dev,bar,&(ecs_bar2_mm[dev]));
-		return ecs_lliFile[dev];
-	}
-	else if (bar==0){
-		ecs_userFile[dev] = p40_ecs_open(dev,bar,&(ecs_bar1_mm[dev]));
-		return ecs_userFile[dev];
-	}
-return -1;
-int ecs_write(int dev, int bar, unsigned add, int val){
-	if (add%4 != 0)
-		return(-1);
-	if (bar==2){
-		p40_ecs_w32(ecs_bar2_mm[dev],add,val);
-	}
-	else if (bar==0){
-		p40_ecs_w32(ecs_bar1_mm[dev],add,val);
-	}	
-	return(0);
-unsigned ecs_read(int dev, int bar, unsigned add){
-	uint32_t val;
-	if (add%4 != 0)
-		return(-1);
-	if (bar==2){
-		val = p40_ecs_r32(ecs_bar2_mm[dev],add);
-	}
-	else if (bar==0){
-		val = p40_ecs_r32(ecs_bar1_mm[dev],add);
-	}	
-	return val;
-int ecs_iowrBar(int dev, int bar, unsigned add, unsigned *val){
-	if (add%4 != 0)
-		return(-1);	
-	if (bar==2){
-		if (ecs_lliFile[dev] == 0) ecs_open(dev,bar);
-	}
-	else if (bar==0){
-		if (ecs_userFile[dev] == 0) ecs_open(dev,bar);
-	}	
-    ecs_write(dev,bar,add,*val);
-	return(0);
-int ecs_iordBar(int dev, int bar, unsigned add, unsigned *val){
-	if (add%4 != 0)
-		return(-1);
-	if (bar==2){
-		if (ecs_lliFile[dev] == 0) ecs_open(dev,bar);
-	}
-	else if (bar==0){
-		if (ecs_userFile[dev] == 0) ecs_open(dev,bar);
-	}	
-        *val = ecs_read(dev,bar,add);
-	return(0);
-int ecs_writeBloc(int dev, int bar, unsigned add, int size, unsigned *val){
-	int i;	
-	unsigned wd;
-	if (add%sizeof(unsigned) != 0)
-		return(-1);
-	for (i=0; i<size; i = i + 1){
-		wd = val[i];
-		ecs_write(dev,bar, add+i*sizeof(unsigned), wd);
-	}
-	return 0;
-int ecs_readBloc(int dev, int bar, unsigned add, int size, unsigned *val){
-	int i;
-	if (add%4 != 0)
-		return(-1);
-	for (i=0; i<size; i = i + 1){
-		val[i] = ecs_read(dev,bar,add+i*sizeof(unsigned));
-	}
-	return 0;
-int ecs_iowrBarBloc(int dev, int bar, unsigned add, int size, unsigned *val){
-    ecs_writeBloc(dev,bar,add,size,val);
-return 0;
-int ecs_iordBarBloc(int dev, int bar, unsigned add, int size, unsigned *val){
-	ecs_readBloc(dev,bar,add,size,val);
-return 0;
- * \fn int ecs_printSetup()
- * \brief Function to print BAR configurations for checking
- *       
- *//***********************************************************************/
-void ecs_printSetup(){
-	printf("-------------------------------------------------\n");
-	printf("driver type     = MMAP (PCIe40 daq) version\n");
-	printf("-------------------------------------------------\n");
-	printf("BAR user        = BAR%d\n",BAR_USER);
-	printf("BAR i2c         = BAR%d\n",BAR_I2C);
-	printf("BASE i2c bus %d CLEANER1       = 0x%08x\n", I2C_BUS_PLL_CLEANER1,   I2C_BUS_BASE_PLL_CLEANER1);
-	printf("BASE i2c bus %d CLEANER2       = 0x%08x\n", I2C_BUS_PLL_CLEANER2,   I2C_BUS_BASE_PLL_CLEANER2);
-	printf("BASE i2c bus %d PLL_TFC        = 0x%08x\n", I2C_BUS_PLL_TFC,        I2C_BUS_BASE_PLL_TFC);
-	printf("BASE i2c bus %d SFP1           = 0x%08x\n", I2C_BUS_SFP1,           I2C_BUS_BASE_SFP1);
-	printf("BASE i2c bus %d SFP2           = 0x%08x\n", I2C_BUS_SFP2,           I2C_BUS_BASE_SFP2);
-	printf("BASE i2c bus %d MINIPODS       = 0x%08x\n", I2C_BUS_MINIPODS,       I2C_BUS_BASE_MINIPODS);
-	printf("BASE i2c bus %d CURRENT1       = 0x%08x\n", I2C_BUS_CURRENT1,       I2C_BUS_BASE_CURRENT1);
-	printf("BASE i2c bus %d CURRENT2       = 0x%08x\n", I2C_BUS_CURRENT2,       I2C_BUS_BASE_CURRENT2);
-// Usefull for python wrappers when memory is allocated by the lli C libs
-// it should be freed after python module has used it.
-void ecs_free( int *data) {
-	free(data);
- * \fn int ecs_openUser(int dev)
- * \brief Function to init the ecs pcie bus accesses for user space
- *      Thus function has to be done before any access.
- *       
- * Here we have a detailed description of the function 
- *
- * \param : dev the board number
- * \return 0 success, -1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int ecs_openUser(int dev){
-	return ecs_open(dev,0);
- * \fn int ecs_closeUser(int dev)
- * \brief Function to disconnect from the ecs user space.
- *        A new ecs_open() should be done before any new read or write
- *       
- * \param : dev the board number
- *//***********************************************************************/
-void ecs_closeUser(int dev){
-  ecs_close(dev,0);
- * \fn int ecs_openLli(int dev)
- * \brief Function to init the ecs pcie bus accesses for LLI devices
- *      Thus function has to be done before any access.
- *       
- * \param : dev the board number
- * \return 0 success, -1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int ecs_openLli(int dev){
-	return ecs_open(dev,2);
- * \fn int ecs_closeLli(int dev)
- * \brief Function to disconnect from the LLI devices io.
- *        A new ecs_openLli() should be done before any new read or write
- *       
- * \param : dev the board number
- *//***********************************************************************/
-void ecs_closeLli(int dev){
-	ecs_close(dev,2);
- * \fn int ecs_iordLli(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val)
- * \brief Function to read a word at offset add in the lli registers space.
- *
- * \param : dev the board number
- * \param add the offset of the word to read in the lli register space
- * \param val a pointer to receive the read value in case of success
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int ecs_iordLli(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val){
-	return ecs_iordBar(dev, 2, add, val);
- * \fn int ecs_iowrLli(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val)
- * \brief Function to write a word at offset add in the Lli registers space.
- *
- * \param : dev the board number
- * \param add the offset of the word to write in the Lli registers space
- * \param val a pointer to the value to write
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int ecs_iowrLli(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val){
-	return ecs_iowrBar(dev, 2, add, val);
- * \fn int ecs_iordBlocLli(unsigned add, int size, unsigned *val)
- * \brief Function to read size words at offset add in the lli registers space.
- *
- * \param : dev the board number
- * \param add  : the offset of the word to read in the lli register space
- * \param size : number of bytes to read
- * \param val  : a pointer to receive the read value in case of success
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int ecs_iordBlocLli(int dev, unsigned add, int size, unsigned *val){
-	return ecs_iordBarBloc(dev, 2, add, size, val);
- * \fn int ecs_iowrBlocLli(unsigned add, int size, unsigned *val)
- * \brief Function to write size words at offset add in the Lli registers space.
- *
- * \param : dev the board number
- * \param add  : the offset of the word to write in the Lli registers space
- * \param size : number of bytes to write
- * \param val  : a pointer to the value to write
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int ecs_iowrBlocLli(int dev, unsigned add, int size, unsigned *val){
-	return ecs_iowrBarBloc(dev, 2, add, size, val);
- * \fn int ecs_iordI2c(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val)
- * \brief Function to read a word at offset add in the I2C core registers space.
- *
- * \param : dev the board number
- * \param add the offset of the word to read in the I2C core register space
- * \param val a pointer to receive the read value in case of success
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int ecs_iordI2c(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val){
-	return ecs_iordLli(dev, add, val);
-int ecs_iordI2c_slow(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val){
-   int dat = ecs_iordLli(dev, add, val);
-   usleep(0);
-	return dat;
- * \fn int ecs_iowrI2c(unsigned add, unsigned *val)
- * \brief Function to write a word at offset add in the I2C core registers space.
- *
- * \param : dev the board number
- * \param add the offset of the word to write in the I2C core registers space
- * \param val a pointer to the value to write
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int ecs_iowrI2c(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val){
-	return ecs_iowrLli(dev, add, val);
-int ecs_iowrI2c_slow(int dev, unsigned add, unsigned *val){
-   int dat = ecs_iowrLli(dev, add, val);
-   usleep(0);
-	return dat;
diff --git a/Lib/src/minipods/i2cDriver.c b/Lib/src/minipods/i2cDriver.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f75267d..0000000
--- a/Lib/src/minipods/i2cDriver.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
-* \file				i2cDriver.c
-* \brief This unit is a simple driver library for I2C bus based on the Open-Core I2C-master.
-* \author PYD : 12/6/2013
-* \version 0.1
-* \date 12/6/2013
-* PYD : 12/6/2013 initial version
-* PYD : 01/10/2018 remove code for ES12 and ES3 versions
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <error.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#define offsetReg(r) (r*4)
-//========================= SYSTEM CONFIGURATION =================================
-#include <systemConfig.h>
-#include <ecs.h>
-#include <i2cDriver.h>
-//#define I2C_FREQ      0xc7 ;#(199dec) value for 100MHz clock to match 100kHz SCL
-//#define I2C_FREQ      0x31 ;#(49dec) value for 100MHz clock to match 400kHz SCL
-//#define I2C_FREQ      0x18 ;#(24dec) value for 100MHz clock to match 800kHz SCL
-// addresses of I2C registers (start at 0xa40 in qsys)
-#define I2C_PRELOREG  0x0
-#define I2C_PREHIREG  0x1
-#define I2C_CTRLREG   0x2
-#define I2C_TSMTREG   0x3
-#define I2C_RCVREG    0x3
-#define I2C_CMDREG    0x4
-#define I2C_STATREG   0x4
-// Control register
-#define I2C_ENA      0x80 
-#define I2C_DIS      0x00 
-// Command register bits 
-#define I2C_STA      0x80 
-#define I2C_STO      0x40 
-#define I2C_RD       0x20 
-#define I2C_WR       0x10 
-#define I2C_NACK     0x08 
-#define I2C_IACK     0x01 
-// Status register bits
-#define I2C_TIP      0x02 
-#define I2C_BUSY     0x40
- * \fn int unsigned I2C_MakeAvagoAdd(compNb)
- * \brief Function to build a device address
- *
- * For TX(pair) the address is 0101hjkx (hjk is hard add) (x is 1=R 0=W)
- *
- * For RX(odd) the address is 0110hjkx (hjk is hard add) (x is 1=R 0=W)
- *
- * NOTE the x is added in Read/Write function
- *
- * \return the I2c address
- *//***********************************************************************/
-static unsigned i2c_MakeAvagoAdd(int compNb) {
-	unsigned i2cAdd;
-// partern 0 +   0101/TX or 0110/RX + fixAdd on 3digits
-	if (compNb%2)
-		i2cAdd = 5<<3;
-	else
-		i2cAdd = 6<<3;
-	i2cAdd = i2cAdd + compNb;
-	return(i2cAdd);
-unsigned lastSetInCLK[MAX_DEV];
-unsigned LastSetSCLfreq[MAX_DEV];
-static int getBusBase(int bus){
-	switch(bus){
-		break;
-			return(I2C_BUS_BASE_PLL_CLEANER1);
-		break;
-			return(I2C_BUS_BASE_PLL_CLEANER2);
-		break;
-		case I2C_BUS_PLL_TFC:
-			return(I2C_BUS_BASE_PLL_TFC);
-		break;
-		case I2C_BUS_SFP1:
-			return(I2C_BUS_BASE_SFP1);
-		break;
-		case I2C_BUS_SFP2:
-			return(I2C_BUS_BASE_SFP2);
-		break;
-			return(I2C_BUS_BASE_MINIPODS);
-		break;
-		break;
-		case I2C_BUS_CURRENT1:
-			return(I2C_BUS_BASE_CURRENT1);
-		break;
-		case I2C_BUS_CURRENT2:
-			return(I2C_BUS_BASE_CURRENT2);
-		break;
-		case I2C_BUS_FANOUT:
-		    return(I2C_BUS_BASE_FANOUT);
-                break;
-		    return(I2C_BUS_BASE_FPGA_EEPROM);
-		default:
-			printf("ERROR: unknown i2c bus number %d in file %s line %d\n",bus,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-			return(99);
-	}
- /***********************************************************************//**
- * \fn void i2c_enable(int dev, int bus)
- * \brief Function to activate the i2c-opencore IP.
- * \param dev: the board number
- * \param bus: the target i2c bus number
- *//***********************************************************************/
-static void i2c_enable(int dev, int bus) {
-	unsigned cval = I2C_ENA;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow( dev, getBusBase(bus)+  (I2C_CTRLREG*4), &cval);
- * \fn void i2c_disable(int dev,int bus)
- * \param dev: the board number
- * \brief Function to deactivate the i2c-opencore IP.
- * \param bus: the target i2c bus number
- *//***********************************************************************/
-static void i2c_disable(int dev,int bus) {
-	unsigned cval = I2C_DIS;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow( dev, getBusBase(bus)+  (I2C_CTRLREG*4), &cval);		
- * \fn void i2c_stop(int dev,int bus)
- * \param dev: the board number
- * \brief Function to generate the stop condition on the i2c bus.
- * \param bus: the target i2c bus number
- *//***********************************************************************/
-static void i2c_stop(int dev, int bus) {
-	unsigned cval = I2C_STO;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow( dev, getBusBase(bus)+  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);	
- * \fn void i2c_setSpeed(int dev, int bus, int value)
- * \brief Function to program the prescale the SCL clock line. Should be called
- *        before the I2C use.
- * \param dev: the board number
- * \param   bus: the target i2c bus number
- * \param value: the value to write in the prescale register
- *//**************************************************************************/
-static void i2c_setSpeed(int dev, int bus, int value ) {
-	unsigned cval = value>>8;
-	int 	 base = getBusBase(bus);
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base + (I2C_PREHIREG*4), &cval);
-	cval =value & 0xFF;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base + (I2C_PRELOREG*4), &cval);
- * \fn int i2c_init(int dev, int bus, unsigned inCLK, unsigned SCLfreq)
- * \brief Function to open access to i2c opencore and set speed
- * \      if it is specified
- * \param dev: the board number
- * \param     bus: the target i2c bus number
- * \param   inCLK: the input system clock ferquency in Hz
- * \param SCLfreq: the target SCL clock frequency in Hz
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//**************************************************************************/
-int i2c_init(int dev, int bus, unsigned inCLK, unsigned SCLfreq) {
-	long int prescale;
-//	printf("Simulation init with clock %d fequency %d \n",inCLK, SCLfreq); return(0);
-	if (ecs_openLli(dev)<0){
-		printf("ERROR: Can't init I2C\n");
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	i2c_stop(dev, bus);
-	i2c_disable(dev, bus);
-	i2c_enable(dev, bus);
-	// set prescale register
-	if (inCLK!=0 && SCLfreq !=0){
-		prescale = (inCLK/(5*SCLfreq))-1;
-//		printf("PYD i2c i2c_init() bus %d applied speed is %ld\n", bus, prescale);
-		i2c_setSpeed(dev, bus, prescale);
-        	lastSetInCLK[dev] = inCLK;
-        	LastSetSCLfreq[dev] = SCLfreq;
-	}
-	return(0);
- * \fn int i2c_getInit(int dev, int bus, unsigned &inCLK, unsigned &SCLfreq)
- * \brief Read the last values in the prescale of the SCL clock line. 
- *
- * \param dev: the board number
- * \param     bus: the target i2c bus number
- * \param   inCLK: the system clock ferquency in Hz
- * \param SCLfreq: the target SCL clock frequency in Hz
- *//**************************************************************************/
-void i2c_getInit(int dev, int bus, unsigned *inCLK, unsigned *SCLfreq) {
-	*inCLK = lastSetInCLK[dev];
-	*SCLfreq = LastSetSCLfreq[dev];
- * \fn int _waitTIP()
- * \brief function to wait for the status register TIP bit value 0 "transfer complete"
- *
- * \param     dev: the borad number
- * \param     bus: the target i2c bus number       
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//********************************************************************************/
-static int i2c_waitTIP(int dev, int bus) {
-	unsigned val, step = 0;
-	int 	 base = getBusBase(bus);
-	while(1){
-      usleep(10); //MJ POUR TEMPO_FERNAND LE 12 SEPT 2017
-//		printf("step %d\n", step);
-		step = step + 1;
-		if(ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base + (I2C_STATREG*4), &val)==0){
-//			printf("PYD status 0x%x\n", val);
-			if ((val & I2C_TIP) == 0){ //transfer complete
-				return(0);
-			} else { // transfer in progress
-				if (step > 500){
-					printf("ERROR: timeout in i2c_waitTIP()\n");
-					return(-1);
-				} else {
-					usleep(10);
-//					printf("PYD wait %d\n", step);
-//					for (i=0; i<loop; i++) dum++;
-				}
-			}
-		} else { // read error
-			printf("i2c_waitTIP firmware level read error KO\n");
-			return(-1);
-		}
-	}//while
- * \fn int i2c_readMem(int dev, int bus, unsigned slaveAdd, unsigned regIndex, unsigned *val)
- * \brief Function to read one single register
- *     
- * \param     dev: the board number
- * \param      bus: the target i2c bus number          
- * \param slaveAdd: the address of the device to write in the I2C space
- * \param regIndex: the number of the register in the component
- * \param val     : a pointer to receive the read value
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int i2c_readMem(int dev, int bus, unsigned slaveAdd, unsigned regIndex, unsigned *val) {
-	unsigned cval;
-	int 	 base = getBusBase(bus);
-	// generate start command 
-	// write $slaveAdd (slaveAdd+WR bit) in transmitReg
-	//
-	// printf("PYD bus=%d i2c_readMem() at base 0x%x subadd 0x%x register %d\n", bus, base, slaveAdd, regIndex);
-//	printf("Simulation\n"); *val=0x55; return(0);
-	cval = slaveAdd<<1; 
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), &cval);
-	// set STA bit and WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_STA | I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait fir TIP flaf in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0) 
-			return(-1);
-	// read statusReg to verify RxACK=0
-	ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_STATREG*4), &cval);
-	if ((cval & I2C_NACK) == I2C_NACK){
-		printf("ERROR: bus=%d i2c_readMem() first transaction slave address not acknowledge in I2C_Write\n",bus);
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	//
-	// write $regIndex in transmitReg
-	//
-	cval = regIndex;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), &cval);
-	// set WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait fir TIP flaf in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0)
-			return(-1);
-	// read statusReg to verify RxACK=0
-	ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_STATREG*4), &cval);
-	if ((cval & I2C_NACK) == I2C_NACK){
-		printf("ERROR:bus %d i2c_readMem() second transaction slave address not acknowledge in I2C_Write\n",bus);
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	//
-	// write $slaveAdd (slaveAdd+RD bit) in transmitReg
-	//
-	cval = slaveAdd<<1 | 1;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), &cval);	
-	// set STA bit and WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_STA | I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait fir TIP flaf in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0)
-			return(-1);
-	// read statusReg to verify RxACK=0
-	if ((cval & I2C_NACK) == I2C_NACK){
-		printf("ERROR: bus %d i2c_readMem() third transaction slave address not acknowledge in I2C_Write\n",bus);
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	//
-	// set RD bit, set ACK bit =1(NACK) set STO bit in commandReg
-	//
-	cval = I2C_RD | I2C_NACK | I2C_STO;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait for TIP flag in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0)
-			return(-1);	
-	return( ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_RCVREG*4), val) );
- * \fn int i2c_writeMem(int dev, int bus, unsigned slaveAdd, unsigned regIndex, unsigned *val)
- * \brief Function to write a value in a register
- *     
- * \param     dev: the board number
- * \param      bus: the target i2c bus number      
- * \param slaveAdd: the address of the device to write in the I2C space
- * \param regIndex: the number of the register in the component
- * \param val     : a pointer to the value to write
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-int i2c_writeMem(int dev, int bus, unsigned slaveAdd, unsigned regIndex, unsigned *val){
-	unsigned cval;
-	int 	 base = getBusBase(bus);
-	// generate start command 
-//	printf("bus %d i2c_writeMem() at add 0x%x register %d val %x\n", bus, slaveAdd, regIndex, *val);
-//	printf("Simulation\n"); return(0);
-	// write $slaveAdd (slaveAdd+WR bit) in transmitReg
-	cval = slaveAdd<<1; 
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), &cval);
-	// set STA bit and WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_STA | I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait fir TIP flaf in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0) 
-			return(-1);
-	// read statusReg to verify RxACK=0
-	ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_STATREG*4), &cval);
-	if ((cval & I2C_NACK) == I2C_NACK){
-		printf("ERROR: bus %d slave address not acknowledge in I2C_Write\n",bus);
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	//
-	// write $regIndex in transmitReg
-	//
-	cval = regIndex;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), &cval);
-	// set WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait fir TIP flaf in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0) 
-			return(-1);
-	// read statusReg to verify RxACK=0
-	ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_STATREG*4), &cval);
-	if ((cval & I2C_NACK) == I2C_NACK){
-		printf("ERROR: bus %d slave address not acknowledge in I2C_Write\n",bus);
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	//
-	// write $slaveAdd (slaveAdd+RD bit) in transmitReg
-	//
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), val);	
-	// set STA bit and WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_STO | I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);	
-	// wait fir TIP flaf in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0) 
-			return(-1);
- * \fn int i2c_multReadMemInit(int dev, int bus, unsigned slaveAdd, unsigned regIndex)
- * \brief Function to initialize a multiread sequence from slave at
- *        i2c address slaveAdd starting at device internal register regIndex
- *       
- * \param     dev: the board number
- * \param      bus: the target i2c bus number    
- * \param slaveAdd: the address of the device to read from in the I2C space
- * \param regIndex: the number of the first register in the sequence to read
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//***********************************************************************/
-static int i2c_multReadMemInit(int dev, int bus, unsigned slaveAdd, unsigned regIndex)  {
-	unsigned cval;
-	int 	 base = getBusBase(bus);
-	// generate start command 
-	// write $slaveAdd (slaveAdd+WR bit) in transmitReg
-	//
-//	printf("PYD start i2c_multReadMemInit\n");
-	cval = slaveAdd<<1; 
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), &cval);
-	// set STA bit and WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_STA | I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-//	printf("PYD wait for TIP flag in statusReg\n");
-	// wait for TIP flag in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0) 
-			return(-1);
-	// read statusReg to verify RxACK=0
-//	printf("PYD read statusReg to verify RxACK=0\n");
-	ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_STATREG*4), &cval);
-	if ((cval & I2C_NACK) == I2C_NACK){
-		printf("ERROR: bus %d slave address not acknowledge in I2C_Write\n",bus);
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	//
-	// write $regIndex in transmitReg
-	//
-//	printf("PYD write $regIndex in transmitReg\n");
-	cval = regIndex;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), &cval);
-	// set WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait fir TIP flaf in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0)
-			return(-1);
-	// read statusReg to verify RxACK=0
-	ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_STATREG*4), &cval);
-	if ((cval & I2C_NACK) == I2C_NACK){
-		printf("ERROR: bus %d slave address not acknowledge in I2C_Write\n",bus);
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	//
-	// write $slaveAdd (slaveAdd+RD bit) in transmitReg
-	//
-//	printf("PYD write $slaveAdd (slaveAdd+RD bit) in transmitReg\n");
-	cval = slaveAdd<<1 | 1;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_TSMTREG*4), &cval);	
-	// set STA bit and WR bit in commandReg
-	cval = I2C_STA | I2C_WR;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait fir TIP flaf in statusReg
-	if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0)
-			return(-1);
-//	printf("PYD end i2c_multReadMemInit\n");
- * \fn int i2c_multReadMem(int dev, int bus, unsigned slaveAdd, unsigned regIndex, int nb)
- * \brief Function to read/print a sequence of nb conscecutive registers from slave at
- *        i2c address slaveAdd starting at device internal register regIndex
- *        Used with nb=1 is a function to read one register value
- *
- * This function allocate the array to store the read data in. The user
- * should free it after use.
- *       
- * \param     dev: the board number
- * \param      bus: the target i2c bus number    
- * \param slaveAdd: the address of the device to read from in the I2C space
- * \param regIndex: the number of the first register in the sequence to read
- * \param nb      : the number of conscecutives registers to read
- * \param data    : a pointer to receive the data array reference
- * \return 0 success,-1 error
- *//******************************************************************************/
-int i2c_multReadMem(int dev, int bus, unsigned slaveAdd, unsigned regIndex, int nb, unsigned **data) {
-	unsigned cval;
-	int i;
-	unsigned *bloc;
-	int 	 base = getBusBase(bus);
-	if (i2c_multReadMemInit(dev, bus, slaveAdd, regIndex) != 0)
-			return(-1);
-	bloc = malloc(nb*sizeof(unsigned));
-	if (bloc==0){
-		perror("Can't malloc in i2c_multReadMem()\n");
-		return(-1);
-	}
-/*	printf("Reading bytes at slave add 0x%x (%d) starting at internal address 0x%x (%d)\n", 
-						slaveAdd, slaveAdd, regIndex, regIndex);
-	// Read and display values
-	cval = I2C_RD;
-//	printf("PYD read loop\n");
-	for (i=0; i<(nb-1); i++){
-		ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-		// wait for TIP flag in statusReg
-		if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0)
-			return(-1);
-		ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_RCVREG*4), &bloc[i]);
-//		printf("PYD 0x%x ");
-	}
-//	printf("PYD\n");
-	// last byte to transfer
-	cval = I2C_RD | I2C_NACK | I2C_STO;
-	ecs_iowrI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_CMDREG*4), &cval);
-	// wait for TIP flag in statusReg
-		if ( i2c_waitTIP(dev, bus) != 0)
-			return(-1);
-	ecs_iordI2c_slow(dev, base +  (I2C_RCVREG*4), &bloc[nb-1]);
-	*data = bloc;
-	return(0);
-int main(){
-	unsigned          val, i2cAdd;
-	unsigned          cval[3];
-	int               i, loop;
-	unsigned val1[]   = { 0x4, 0x5, 0xc0 };
-	unsigned val2[]   = { 0xa, 0xb, 0x00 };
-	unsigned i2cAddTab[] = {0x28, 0x31, 0x2A, 0x33, 0x2C, 0x35};
-	unsigned *data;
-	int base;
-	int dev = 0;
-	if (ecs_openLli(dev) != 0){
-		perror("Can't access i2c ocore\n");
-		exit(0);
-	}
-	printf("TEST on PCIe access to ocore regsiters\n");
-	printf("======================================\n");
-	base = I2C_BASE_0;
-	// raw test for pcie access to opencore registers
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PRELOREG*4), &cval[0]);
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PREHIREG*4), &cval[1]);
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_CTRLREG*4),  &cval[2]);
-	printf("Before ...\n");
-	for (i=0; i<3; i++)
-		printf("Ox%x ", cval[i]);
-	printf("\n");
-	ecs_iowrI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PRELOREG*4), &val1[0]);
-	ecs_iowrI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PREHIREG*4), &val1[1]);
-	ecs_iowrI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_CTRLREG*4),  &val1[2]);
-	printf("After first loop ... should be equal\n");
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PRELOREG*4), &cval[0]);
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PREHIREG*4), &cval[1]);
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_CTRLREG*4),  &cval[2]);
-	for (i=0; i<3; i++)
-		printf(" Ox%x =?= 0x%x |", cval[i], val1[i]);
-	printf("\n");
-	exit(0);
-	ecs_iowrI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PRELOREG*4), &val2[0]);
-	ecs_iowrI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PREHIREG*4), &val2[1]);
-	ecs_iowrI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_CTRLREG*4),  &val2[2]);
-	printf("After second loop ... should be equal\n");
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PRELOREG*4), &cval[0]);
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_PREHIREG*4), &cval[1]);
-	ecs_iordI2c(dev, base +  (I2C_CTRLREG*4),  &cval[2]);
-	for (i=0; i<3; i++)
-		printf("Ox%x =?= 0x%x |", cval[i], val2[i]);
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("\nTEST on I2C access to avago registers\n");
-	printf("=====================================\n");
-	// init and set address for TX 0
-//	i2c_init(dev, 100000000, 100000); // for TCL/TK because jtag master set this clock
-	i2c_init(dev, 125000000, 100000); // fast clock with PCI
-//	i2c_init(dev, 62500000, 100000); // slow clock with PCI
-	// set i2c address of avago number 0 (a TX)
-	printf("Select avago number 0 (a TX) as target\n");
-	i2cAdd = 5<<3; // comp 0 TX
-	printf("Read register 0 should be 0x00 ---> read ");
-	val = 0xaa;
-	i2c_readMem(dev, i2cAdd, 0, &val);
-	printf("(0x%x)\n", val);
-	printf("Write NULL in page select register\n");
-	val = 0; // select page 0
-	i2c_writeMem(dev, i2cAdd, 127, &val);
-	printf("Read read page select register should be NULL ---> read ");
-	val = 0xaa;
-	i2c_readMem(dev, i2cAdd, 127, &val);
-	printf("(0x%x)\n", val);
-	printf("Write 1 in page select register\n");
-	val = 1; // select page 0
-	i2c_writeMem(dev, i2cAdd, 127, &val);
-	printf("Read read page select register should be 1 ---> read ");
-	val = 0xaa;
-	i2c_readMem(dev, i2cAdd, 127, &val);
-	printf("(0x%x)\n", val);
-	printf("Write NULL in page select register\n");
-	val = 0; // select page 0
-	i2c_writeMem(dev, i2cAdd, 127, &val);
-	printf("Read read page select register should be NULL ---> read ");
-	val = 0xaa;
-	i2c_readMem(dev, i2cAdd, 127, &val);
-	printf("(0x%x)\n", val);
-	printf("Write 0xff in register 94 squelch\n");
-	val = 0xff; // select page 0
-	i2c_writeMem(dev, i2cAdd, 94, &val);
-	printf("Read squelch ---> read ");
-	val = 0xaa;
-	i2c_readMem(dev, i2cAdd, 94, &val);
-	printf("(0x%x)\n", val);
-	printf("Write 0xff in register 95 squelch\n");
-	val = 0xff; // select page 0
-	i2c_writeMem(dev, i2cAdd, 95, &val);
-	printf("Read squelch ---> read ");
-	val = 0xaa;
-	i2c_readMem(dev, i2cAdd, 95, &val);
-	printf("(0x%x)\n", val);
-	printf("Read Vendor Name\n");
-	loop = 16;
-	// test to read vendor name at reg 152 to 167 (16bytes)
-	// in module at address 0
-	for (i=0; i<loop; i++){
-		val = 1;
-		i2c_readMem(dev, i2cAdd, 152+i, &val);
-//		printf("0x%x %c ", val, (char)val);
-		printf("%c", (char)val);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	i2c_multReadMem(dev, i2cAdd, 152, 16, &data);
-	for (i=0; i<loop; i++)
-		printf("%c", (char)data[i]);
-	printf("\n");