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  • Tigran Mkrtchyan's avatar
    pom: update to use oncrpc4j-3.0.x · 24f3a832
    Tigran Mkrtchyan authored
    migrate to the next major version of oncrpc4j-3.0.x. The highlights:
      - java9 ready
      - package name changes
      - update of external dependencies
    Full changelog for oncrpc4j-2.7.0..oncrpc4j-3.0.1
        * [5f174e5] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
        * [09f1858] fixed stack overflow for recursive constant definitions
        * [d14a7df] Added input for service name while creating OncRpcClients. This makes it easy to identify threads created on behalf of a client.
        * [48a98be] src: make code base JDK9 ready
        * [64213d2] svc: explicitly specify which address to bind during tests
        * [2ffe42a] svc: use java8 stream to filer local end-point address
        * [d91499e] svc: add OncRpcSvc#toString()
        * [ca0539a] pom: update external libs and maven plugins
        * [b2d8247] src: more java8 clenups
        * [3e2dd59] Test case for issue #56
        * [39f51cc] Bad maven module for issue test file
        * [6915c33] Add the missing owner parameter to mapping and rpcb operations
        * [b7b1691] Corrct an NPE when dumping an empty rpcbind registry
        * [b1ba74f] Add version properties for plugin/dependencies
        * [e452d65] Describe maven-jar-plugin in top level pom.xml
        * [f17cbd2] Remove unnecessary null check in generated code
        * [b185da2] pom: fix typo in plugin version property
        * [7aaca8e] utils: drop Bytes#to/fromHexString methods
        * [e0282c6] xdr: rename org.dcache.utils.Opaque into org.dcache.xdr.XdrOpaque
        * [68aa383] pom: bump project major number
        * [aac35af] src: split org.dcache.xdr into org.dcache.oncrpc4j.{xdr,net,rpc,util}
        * [766e70b] docs: update readme to describe new changes
        * [691ec88] pom: remove outdated maven repos
        * [2680903] pom: update guava version to 24
        * [3c7f0bb] xdr: drop XdrBuffer
        * [7cb1fa0] xdr: introduce Xdr#getBytes method
        * [182521d] xdr: implement AutoCloseable interface
        * [fc41b2b] pom: add stable automatic module name into jar
        * [c30b87b] gss: use try-with-resource when Xdr is used
        * [b7eb9b6] rpc: rename GrizzlyXdrTransport to GrizzlyRpcTransport
        * [80c1b52] src: update copyright years
        * [b848ea0] libs: update to grizzly-2.4.3
        * [0ea08fe] [maven-release-plugin] prepare branch 3.0
        * [50f9543] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release oncrpc4j-3.0.0
        * [49bbec1] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
        * [24c87f2] xdr: do not flip byte buffer in Xdr#xdrEncodeByteBuffer
        * [085756e] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release oncrpc4j-3.0.1
    update pom file. Adjust to new package names:
    org.dcache.xdr =>  org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc and org.dcache.oncrpc4j.xdr
    up-to-date oncrpc4j
    Acked-by: Paul Millar
    Target: master