/* * @project The CERN Tape Archive (CTA) * @copyright Copyright © 2021-2022 CERN * @license This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". You can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL Version 3, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or * submit itself to any jurisdiction. */ #pragma once #include <list> #include "xroot_plugins/XrdCtaStream.hpp" #include "common/dataStructures/PhysicalLibrary.hpp" namespace cta::xrd { /*! * Stream object which implements "tapepool ls" command */ class PhysicalLibraryLsStream: public XrdCtaStream{ public: /*! * Constructor * * @param[in] requestMsg RequestMessage containing command-line arguments * @param[in] catalogue CTA Catalogue * @param[in] scheduler CTA Scheduler * @param[in] disabled Physical Library disable status */ PhysicalLibraryLsStream(const frontend::AdminCmdStream& requestMsg, cta::catalogue::Catalogue &catalogue, cta::Scheduler &scheduler); private: /*! * Can we close the stream? */ bool isDone() const override { return m_physicalLibraryList.empty(); } /*! * Fill the buffer */ int fillBuffer(XrdSsiPb::OStreamBuffer<Data> *streambuf) override; // List of physical libraries from the catalogue std::list<cta::common::dataStructures::PhysicalLibrary> m_physicalLibraryList; const std::optional<bool> m_disabled; static constexpr const char* const LOG_SUFFIX = "PhysicalLibraryLsStream"; //!< Identifier for log messages }; PhysicalLibraryLsStream::PhysicalLibraryLsStream(const frontend::AdminCmdStream& requestMsg, cta::catalogue::Catalogue &catalogue, cta::Scheduler &scheduler) : XrdCtaStream(catalogue, scheduler), m_physicalLibraryList(catalogue.PhysicalLibrary()->getPhysicalLibraries()) { using namespace cta::admin; XrdSsiPb::Log::Msg(XrdSsiPb::Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "PhysicalLibraryLsStream() constructor"); } int PhysicalLibraryLsStream::fillBuffer(XrdSsiPb::OStreamBuffer<Data> *streambuf) { for (bool is_buffer_full = false; !m_physicalLibraryList.empty() && !is_buffer_full; m_physicalLibraryList.pop_front()) { Data record; auto &pl = m_physicalLibraryList.front(); auto pl_item = record.mutable_plls_item(); pl_item->set_name(pl.name); pl_item->set_manufacturer(pl.manufacturer); pl_item->set_model(pl.model); if (pl.type) { pl_item->set_type(pl.type.value()); } if (pl.guiUrl) { pl_item->set_gui_url(pl.guiUrl.value()); } if (pl.webcamUrl) { pl_item->set_webcam_url(pl.webcamUrl.value()); } if (pl.location) { pl_item->set_location(pl.location.value()); } if (pl.nbAvailableCartridgeSlots) { pl_item->set_nb_available_cartridge_slots(pl.nbAvailableCartridgeSlots.value()); } if (pl.comment) { pl_item->set_comment(pl.comment.value()); } pl_item->set_nb_physical_cartridge_slots(pl.nbPhysicalCartridgeSlots); pl_item->set_nb_physical_drive_slots(pl.nbPhysicalDriveSlots); pl_item->mutable_creation_log()->set_username(pl.creationLog.username); pl_item->mutable_creation_log()->set_host(pl.creationLog.host); pl_item->mutable_creation_log()->set_time(pl.creationLog.time); pl_item->mutable_last_modification_log()->set_username(pl.lastModificationLog.username); pl_item->mutable_last_modification_log()->set_host(pl.lastModificationLog.host); pl_item->mutable_last_modification_log()->set_time(pl.lastModificationLog.time); is_buffer_full = streambuf->Push(record); } return streambuf->Size(); } } // namespace cta::xrd