From 99a96a373575f91d59296459479adac4efbf3f71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joao Afonso <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 18:09:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Resolve "Fix tape state change command idempotency when

---             |  1 +
 scheduler/Scheduler.cpp     | 13 ++++---------
 scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp |  7 ++++++-
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 1a929f7037..978fa7cb8c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 - cta/CTA#189 - Avoid postgres logging frequent warnings about no transaction in progress
 - cta/CTA#234 - Replace stoi with toUint64 in standalone cli tool
 - cta/CTA#238 - Compilation fails when using cta::common::Configuration::getConfEntInt(...)
+- cta/CTA#273 - Fix tape state change command idempotency when resetting REPACKING/BROKEN/PENDING
 ### Continuous Integration
 - cta/CTA#205 - Updating EOS4/EOS4 in versionlock for v4.8.95/v5.1.5
 - cta/CTA#253 - Allow Failure for cta_valgrind tests
diff --git a/scheduler/Scheduler.cpp b/scheduler/Scheduler.cpp
index 7addc8f834..958255b396 100644
--- a/scheduler/Scheduler.cpp
+++ b/scheduler/Scheduler.cpp
@@ -1841,16 +1841,11 @@ void Scheduler::triggerTapeStateChange(const common::dataStructures::SecurityIde
   // If previous and desired states are the same, do nothing
   if (prev_state == new_state) return;
-  // If previous state is already in transition (temporary state) to the desired state, do nothing
-  if (prev_state == Tape::BROKEN_PENDING && new_state == Tape::BROKEN) return;
-  if (prev_state == Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING && new_state == Tape::EXPORTED) return;
-  if (prev_state == Tape::REPACKING_PENDING && new_state == Tape::REPACKING) return;
-  // If previous state is temporary, user should wait for it to complete
+  // If previous state is PENDING (not of the same type), user should wait for it to complete
   if (
-          prev_state == Tape::BROKEN_PENDING
-          || prev_state == Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING
-          || prev_state == Tape::REPACKING_PENDING
+          (prev_state == Tape::BROKEN_PENDING && new_state != Tape::BROKEN)
+          || (prev_state == Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING && new_state != Tape::EXPORTED)
+          || (prev_state == Tape::REPACKING_PENDING && new_state != Tape::REPACKING)
           ) {
     throw cta::exception::UserError("Cannot modify tape " + vid + " state while it is in a temporary internal state");
diff --git a/scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp b/scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp
index 9efdc742b9..a0d5e64ae6 100644
--- a/scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp
+++ b/scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp
@@ -6630,7 +6630,12 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(OStoreDBPlusMockSchedulerTestVFS, SchedulerTestTriggerTa
                                 SchedulerTestParam(OStoreDBFactoryVFS, {Tape::REPACKING_PENDING,  Tape::ACTIVE,             Tape::REPACKING_PENDING,  true, false}),
                                 SchedulerTestParam(OStoreDBFactoryVFS, {Tape::BROKEN_PENDING,     Tape::ACTIVE,             Tape::BROKEN_PENDING,     true, false}),
-                                SchedulerTestParam(OStoreDBFactoryVFS, {Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING,   Tape::ACTIVE,             Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING,   true, false})
+                                SchedulerTestParam(OStoreDBFactoryVFS, {Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING,   Tape::ACTIVE,             Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING,   true, false}),
+                                // The 'cleanup' flag should be reactivated when the same PENDING state is re-triggered
+                                SchedulerTestParam(OStoreDBFactoryVFS, {Tape::REPACKING_PENDING,  Tape::REPACKING,          Tape::REPACKING_PENDING,  false, true}),
+                                SchedulerTestParam(OStoreDBFactoryVFS, {Tape::BROKEN_PENDING,     Tape::BROKEN,             Tape::BROKEN_PENDING,     false, true}),
+                                SchedulerTestParam(OStoreDBFactoryVFS, {Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING,   Tape::EXPORTED,           Tape::EXPORTED_PENDING,   false, true})