diff --git a/continuousintegration/docker/ctafrontend/cc7/opt/run/bin/ctaeos-mgm.sh b/continuousintegration/docker/ctafrontend/cc7/opt/run/bin/ctaeos-mgm.sh
index 73ac3c6c34cb74365f6ec1901b588909e3456b54..db305fa7aa33a031026a90389be89dba5c3a5b86 100755
--- a/continuousintegration/docker/ctafrontend/cc7/opt/run/bin/ctaeos-mgm.sh
+++ b/continuousintegration/docker/ctafrontend/cc7/opt/run/bin/ctaeos-mgm.sh
@@ -179,29 +179,10 @@ test -e /usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1 && export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libjemalloc.
   # set interval in which the WFE engine is running
   #eos space config default space.wfe.interval=1
-# for sss authorisation  unix has to be replaced by sss
-# Set the worfklow rule for archiving files to tape
-eos attr set sys.workflow.closew.default="proto/cta:ctafrontend:10955 <parent/file>" ${CTA_WF_DIR}
-# Set the worflow rule for creating tape file replicas in the EOS namespace.
-eos attr set sys.workflow.archived.default="proto/cta:ctafrontend:10955 <parent/file>" ${CTA_WF_DIR}
-# Set the workflow rule for retrieving file from tape.
-eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::prepare.default="proto/cta:ctafrontend:10955 <parent/file>" ${CTA_WF_DIR}
-# Set the workflow rule for the closew event of the CTA_retrieve workflow.
-# Using the CTA_retrieve workflow will prevent the default workflow from
-# receiving the closew event.  Triggering the default workflow in this way would
-# haved causes the unwanted action of copying the disk file to tape again.
-# The action of the CTA_retrieve workflow when triggered by the closew event is
-# to set the CTA_retrieved_timestamp attribute.
-eos attr set sys.workflow.closew.CTA_retrieve="proto/cta:ctafrontend:10955 <parent/file>" ${CTA_WF_DIR}
 # configure preprod directory separately
 echo "### ctaeos mgm ready ###"
diff --git a/continuousintegration/orchestration/create_instance.sh b/continuousintegration/orchestration/create_instance.sh
index fa386d25c664b7ab248005f07823e82784786ce4..9b09a440539f91ea4bf9377e31d7981dee9bc197 100755
--- a/continuousintegration/orchestration/create_instance.sh
+++ b/continuousintegration/orchestration/create_instance.sh
@@ -297,6 +297,21 @@ kubectl --namespace=${instance} logs ctaeos | grep -q  "### ctaeos mgm ready ###
 echo OK
+# Set the workflow rules for archiving, creating tape file replicas in the EOS namespace, retrieving
+# files from tape and deleting files.
+# The closew.CTA_retrieve workflow prevents the default workflow from receiving the closew event, as
+# we don't want to trigger the action of copying the retrived disk file to tape again. The
+# closew.CTA_retrieve workflow sets the CTA_retrieved_timestamp attribute.
+echo "Setting workflows in namespace ${instance} pod ctaeos:"
+for WORKFLOW in closew.default archived.default sync::prepare.default closew.CTA_retrieve sync::delete.default
+  echo "eos attr set sys.workflow.${WORKFLOW}=\"proto/cta:${CTA_ENDPOINT} <parent/file>\" ${CTA_WF_DIR}"
+  kubectl --namespace=${instance} exec ctaeos -- bash -c "eos attr set sys.workflow.${WORKFLOW}=\"proto/cta:${CTA_ENDPOINT} <parent/file>\" ${CTA_WF_DIR}"
 echo -n "Copying eos SSS on ctacli and client pods to allow recalls"
 kubectl --namespace=${instance} exec ctaeos cat /etc/eos.keytab | kubectl --namespace=${instance} exec -i ctacli --  bash -c "cat > /etc/eos.keytab; chmod 600 /etc/eos.keytab"
 kubectl --namespace=${instance} exec ctaeos cat /etc/eos.keytab | kubectl --namespace=${instance} exec -i client --  bash -c "cat > /etc/eos.keytab; chmod 600 /etc/eos.keytab"