From 5ca0812a173402be153b96a51f57592966de834e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Davis <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 13:11:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Makes TapePoolLsStream class a subclass of XrdCtaStream

 xroot_plugins/XrdCtaArchiveFileLs.hpp     |   2 +-
 xroot_plugins/XrdCtaFailedRequestLs.hpp   |  10 +-
 xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapeLs.hpp            |   8 +-
 xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapePoolLs.hpp        | 163 ++++++++--------------
 xroot_plugins/XrdSsiCtaRequestMessage.cpp |  12 +-
 5 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaArchiveFileLs.hpp b/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaArchiveFileLs.hpp
index dccc2cdd8d..addab744d9 100644
--- a/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaArchiveFileLs.hpp
+++ b/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaArchiveFileLs.hpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 namespace cta { namespace xrd {
- * Stream object which implements "af ls" command.
+ * Stream object which implements "archivefile ls" command.
 class ArchiveFileLsStream : public XrdCtaStream
diff --git a/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaFailedRequestLs.hpp b/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaFailedRequestLs.hpp
index d9b2a6063d..20d0228ee4 100644
--- a/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaFailedRequestLs.hpp
+++ b/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaFailedRequestLs.hpp
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ public:
    * Constructor
-   * @param[in]    requestMsg              RequestMessage containing command-line arguments
-   * @param[in]    catalogue               CTA Catalogue
-   * @param[in]    scheduler               CTA Scheduler
-   * @param[in]    schedDb                 CTA ObjectStore
-   * @param[in]    lc                      CTA Log Context
+   * @param[in]    requestMsg    RequestMessage containing command-line arguments
+   * @param[in]    catalogue     CTA Catalogue
+   * @param[in]    scheduler     CTA Scheduler
+   * @param[in]    schedDb       CTA ObjectStore
+   * @param[in]    lc            CTA Log Context
   FailedRequestLsStream(const RequestMessage &requestMsg, cta::catalogue::Catalogue &catalogue,
     cta::Scheduler &scheduler, OStoreDB &schedDb, log::LogContext &lc);
diff --git a/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapeLs.hpp b/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapeLs.hpp
index a60b201b2d..1fd378df91 100644
--- a/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapeLs.hpp
+++ b/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapeLs.hpp
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
 namespace cta { namespace xrd {
- * Stream object which implements "ta ls" command.
+ * Stream object which implements "tape ls" command
 class TapeLsStream: public XrdCtaStream{
    * Constructor
-   * @param[in]    requestMsg              RequestMessage containing command-line arguments
-   * @param[in]    catalogue               CTA Catalogue
-   * @param[in]    scheduler               CTA Scheduler
+   * @param[in]    requestMsg    RequestMessage containing command-line arguments
+   * @param[in]    catalogue     CTA Catalogue
+   * @param[in]    scheduler     CTA Scheduler
   TapeLsStream(const RequestMessage &requestMsg, cta::catalogue::Catalogue &catalogue, cta::Scheduler &scheduler);
diff --git a/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapePoolLs.hpp b/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapePoolLs.hpp
index 595d9ae96d..4cd527fd2f 100644
--- a/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapePoolLs.hpp
+++ b/xroot_plugins/XrdCtaTapePoolLs.hpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * @project        The CERN Tape Archive (CTA)
- * @brief          CTA Frontend Tape Pool Ls stream implementation
- * @copyright      Copyright 2018 CERN
+ * @brief          CTA TapePool Ls stream implementation
+ * @copyright      Copyright 2019 CERN
  * @license        This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  *                 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  *                 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
@@ -18,121 +18,82 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <XrdSsiPbOStreamBuffer.hpp>
-#include <catalogue/Catalogue.hpp>
+#include <xroot_plugins/XrdCtaStream.hpp>
+#include <xroot_plugins/XrdSsiCtaRequestMessage.hpp>
 namespace cta { namespace xrd {
- * Stream object which implements "tapepool ls" command.
+ * Stream object which implements "tapepool ls" command
-class TapePoolLsStream : public XrdSsiStream
+class TapePoolLsStream: public XrdCtaStream{
-  TapePoolLsStream(cta::catalogue::Catalogue &catalogue) :
-    XrdSsiStream(XrdSsiStream::isActive),
-    m_tapePoolList(catalogue.getTapePools())
-  {
-    XrdSsiPb::Log::Msg(XrdSsiPb::Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "TapePoolLsStream() constructor");
-  }
+  /*!
+   * Constructor
+   *
+   * @param[in]    requestMsg    RequestMessage containing command-line arguments
+   * @param[in]    catalogue     CTA Catalogue
+   * @param[in]    scheduler     CTA Scheduler
+   */
+  TapePoolLsStream(const RequestMessage &requestMsg, cta::catalogue::Catalogue &catalogue, cta::Scheduler &scheduler);
-  virtual ~TapePoolLsStream() {
-    XrdSsiPb::Log::Msg(XrdSsiPb::Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "~TapePoolLsStream() destructor");
+  /*!
+   * Can we close the stream?
+   */
+  virtual bool isDone() const {
+    return m_tapePoolList.empty();
-   * Synchronously obtain data from an active stream
-   *
-   * Active streams can only exist on the server-side. This XRootD SSI Stream class is marked as an
-   * active stream in the constructor.
-   *
-   * @param[out]       eInfo   The object to receive any error description.
-   * @param[in,out]    dlen    input:  the optimal amount of data wanted (this is a hint)
-   *                           output: the actual amount of data returned in the buffer.
-   * @param[in,out]    last    input:  should be set to false.
-   *                           output: if true it indicates that no more data remains to be returned
-   *                                   either for this call or on the next call.
-   *
-   * @return    Pointer to the Buffer object that contains a pointer to the the data (see below). The
-   *            buffer must be returned to the stream using Buffer::Recycle(). The next member is usable.
-   * @retval    0    No more data remains or an error occurred:
-   *                 last = true:  No more data remains.
-   *                 last = false: A fatal error occurred, eRef has the reason.
+   * Fill the buffer
-  virtual Buffer *GetBuff(XrdSsiErrInfo &eInfo, int &dlen, bool &last) override {
-    XrdSsiPb::Log::Msg(XrdSsiPb::Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "GetBuff(): XrdSsi buffer fill request (", dlen, " bytes)");
-    XrdSsiPb::OStreamBuffer<Data> *streambuf;
-    try {
-      if(m_tapePoolList.empty()) {
-        // Nothing more to send, close the stream
-        last = true;
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-      streambuf = new XrdSsiPb::OStreamBuffer<Data>(dlen);
-      for(bool is_buffer_full = false; !m_tapePoolList.empty() && !is_buffer_full; m_tapePoolList.pop_front())
-      {
-        Data record;
-        // TapePool
-        auto &tp      = m_tapePoolList.front();
-        auto  tp_item = record.mutable_tpls_item();
-        tp_item->set_name(;
-        tp_item->set_vo(tp.vo);
-        tp_item->set_num_tapes(tp.nbTapes);
-        tp_item->set_num_partial_tapes(tp.nbPartialTapes);
-        tp_item->set_num_physical_files(tp.nbPhysicalFiles);
-        tp_item->set_capacity_bytes(tp.capacityBytes);
-        tp_item->set_data_bytes(tp.dataBytes);
-        tp_item->set_encrypt(tp.encryption);
-        tp_item->set_supply( ? : "");
-        tp_item->mutable_created()->set_username(tp.creationLog.username);
-        tp_item->mutable_created()->set_host(;
-        tp_item->mutable_created()->set_time(tp.creationLog.time);
-        tp_item->mutable_modified()->set_username(tp.lastModificationLog.username);
-        tp_item->mutable_modified()->set_host(;
-        tp_item->mutable_modified()->set_time(tp.lastModificationLog.time);
-        tp_item->set_comment(tp.comment);
-        // is_buffer_full is set to true when we have one full block of data in the buffer, i.e.
-        // enough data to send to the client. The actual buffer size is double the block size,
-        // so we can keep writing a few additional records after is_buffer_full is true. These
-        // will be sent on the next iteration. If we exceed the hard limit of double the block
-        // size, Push() will throw an exception.
-        is_buffer_full = streambuf->Push(record);
-      }
-      dlen = streambuf->Size();
-      XrdSsiPb::Log::Msg(XrdSsiPb::Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "GetBuff(): Returning buffer with ", dlen, " bytes of data.");
-    } catch(cta::exception::Exception &ex) {
-      std::ostringstream errMsg;
-      errMsg << __FUNCTION__ << " failed: Caught CTA exception: " << ex.what();
-      eInfo.Set(errMsg.str().c_str(), ECANCELED);
-      delete streambuf;
-    } catch(std::exception &ex) {
-      std::ostringstream errMsg;
-      errMsg << __FUNCTION__ << " failed: " << ex.what();
-      eInfo.Set(errMsg.str().c_str(), ECANCELED);
-      delete streambuf;
-    } catch(...) {
-      std::ostringstream errMsg;
-      errMsg << __FUNCTION__ << " failed: Caught an unknown exception";
-      eInfo.Set(errMsg.str().c_str(), ECANCELED);
-      delete streambuf;
-    }
-    return streambuf;
-  }
+  virtual int fillBuffer(XrdSsiPb::OStreamBuffer<Data> *streambuf);
   std::list<cta::catalogue::TapePool> m_tapePoolList;                     //!< List of tape pools from the catalogue
   static constexpr const char* const LOG_SUFFIX  = "TapePoolLsStream";    //!< Identifier for log messages
+TapePoolLsStream::TapePoolLsStream(const RequestMessage &requestMsg, cta::catalogue::Catalogue &catalogue, cta::Scheduler &scheduler) :
+  XrdCtaStream(catalogue, scheduler),
+  m_tapePoolList(catalogue.getTapePools())
+  using namespace cta::admin;
+  XrdSsiPb::Log::Msg(XrdSsiPb::Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "TapePoolLsStream() constructor");
+int TapePoolLsStream::fillBuffer(XrdSsiPb::OStreamBuffer<Data> *streambuf) {
+  for(bool is_buffer_full = false; !m_tapePoolList.empty() && !is_buffer_full; m_tapePoolList.pop_front()) {
+    Data record;
+    // TapePool
+    auto &tp      = m_tapePoolList.front();
+    auto  tp_item = record.mutable_tpls_item();
+    tp_item->set_name(;
+    tp_item->set_vo(tp.vo);
+    tp_item->set_num_tapes(tp.nbTapes);
+    tp_item->set_num_partial_tapes(tp.nbPartialTapes);
+    tp_item->set_num_physical_files(tp.nbPhysicalFiles);
+    tp_item->set_capacity_bytes(tp.capacityBytes);
+    tp_item->set_data_bytes(tp.dataBytes);
+    tp_item->set_encrypt(tp.encryption);
+    tp_item->set_supply( ? : "");
+    tp_item->mutable_created()->set_username(tp.creationLog.username);
+    tp_item->mutable_created()->set_host(;
+    tp_item->mutable_created()->set_time(tp.creationLog.time);
+    tp_item->mutable_modified()->set_username(tp.lastModificationLog.username);
+    tp_item->mutable_modified()->set_host(;
+    tp_item->mutable_modified()->set_time(tp.lastModificationLog.time);
+    tp_item->set_comment(tp.comment);
+    is_buffer_full = streambuf->Push(record);
+  }
+  return streambuf->Size();
 }} // namespace cta::xrd
diff --git a/xroot_plugins/XrdSsiCtaRequestMessage.cpp b/xroot_plugins/XrdSsiCtaRequestMessage.cpp
index 242079947e..fa2729517d 100644
--- a/xroot_plugins/XrdSsiCtaRequestMessage.cpp
+++ b/xroot_plugins/XrdSsiCtaRequestMessage.cpp
@@ -1871,15 +1871,15 @@ void RequestMessage::processTapePool_Rm(const cta::admin::AdminCmd &admincmd, ct
 void RequestMessage::processTapePool_Ls(const cta::admin::AdminCmd &admincmd, cta::xrd::Response &response, XrdSsiStream* &stream)
-   using namespace cta::admin;
+  using namespace cta::admin;
-   // Create a XrdSsi stream object to return the results
-   stream = new TapePoolLsStream(m_catalogue);
+  // Create a XrdSsi stream object to return the results
+  stream = new TapePoolLsStream(*this, m_catalogue, m_scheduler);
-   // Should the client display column headers?
-   if(has_flag(OptionBoolean::SHOW_HEADER)) response.set_show_header(HeaderType::TAPEPOOL_LS);
+  // Should the client display column headers?
+  if(has_flag(OptionBoolean::SHOW_HEADER)) response.set_show_header(HeaderType::TAPEPOOL_LS);
-   response.set_type(cta::xrd::Response::RSP_SUCCESS);
+  response.set_type(cta::xrd::Response::RSP_SUCCESS);