From 4903ee74203c3a29fb14d718bcdf9c353a802cb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joao Afonso <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 12:34:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Do not retry during repack requests

---                 |   1 +
 objectstore/RetrieveRequest.cpp |  26 ++++--
 scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp     | 142 ++++++++------------------------
 3 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index ec0ff572dc..a4b94e8b22 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 - cta/CTA#239 - Add improvments to the cta-change-storage-class tool
 - cta/CTA#248 - Clean up output from cta-readtp
 - cta/CTA#251 - Increase free drive STALE threshold to 4 hours
+- cta/CTA#218 - Do not retry during repack requests
 ### Bug Fixes
 - cta/CTA#234 - Replace stoi with toUint64 in standalone cli tool
 - cta/CTA#238 - Compilation fails when using cta::common::Configuration::getConfEntInt(...)
diff --git a/objectstore/RetrieveRequest.cpp b/objectstore/RetrieveRequest.cpp
index 87e57e9d24..9246087f78 100644
--- a/objectstore/RetrieveRequest.cpp
+++ b/objectstore/RetrieveRequest.cpp
@@ -522,16 +522,24 @@ void RetrieveRequest::setRetrieveFileQueueCriteria(const cta::common::dataStruct
-     * Explaination about these hardcoded retries :
-     * The hardcoded RetriesWithinMount will ensure that we will try to retrieve the file 3 times
-     * in the same mount.
-     * The hardcoded TotalRetries ensure that we will never try more than 6 times to retrieve a file.
-     * As totalretries = 6 and retrieswithinmount = 3, this will ensure that the file will be retried by maximum 2 mounts.
-     * (2 mounts * 3 retrieswithinmount = 6 totalretries)
+     * Explanation about these hardcoded retries :
+     *
+     * For user requests:
+     *   - The hardcoded RetriesWithinMount will ensure that we will try to retrieve the file 3 times in the same mount.
+     *   - The hardcoded TotalRetries ensure that we will never try more than 6 times to retrieve a file.
+     *   - As totalretries = 6 and retrieswithinmount = 3, this will ensure that the file will be retried by maximum 2 mounts.
+     *   (2 mounts * 3 retrieswithinmount = 6 totalretries)
+     *
+     * For repack requests:
+     *   - The hardcoded RetriesWithinMount is 1 to ensure that we will only try to retrieve the file 1 time in a mount.
+     *   - The hardcoded TotalRetries is also 1 to ensure that we do not retry the retrieve in a different mount.
+     *   - As totalretries = 1 and retrieswithinmount = 1, this will ensure that the file will be retried by maximum 1 mount.
+     *   (1 mounts * 1 retrieswithinmount = 1 totalretries)
-    const uint32_t hardcodedRetriesWithinMount = 3;
-    const uint32_t hardcodedTotalRetries = 6;
-    const uint32_t hardcodedReportRetries = 2;
+    bool isRepack = getRepackInfo().isRepack;
+    const uint32_t hardcodedRetriesWithinMount = isRepack ? 1 : 3;
+    const uint32_t hardcodedTotalRetries       = isRepack ? 1 : 6;
+    const uint32_t hardcodedReportRetries      = 2;
     addJob(tf.copyNb, hardcodedRetriesWithinMount, hardcodedTotalRetries, hardcodedReportRetries);
diff --git a/scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp b/scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp
index 6189cfc9d4..9efdc742b9 100644
--- a/scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp
+++ b/scheduler/SchedulerTest.cpp
@@ -2663,81 +2663,48 @@ TEST_P(SchedulerTest, expandRepackRequestRetrieveFailed) {
-      for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
-        std::unique_ptr<cta::TapeMount> mount;
-        mount.reset(scheduler.getNextMount(s_libraryName, driveName, lc).release());
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, mount.get());
-        ASSERT_EQ(cta::common::dataStructures::MountType::Retrieve, mount.get()->getMountType());
-        std::unique_ptr<cta::RetrieveMount> retrieveMount;
-        retrieveMount.reset(dynamic_cast<cta::RetrieveMount*>(mount.release()));
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, retrieveMount.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<cta::RetrieveJob> retrieveJob;
-        //For each tape we will see if the retrieve jobs are not null
-        auto jobBatch = retrieveMount->getNextJobBatch(1,archiveFileSize,lc);
-        retrieveJob.reset(jobBatch.front().release());
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, retrieveJob.get());
-        castor::tape::tapeserver::daemon::RecallReportPacker rrp(retrieveMount.get(),lc);
-        rrp.startThreads();
-        rrp.reportFailedJob(std::move(retrieveJob),cta::exception::Exception("FailedJob for unit test expandRepackRequestFailedRetrieve"), lc);
-        rrp.setDiskDone();
-        rrp.setTapeDone();
-        rrp.reportDriveStatus(cta::common::dataStructures::DriveStatus::Unmounting, std::nullopt, lc);
-        rrp.reportEndOfSession(lc);
-        rrp.waitThread();
-        ASSERT_EQ(rrp.allThreadsDone(),true);
-      }
-      {
-        //Verify that the job is in the RetrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure
-        cta::objectstore::RootEntry re(backend);
-        cta::objectstore::ScopedExclusiveLock sel(re);
-        re.fetch();
+      //Verify that the job is in the RetrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure
+      cta::objectstore::RootEntry re(backend);
+      cta::objectstore::ScopedExclusiveLock sel(re);
+      re.fetch();
-        //Get the retrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure
-        // The queue is named after the repack request: we need to query the repack index
-        objectstore::RepackIndex ri(re.getRepackIndexAddress(), schedulerDB.getBackend());
-        ri.fetchNoLock();
+      //Get the retrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure
+      // The queue is named after the repack request: we need to query the repack index
+      objectstore::RepackIndex ri(re.getRepackIndexAddress(), schedulerDB.getBackend());
+      ri.fetchNoLock();
-        std::string retrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailureAddress = re.getRetrieveQueueAddress(ri.getRepackRequestAddress(vid),JobQueueType::JobsToReportToRepackForFailure);
-        cta::objectstore::RetrieveQueue rq(retrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailureAddress,backend);
+      std::string retrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailureAddress = re.getRetrieveQueueAddress(ri.getRepackRequestAddress(vid),JobQueueType::JobsToReportToRepackForFailure);
+      cta::objectstore::RetrieveQueue rq(retrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailureAddress,backend);
-        //Fetch the queue so that we can get the retrieveRequests from it
-        cta::objectstore::ScopedExclusiveLock rql(rq);
-        rq.fetch();
+      //Fetch the queue so that we can get the retrieveRequests from it
+      cta::objectstore::ScopedExclusiveLock rql(rq);
+      rq.fetch();
-        ASSERT_EQ(rq.dumpJobs().size(),1);
-        for(auto& job: rq.dumpJobs()){
-          ASSERT_EQ(1,job.copyNb);
-          ASSERT_EQ(archiveFileSize,job.size);
-        }
+      ASSERT_EQ(rq.dumpJobs().size(),1);
+      for(auto& job: rq.dumpJobs()){
+        ASSERT_EQ(1,job.copyNb);
+        ASSERT_EQ(archiveFileSize,job.size);
+    }
-      {
-        Scheduler::RepackReportBatch reports = scheduler.getNextRepackReportBatch(lc);
-        reports = scheduler.getNextRepackReportBatch(lc);
-      }
-      {
-        //After the reporting, the RetrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure should not exist anymore.
-        cta::objectstore::RootEntry re(backend);
-        cta::objectstore::ScopedExclusiveLock sel(re);
-        re.fetch();
+    {
+      Scheduler::RepackReportBatch reports = scheduler.getNextRepackReportBatch(lc);
+      reports = scheduler.getNextRepackReportBatch(lc);
+    }
+    {
+      //After the reporting, the RetrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure should not exist anymore.
+      cta::objectstore::RootEntry re(backend);
+      cta::objectstore::ScopedExclusiveLock sel(re);
+      re.fetch();
-        //Get the retrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure
-        // The queue is named after the repack request: we need to query the repack index
-        objectstore::RepackIndex ri(re.getRepackIndexAddress(), schedulerDB.getBackend());
-        ri.fetchNoLock();
+      //Get the retrieveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure
+      // The queue is named after the repack request: we need to query the repack index
+      objectstore::RepackIndex ri(re.getRepackIndexAddress(), schedulerDB.getBackend());
+      ri.fetchNoLock();
-        ASSERT_THROW(re.getRetrieveQueueAddress(ri.getRepackRequestAddress(vid),JobQueueType::JobsToReportToRepackForFailure),cta::exception::Exception);
-      }
+      ASSERT_THROW(re.getRetrieveQueueAddress(ri.getRepackRequestAddress(vid),JobQueueType::JobsToReportToRepackForFailure),cta::exception::Exception);
@@ -3225,47 +3192,6 @@ TEST_P(SchedulerTest, expandRepackRequestArchiveFailed) {
-    for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
-      {
-        //The failed job should be queued into the ArchiveQueueToTransferForRepack
-        cta::objectstore::RootEntry re(backend);
-        re.fetchNoLock();
-        std::string archiveQueueToTransferForRepackAddress = re.getArchiveQueueAddress(s_tapePoolName,JobQueueType::JobsToTransferForRepack);
-        cta::objectstore::ArchiveQueue aq(archiveQueueToTransferForRepackAddress,backend);
-        aq.fetchNoLock();
-        for(auto &job: aq.dumpJobs()){
-          ASSERT_EQ(1,job.copyNb);
-          ASSERT_EQ(archiveFileSize,job.size);
-        }
-      }
-      std::unique_ptr<cta::TapeMount> mount;
-      mount.reset(scheduler.getNextMount(s_libraryName, driveName, lc).release());
-      ASSERT_NE(nullptr, mount.get());
-      ASSERT_EQ(cta::common::dataStructures::MountType::ArchiveForRepack, mount.get()->getMountType());
-      std::unique_ptr<cta::ArchiveMount> archiveMount;
-      archiveMount.reset(dynamic_cast<cta::ArchiveMount*>(mount.release()));
-      ASSERT_NE(nullptr, archiveMount.get());
-      std::unique_ptr<cta::ArchiveJob> archiveJob;
-      auto jobBatch = archiveMount->getNextJobBatch(1,archiveFileSize,lc);
-      archiveJob.reset(jobBatch.front().release());
-      ASSERT_NE(nullptr, archiveJob.get());
-      castor::tape::tapeserver::daemon::MigrationReportPacker mrp(archiveMount.get(),lc);
-      mrp.startThreads();
-      mrp.reportFailedJob(std::move(archiveJob),cta::exception::Exception("FailedJob expandRepackRequestFailedArchive"),lc);
-      castor::tape::tapeserver::drive::compressionStats compressStats;
-      mrp.reportFlush(compressStats,lc);
-      mrp.reportEndOfSession(lc);
-      mrp.reportTestGoingToEnd(lc);
-      mrp.waitThread();
-    }
     //Test that the failed job is queued in the ArchiveQueueToReportToRepackForFailure
       cta::objectstore::RootEntry re(backend);