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  • Eric Cano's avatar
    Finished the support of partial compilation and packaging in cmake. · c369c3c2
    Eric Cano authored
     The full set of packages can be compiled straight with the following sequence:
       rm -rf ../build/; mkdir ../build; (cd ../build/; cmake ../castor-git/ ); make -C ../build/ castor_rpm
     The client packages can also be build directly by adding an option at cmake time:
       rm -rf ../build/; mkdir ../build; (cd ../build/; cmake -DCOMPILE_SERVER:STRING=0 ../castor-git/ ); make -C ../build/ castor_rpm
     Finally, one can use the srpm as a first step, and use the TeamCity compatible rpmbuild switch "clientonly":
       rm -rf ../build/; mkdir ../build; (cd ../build/; cmake ../castor-git/ ); make -C ../build/ castor_srpm
       buildtree=`mktemp -d`; mkdir -p ${buildtree}/{RPMS/{i386,i586,i686,x86_64},SPECS,BUILD,SOURCES,SRPMS};
       rpmbuild --define "_topdir ${buildtree}" --define "clientonly 1" --rebuild ../build/RPM/SRPMS/castor-2.1.14-4.el6.src.rpm