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  • Eric Cano's avatar
    Reworked ArchiveRequest jobs lifecycles. · 391ca9a8
    Eric Cano authored
    Changed the lifecycle of the ArchiveRequest to handle the various
    combinations of several jobs and their respective success/failures.
    Most notably, the request now holds a reportdecided boolan, which
    is set when decing to report. This happens when failing to archive
    one copy (first failure), or when all copies are transferred (success
    for all copies).
    Added support for in-mount retries. On falure, the job will be
    requeued (with a chance to pick it up again) in the same session
    if sane session retries are not exceeded. Otherwise, the job is
    left owned by the session, to be picked up by the garbage collector
    at tape unmount.
    Made disk reporter generic, dealing with both success and failure.
    Improved mount policy support fir queueing.
    Expanded information avaible in popped element from archive queues.
    Added optional parameters to ArchiveRequest::asyncUpdateJobOwner() to
    cover various cases.
    Updated the archive job statuses.
    Clarified naming of functions (transfer/report failure instead of bare
    Updated garbage collector for new archive job statuses.
    Added support for report retries and batch reporting in the scheduler
    Updated obsolete wording in MigrationReportPacker log messages and error