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C++: Add Observatory, a first logging UI

Simon Spannagel requested to merge observatory into main

This adds Observatory, a first Qt GUI for receiving log messages, filtering them etc. Current features comprise:

  • Changing global subscription level (all satellites, all topics)
  • Filtering by level, sender, topic, message content (regex)
  • Settings are stored and retrieved upon startup




A few things are still open:

  • We need to look into this subscription thing, I get erratic results sometimes and don't understand why
  • Some UI improvements such as number of connected peers (rename from satellites...), requires upstream changes
  • Possibility to change logging per satellite
  • Possibility to store to file? Could come later.
  • Some performance review - storing all in a vector doesn't seem to be too scalable, maybe limit length?
  • Code cleanup, documenting it
  • Documentation

Based on !413 (merged)

PS: this follows the design drawn up at the 2nd EDDA hackathon:


Edited by Simon Spannagel

Merge request reports
