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New MINOR release 01.01.00

Changes since 01.00.00:

This is mostly a bug fix release.

- fixed copying / assigning default-constructed future_queues
- implement proper shutdown procedure for internal threads of async continuations and when_all()
- fixed running wait_any() on continued queues which already contain data
- add push_overwrite_exception() function
- make sure the exception is set to nullptr if writing a normal value
- make push_overwrite() work in multi-producer environments
- fixed when_any() in combination with continuations
- disable some versions of push/pop for non-copyable types, to prevent compiler failures
- added front() function which is non-const and returns a non-const reference to the front element
- allow continuations to swap buffers with the queue
- fixed continuations with void data types
- fixed a memory leak

- added missing inline keywords to the non-template header-only implementations
- fixed install location of header files
- fixed/completed tests
- improved documentation