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New PATCH release 01.04.01

 *   partial fix for #9836

     This fixes that cleared error codes appear in DOOCS history where error
     is not yet cleared.
     It is only a partial fix since the history still contains more data than
     was intended; intended was only first invalid data point

 *   do not send out identical time stamps on the same property (#67)

     Identical time stamps are considered to have identical data when DOOCS checks for inconsistencies on silent ZeroMQ connections. If on the same property new data is set without changing the VersionNumber, the timestamp will now be altered by 1 microsecond.

     This is more like a temporary work around. A feature request to DOOCS should be made to introduce a distinction between a "server timestamp" and a "source timestamp" like it is realised in OPC UA.

 *   fix headers not being shown in QtCreator