####################################################################################################################### # set_control_system_adapter.cmake # # Set the ControlSystemAdapter for a ApplicationCore server # # Expects the following input variable: # ADAPTER - String specifiing the adapter, either DOOCS, OPCUA or EPICSIOC # # This macro will add the selected adapter as a dependency and set the following variables: # # Adapter_LINK_FLAGS - Link flags provided by the adapter library # Adapter_LIBRARIES - Libraries that are dependencies of the adapter # ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # IMPORTANT NOTE: # # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE inside a project. Instead update the project-template repository and pull the change from # there. Make sure to keep the file generic, since it will be used by other projects, too. # # If you have modified this file inside a project despite this warning, make sure to cherry-pick all your changes # into the project-template repository immediately. # ####################################################################################################################### # Select control system adapter if(ADAPTER STREQUAL "OPCUA") message("Building against the OPC UA ControlSystemAdater") find_package(ChimeraTK-ControlSystemAdapter-OPCUAAdapter 03.00 REQUIRED) add_library(ChimeraTK::SelectedAdapter ALIAS ChimeraTK::ChimeraTK-ControlSystemAdapter-OPCUAAdapter) elseif(ADAPTER STREQUAL "DOOCS") message("Building against the DOOCS ControlSystemAdater") find_package(ChimeraTK-ControlSystemAdapter-DoocsAdapter 01.08 REQUIRED) add_library(ChimeraTK::SelectedAdapter ALIAS ChimeraTK::ChimeraTK-ControlSystemAdapter-DoocsAdapter) elseif(ADAPTER STREQUAL "EPICSIOC") message("Building against the EPICS IOC ControlSystemAdater") find_package(ChimeraTK-ControlSystemAdapter-EPICS-IOC-Adapter 02.00 REQUIRED) add_library(ChimeraTK::SelectedAdapter ALIAS ChimeraTK::ChimeraTK-ControlSystemAdapter-EPICS-IOC-Adapter) elseif(ADAPTER STREQUAL "EPICS7IOC") message("Building against the EPICS ver. 7.0 IOC ControlSystemAdater") find_package(ChimeraTK-ControlSystemAdapter-EPICS7-IOC-Adapter 02.00 REQUIRED) add_library(ChimeraTK::SelectedAdapter ALIAS ChimeraTK::ChimeraTK-ControlSystemAdapter-EPICS7-IOC-Adapter) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Please select your ControlSystemAdapter to use by passing to the cmake command line:\n" " -DADAPTER=DOOCS to build a DOOCS server\n" " -DADAPTER=OPCUA to build an OPC UA server\n" " -DADAPTER=EPICSIOC to build an EPICS ver. 3.16 IOC\n" " -DADAPTER=EPICS7IOC to build an EPICS ver. 7.0 IOC") endif()