diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index e962d6f1aaeb8f20cffeafa1f75af167f708cb7e..6b0303b2fa28e026536cea80698da90aef55a68a 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ if(TESTING_IS_ENABLED)
   file(GLOB XML_FILES variable  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/variableTreeXml/*.xml)
   #The make coverage command is only available in debug mode
     configure_file(cmake/Makefile.coverage.in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Makefile.coverage @ONLY)
diff --git a/src/CSAdapterEqFct.cc b/src/CSAdapterEqFct.cc
index a8dedd0b54e7035664df99e27efb2f58dd6cf4c5..f416a0550cbccb060a7f3b269f6ea05fa5892384 100644
--- a/src/CSAdapterEqFct.cc
+++ b/src/CSAdapterEqFct.cc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include "CSAdapterEqFct.h"
 #include "DoocsPVFactory.h"
-#include "splitStringAtFirstSlash.h"
+#include "VariableMapper.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK{
@@ -46,40 +46,20 @@ namespace ChimeraTK{
     // We only need the factory inside this function
     DoocsPVFactory factory(this, syncUtility_);
-    auto processVariablesInThisLocation = getProcessVariablesInThisLocation();
-    doocsProperties_.reserve( processVariablesInThisLocation.size() );
+    auto mappingForThisLocation = VariableMapper::getInstance().getPropertiesInLocation(fct_name());
+    doocsProperties_.reserve( mappingForThisLocation.size() );
-    // now create the doocs properties using the factory
-    for( auto chimeraTKVariable : processVariablesInThisLocation ){
-      doocsProperties_.push_back( factory.create( chimeraTKVariable ) );
-      // we also have to remember which chimeraTK variables we have to receive
-      if ( chimeraTKVariable->isReadable() ){
-	chimeraTKReceivers_.push_back(chimeraTKVariable);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  std::vector < ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable::SharedPtr >
-    CSAdapterEqFct::getProcessVariablesInThisLocation(){
-    std::vector < ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable::SharedPtr > pvsInThisLocation;
-    auto allPVs = controlSystemPVManager_->getAllProcessVariables();
+    for (auto & pvNameAndPropertyDescrition : mappingForThisLocation){
+      auto pvName = pvNameAndPropertyDescrition.first;
+      // we just need the pv name, not the description yet. The factory does that for us.
+      auto chimeraTkVariable = controlSystemPVManager_->getProcessVariable(pvName);
-    for (auto pv : allPVs){
-      auto locationAndName = splitStringAtFirstSlash( pv->getName() );
-      if ( locationAndName.first == fct_name() ){
-	pvsInThisLocation.push_back( pv );
-      }else if(locationAndName.first == "" && emptyLocationVariablesHandled == false) {
-	pvsInThisLocation.push_back( pv );
+      doocsProperties_.push_back( factory.create( chimeraTkVariable ) );
+      // we also have to remember which chimeraTK variables we have to receive
+      if ( chimeraTkVariable->isReadable() ){
+	chimeraTKReceivers_.push_back(chimeraTkVariable);
-    // the first location to run this function is getting the PVs with empty location name
-    emptyLocationVariablesHandled = true;
-    return pvsInThisLocation;
 }// namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/tests/EqFctTest.xml b/tests/EqFctTest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fc0a3eb84ec39bf23c90cbfa095e9503319b3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/EqFctTest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<device_server xmlns="https://github.com/ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter-DoocsAdapter">
+  <location name="test.TO_DEVICE">
+    <property source="/test/TO_DEVICE/INT" name="INT"/>
+  </location>
+  <location name="test.FROM_DEVICE">
+    <property source="/test/FROM_DEVICE/INT" name="INT"/>
+  </location>
diff --git a/tests/src/testCSAdapterEqFct.cpp b/tests/src/testCSAdapterEqFct.cpp
index ccc811f0e29406e296e9f219bdfede6d5577d4b2..e3959f15852b04a49be8158e9aadcb86fceea5c0 100644
--- a/tests/src/testCSAdapterEqFct.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/testCSAdapterEqFct.cpp
@@ -95,4 +95,36 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testCSAdapterEqFct ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( doocsProperties["FROM_DEVICE.INT "]->value(), 15);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testWithMapping ) {
+  // This test is a bit redundant because the mapping is tested separately. Just to see that it
+  // works after integration.
+  // This is basically a stripped down copy of the test before, so we leave out all comments
+  // and just comment what is different.
+  DoocsAdapter doocsAdapter;
+  BusinessLogic businessLogic( doocsAdapter.getDevicePVManager() );
+  // Initialse the mapping with an xml file.
+  auto csManager = doocsAdapter.getControlSystemPVManager();
+  VariableMapper::getInstance().prepareOutput( "EqFctTest.xml", getAllVariableNames(csManager ) );
+// in the mapping two locations are created
+  TestableCSAdapterEqFct toDeviceEqFct(42, csManager, "test.TO_DEVICE");
+  TestableCSAdapterEqFct fromDeviceEqFct(42, csManager, "test.FROM_DEVICE");
+  BOOST_REQUIRE( toDeviceEqFct.getDoocsProperties().size() == 1 );
+  BOOST_REQUIRE( fromDeviceEqFct.getDoocsProperties().size() == 1 );
+  // extract the two properties and check the name
+  std::map< std::string, D_int *> doocsProperties;
+  // both properties are called int, but are in different locations
+  D_int *doocsInt = dynamic_cast<D_int*>(toDeviceEqFct.getDoocsProperties()[0].get());
+  BOOST_REQUIRE( std::string(doocsInt->property_name()) == "INT ");
+  doocsInt = dynamic_cast<D_int*>(fromDeviceEqFct.getDoocsProperties()[0].get());
+  BOOST_REQUIRE( std::string(doocsInt->property_name()) == "INT ");