diff --git a/tests/include/serverBasedTestTools.h b/tests/include/serverBasedTestTools.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e73fd61e9850a7edd12c239176fb7e2d27c00472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/include/serverBasedTestTools.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include <eq_fct.h>
+#include "basenameFromAddress.h"
+// these constants don't exist in DOOCS, although they should. We define them here for better code readability
+static const int ACCESS_RO = 0; // read only
+static const int ACCESS_RW = 1; // read/write
+template<class DOOCS_T>
+void checkHistory(DOOCS_T * property, bool expected_has_history){
+  bool has_history = property->get_histPointer();
+  BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( has_history == expected_has_history, "History on/off wrong for "+ property->basename() +". Should be " + (expected_has_history?"true":"false"));
+void checkHistory(D_spectrum * /*property*/, bool){
+  // nothing to do, spectra don't have history
+template<class DOOCS_T>
+void checkDoocsProperty(std::string const & propertyAddress, bool expected_has_history =  true, bool expected_is_writeable =true){
+  // copied from DoocsServerTestHelper::doocsGet
+  EqAdr ad;
+  EqData ed, res;
+  // obtain location pointer
+  ad.adr(propertyAddress.c_str());
+  EqFct *eqFct = eq_get(&ad);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE( eqFct, "Could not get location for property "+propertyAddress);
+  auto propertyName = ChimeraTK::basenameFromAddress(propertyAddress);
+  DOOCS_T * property = dynamic_cast<DOOCS_T *>(eqFct->find_property(propertyName));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(property, "Could not find property " + propertyName + " (address "<< propertyAddress <<"), or property has unexpected type.");
+  checkHistory(property, expected_has_history);
+  std::stringstream errorMessage;
+  errorMessage << "Access rights not correct for '" << propertyAddress << "': access word is "
+               << property->get_access() << ", expected " << (expected_is_writeable?ACCESS_RW:ACCESS_RO);
+  if (expected_is_writeable){
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( property->get_access() == ACCESS_RW , errorMessage.str());
+  }else{
+    BOOST_CHECK( property->get_access() == ACCESS_RO );    
+  }